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8 Missing Wars from the Call of Duty Franchise

Updated on April 25, 2015

I am a visionary. I will breathe fresh new life in the Call of Duty franchise. I’ve only played four COD games and just the single player missions which of course gives me the expertise, insight, and authority on what should be done to improve these games.

Like Marvel movies, there is a new Call of Duty every year. It started with the ever popular World War II setting, with the first three focusing on the Western Front and World at War showcasing the Eastern and Pacific Fronts. The last one I played, Black Ops, delved into Vietnam. The current versions, like Modern Warfare and Advanced Warfare are set in fictionalized versions of current conflicts, so lots of Middle Eastern and Russian settings. But what about other wars? You know there’s something called the History Channel and Wikipedia, don’t you Activision? So I have taken it upon myself to present Call of Duty games set in other conflicts in American history. Because that’s how we do it here. AMERICA!

1. Call of Duty: Sons of Liberty


“Colonial Uprising” is also an acceptable subtitle. What better place to start than the war that birthed our great nation, the American Revolution (1775-1783)? We love an underdog, and it was a ragtag group of militias that banded together to defeat the most powerful military in the world at the time. Picture it: dramatic cutscenes chronicling the ride of Paul Revere, the Boston Massacre and the struggle at Valley Forge. Sure the weapons used are really slow to load, but those British sure are easy targets in their bright red uniforms! This would be a great intro cut scene, too, with some tweaks of course. USA!!

2. Call of Duty 1812: The British Strike Back


Yeah, the title is a bit awkward, but the War of 1812 (1812-1815) doesn’t get as much coverage as its more popular prequel. Basically because it boils down to these tidbits: we wanted to expand our territory, the British would have none of it, Washington DC gets burned in the process, lots of Indian tribes on both sides get slaughtered and lose territory, and after future president Andrew Jackson led the Battle of New Orleans to force the withdrawal of the British, it pretty much ends in a stalemate. Why would this be a good Call of Duty game again? Because it inspired the Star Spangled Banner, that’s why!

3. Call of Duty: Manifest Destiny


The Mexican-American War (1846-1847) was yet another muskets and cannons conflict, and in the end we netted Texas and what is present day California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, western Colorado, and southwestern Wyoming from Mexico. This is a Call of Duty that is sure to rile some heated passions about disputed territories, immigration, political correctness, as well as alienate a large hunk of the gaming audience. But hey, sometimes you have to take that risk for Manifest Destiny! Westward ho!

4. Call of Duty: Brother Against Brother


The American Civil War (1861-1865): the bloodiest conflict in the history of the country with about 625,000 dead. It’s just what the doctor ordered for a Call of Duty game! Divided on the issue of slavery, economics, and state’s rights, the agricultural South tried to secede from the industrial North and went to war. Take part in the Battles of Gettysburg and Antietam, as well as the burning of Atlanta. COD:BAB can also be the first game where the player can take either side. Take the role of a blue uniformed Union soldier, fighting to keep the nation together. Or play as a Confederate soldier if you’re in the mood for, you know, keeping slavery around for a little while longer.

5. Call of Duty: Rough Riders


The Spanish-American War (1898) was pretty one-sided in favor of the U.S. and lasted only ten weeks. In the end, we got temporary control over Cuba and indefinite colonial authority over Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines. The Rough Riders referred to in the title is the name of the 1st United States Volunteer Cavalry, famously led by future president Theodore Roosevelt. One of the playable major battles of COD:RR would be the Battle of San Juan Hill in which the Rough Riders won a decisive victory. It’s such a short war that it could almost be DLC for about $10.00, but knowing Activision, they’ll sell this sucker for full retail. It would be worth it to see Teddy doing some digitized ass kicking, probably while riding a moose.

Bull moose. I get it now.
Bull moose. I get it now. | Source

6. Call of Duty: Annexation


The Philippine-American War (1899-1902) grew out of the Philippines’ desire for independence after 333 years of Spanish rule only then to be annexed as an American colony. The Philippines needed a… "trial run” in self-rule…yeah, that’s it. Um…on second thought let’s skip this one as a Call of Duty game. Canceled!

7. Call of Duty: Trench Warfare


Now here’s a big global conflict that never gets the video game treatment: World War I (1914-1918). Why? It’s probably the trench warfare, hence the name. Both sides would spend months shooting at each other from those trenches and not really get anywhere, and going “over the top” for a full assault on a trench line resulted in near certain death. But it was the first war that used modern killing machines that we know today. Machine guns were employed extensively, as well as tanks, planes, and poison gas. This could be a particularly gruesome COD, with its depiction of the miserable trench conditions, the horrifying effects of chemical warfare, and just outright futility. Spend several missions just in the same trench…day in, day out. Be treated to a recreation of the Christmas Truce of 1914 and see the humanity of both sides-alright maybe not great for a COD game.

8. Call of Duty: The 38th Parallel


Instead of the implausible scenario of North Koreans invading the U.S. in the game Homefront, why not make a Call of Duty game based on the actual Korean War (1950-1953)? It was the first armed conflict of the whole Cold War. It involved modern infantry warfare as well as the first time jet fighters were used extensively in aerial battles. Sure in the end there was a ceasefire, and North and South are still technically at war. But what did they get out of it? Oh, right…

So you’re welcome, Activision. You can send the royalty checks directly to me via PayPal.


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