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How to Make Red Espresso Tea an Antioxidant Rich Rooibos Tea

Updated on November 3, 2019

Enjoy your favorite Rooibos tea in a brand new way - Espresso style!

Red espresso tea or rooibos espresso is a tantalizing tea sensation that is making it's way around the world. Rooibos tea originated in South Africa and has been used for some time in making red tea espressos and red tea lattes.

Recently a company has patented the name Red Espresso and has developed a grind of concentrated rooibos tea that works perfectly for all types of espresso machines, as well as a line of signature red espresso drinks that are certainly tea-licious!

I will be providing information on how to make the best red tea espresso, what machines or processes work the best, as well as some fine varieties of rooibos teas to try (and buy) for making your own red espresso tea. Come back often to discover the latest secrets to making a fantastic red espresso tea! Welcome and Enjoy!

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Have you tried Red Espresso tea? Soon to be a favorite tea drink even for non tea lovers!

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Rooibos Tea, USDA Certified Organic Tea, MY RED TEA. Tagless South African, 100% Pure, Single Origin, Natural, Farmer Friendly, GMO and Caffeine Free (80)
Rooibos Tea, USDA Certified Organic Tea, MY RED TEA. Tagless South African, 100% Pure, Single Origin, Natural, Farmer Friendly, GMO and Caffeine Free (80)
My first preference in teas is to find an organic version because it is better for me and the environment (yeah I'm an eco geek). This Organic Rooibos is a good choice because the price is actually much cheaper than other organic Rooibos and the flavor is rich and smooth. As an added benefit 10% of "My Red Tea's" profits support education in their Rooibos farming communities. It feels good to support the livelihood of the wonderful farmers who put a lot of effort into giving us this lovely non GMO tea.

Rooibos Tea Facts:

Much more than great taste!

•Rooibos (pronounced roy-boss) only grows in one region in the world - the 110km region around the Cederberg Mountains north of Cape Town South Africa.

•Rooibos is caffeine-free; free of oxalic acid, colorants, and preservatives - 100% organic; low in tannin, replenishes iron, boosts the immune system, and is very high in anti-oxidants.

•Research has shown that the espresso form of rooibos is four times richer in anti-oxidants because of the grinding process in an espresso machine.

Cederberg Range, South Africa
Cederberg Range, South Africa

Loose Leaf Rooibos Tea for Tea Espresso - try making your own rooibos tea espresso!

Red Espresso is a patented pre-ground rooibos tea, but really you can use any loose leaf rooibos tea to make a tea espresso. People have been experimenting with tea espressos for years. You can use loose leaf rooibos tea or try to grind the leaves using an espresso grinder. Just brew it like you would any espresso and start making your own rooibos espresso drinks!

Try the featured rooibos tea below or experiment with your own favorite brand. Have fun, good luck and enjoy!

Davidson's Organics, South African Green Rooibos, Loose Leaf Tea, 16-Ounce Bag
Davidson's Organics, South African Green Rooibos, Loose Leaf Tea, 16-Ounce Bag
If you like the traditional taste of tea you might like to start with a green rooibos. The flavor is a bit milder more like a green tea. This organic variety is also Kosher so you know they have to adhere to strict quality standards. Davidson's Teas is a third generation tea company that has been perfecting the art of tea for over 40 years. I haven't been drinking this brand for quite that long but it is one of my favorite green rooibos teas. The smooth taste goes well with a rich whole milk froth. Another thing you will notice about this tea brand is the packaging. No frills bulk tea in an air tight Eco-friednly package. Just the way I like it.

How to make Red Espresso tea

The basis for all espresso tea drinks is the double shot - here are a couple ways to make that espresso shot with various machines.

  1. Espresso Machine:

    First, make sure your espresso machine is clean - coffee flavored tea is not the sensation we are going for here trust me.

    Second, scoop 2 tablespoons (12g) of Red Espresso or your own ground rooibos into the double filter basket.

    Third, Express a double shot - this is the basis for your espresso tea drink! Kapow, just like that!

    Red Espresso Brewing Tips:

    - Do not tamp. Just level.

    - Pre-infuse by wetting the grounds and wait ~15 seconds before brewing.

  2. French Press:

    First, again make sure your French press is clean - espresso tea yum, tea/coffee not so yum.

    Second, scoop 2 tablespoons (12g) per cup of Red Espresso or your own rooibos into the cylinder.

    Third, fill the cylinder with hot water (just under boiling for best results).

    Forth, stir gently and set the french press on top of the cylinder without pushing down to retain the heat.

    Fifth, allow the rooibos to brew for a few minutes, and then press down the french press slowly. Presto-chango you are ready to make your drink!

More Information on Red Tea Espresso - satisfy your curiosity about rooibos espresso

If you have an espresso grinder you can make your own red tea espresso - for best results use a burr grinder so the tea is ground uniformly.

triniTEA Electric Tea Maker
triniTEA Electric Tea Maker

Adagio Teas triniTEA Electric Tea Maker

Adagio Teas triniTEA Electric Tea Maker - This is the perfect tea maker for tea espresso drinks! A simple way to make loose tea or rooibos! Adagio Teas electric tea maker is the way to go. No need to have multiple tea making devices. This baby does it all - heats water, steeps leaves, and keeps tea warm to enjoy all day long. Variable timer and temperature control lets you adjust the strength of an infusion, ensuring a perfect cup of tea each time. Works well with all tea varieties.

And you know what? I'll tell you what, with this fine tea maker you can use any style of tea in your tea espresso! Just set your timer for the strength of your choice and kapow - minutes later you mix your tea latte and enjoy one heck of a tasty treat! See the video below for some great espresso tea ideas.

As always I welcome your thoughts, ideas and input. Take a bit of time and write up a hey ho how's it going. And while you're at it what is your favorite Red Espresso drink?

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© 2008 Rusty Quill


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