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Clever Ideas For Simple, Everyday Things!

Updated on December 29, 2011

Uses For Those Everyday Items!

Every day of my life, I try to make things as simple as possible. I try to save money, get organised, and find uses for those things which need some. After thinking for a while, I decided to create a list, of all my favourite, simple ideas in life, to make every day simpler.

To start off, Im going to talk about Binder Clips! Me and my brother adore these clips! We have so many and we've scoured for uses all over the world! Here are some:

1) Clothe Pegs - Easy, Just use the binder clips to hold up clothes on clothing lines.

2) Toothpaste Squeezer - Roll up the end of your toothpaste and keep a clip on it to use every last drop of toothpaste your tube has to offer!

3) Paper Holder (As Notepads) - Stack a few pieces of paper onto of each other and clip together. Now it's a notepad! Also, put the clip on a piece of rope to make an art line!

4) Place Holders - Attach a clip to the remaining section of a book if you can't find a bookmark or remember your place.

5) Food Clips - Instead of buying expensive Chip-Clips, just use spare binder clips to roll up your bags and keep them fresh!

6) Money Clip - This is great if you ever want to tidy up your wallet. Just fold up a few notes and store this in a binder clip. This is also good to just clean up your pockets too.

Other household item uses:

Dental Floss - Dental floss for corn garlands! Attach a needle to the end of a string of dental floss and work your way through the popcorn. Also, you could use strong, unscented dental floss as a cheese cutter. Works Great!

Old Toothbrush Holder - Use old style toothbrush holders as flower holders or as a vase! Just put in a really colourful flower and it'll bring new style to the holder.

Tissue Boxes - Tissue boxes as plastic bag dispensers. Just store lots of plastic bags in the box and whenever you need one, just pull it out! Alternatively, if you sew, you could use baby wipe containers to store yarn! Just put the yarn inside and put the ending of it in the opening of the box.

Shoe Box Covers - Shoe box covers as cupcake holders! Just cut small X shaped slits into the top and push down. Now store the cupcake on top, cute and handy!

Old Bowls/Cups - Use any sorts of old bowls and cups as soap holders! It'll give your house a unique feel.

Hair Clip - You can use hair clips to hold towels together when coming out of the shower if your hands are busy.

Bath Mat - Bath mats are also car seats for animals! Just keep one on a seat in your car to stop those muddy prints from getting on your seat.

Ear Pick - Cotton ear picks are perfect as cleaning utensils as they're small! Use them to get all the tiny pieces of junk out of your keyboard, without using a vacuum and risking losing pieces.

Deodrant - Deodorant is a great ink/pen/pencil stain remover. First, lay a table with a paper towel, next, lay the garment flat and spray a big amount of deodorant onto the ink. Be sure to have paper towels nearby as lots will drip off, if not, all. If not all of it comes out, put it in the washer at low temperature and all will be clean.

Nail File - Use nail files to create rugged looks on jeans, which people pay lots of money for. And in this case, you can have it however you want! Its your choice as to how it looks.

Hair Dryer - You could use a hair dryer to remove those annoying little stickers which come on all sorts of things!

Shower Curtain - Don't you hate it when you go for a picnic, but then your lovely cloth is ruined by the mud. In those cases you could use a shower curtain under the picnic cloth to stop it from getting muddy!

Paper Tubes - This is another alternative to use for storing plastic bags. Just stuff them inside and attach to one another. Pull one out whenever, wherever.

Comb - You can use a comb as a nail holder to keep it in place when hammering. This is really useful in those tricky places where the nail just doesn't want to stay put.

Nail Polish - You can use nail polish to colour code your keys, so you know what's for what very simply!

Soap Holder - You can use a soap holder as a camera holder, instead of buying expensive ones off the high street!

Toothbrush - You can use a toothbrush to clean the felt like material on many shoes. You can also use a soft bristled toothbrush to clean the corn silk off freshly picked corn on the cob.

Tea Strainer - You can easily use a tea strainer to sift powdered sugar onto desserts and onto other cooking.

Tape - Use tape to help credit cards when the magnetic strip becomes worn out. Just place a strip of tape onto of the magnetic strip and it should work as normal!

Newspaper - Newspaper can be used as a simple filling substitute for moving. In boxes, if you don't have normal filling, you can use big pieces of newspaper to keep delicate items from breaking in the move.

Ziplock Bags - Use ziplock bags as a frosting pipe! Just snip off the corner of a bag, fill with frosting and use! Also, you can just use it to knead dough without getting your hands dirty. Just place the dough ball in the bag and knead as normal.

Paper Coasters - Punch holes through paper coasters and tie a ribbon to make it a name tag. You can attach these to presents of onto clothing, it works great especially if the coaster is stylish and unique.

Matchbox - In school as a kid, we learnt the uses for matchboxes. One of the uses would be as a sewing kit holder. Perfect for small buttons and needles.

Empty 6 Pack of Beer - You can use an empty, durable six pack of beer as a condiment holder. Store ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard, salt & pepper in it! To make it look extra special, you could paint it, or decorate it.

Cassette Cases - You can use old cassette cases to store roll-up headphones when on the go instead of creating a mess of them in your bag.

Shower Caps - Shower caps protect shoes when in storage, from muddy floors or just incase of anything happening to them.

Rubber Bands - You can wrap rubber bands on the end of clothe hangers to keep the item from sliding off when it gets packed in the cupboard. Rubber bands can also be used to stop kids' hands slipping off glasses. Simply tie some onto the glass and it'll add grip to the glass, making it easier for kids to carry.

Mouse Pads - Mouse pads are durable and many households have far too many. You can use some as food mats for hot cooking on the table.

Wine Boxes - You can use wine boxes to store thin shoes in, especially if the box is nicely decorated.

Thanks and remember, do these things at your own risk, they worked for me but who knows? Maybe they won't work for you, ALWAYS STAY SAFE.


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