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How to take Call of Duty Competitively

Updated on June 18, 2013

I have been in the competitive Call of Duty scene all the way back from the original CoD 4 Modern Warfare. As the years went by and the newer games came out the basic idea and skill sets are the same from back in the older CoD's. I'm here to give you some pointers when trying to take CoD to a competitive level, which is really easy to do now especially with the new Black Ops 2 League Play.

Before you want to jump right into the competitive scene and tournaments through Gamebattles and 360Icons you must practice and get comfortable with the game. Here are some tips to get you started.

Low Sensitivity - This is key if you want to be good at competitive Call of Duty. I used to play on 8 sensitivity and would average a 2.5 kd, which was great for competitive, but there was always room to improve. I found that when I was getting in a gun fight that was not close range I would have trouble keeping on the target for the kill. With my lower sensitivity (4-5) I am able to win those longer range gunfights. If you are concerned about the lower sensitivity and not being able to turn on people if you run by them then all I can say it was most likely an error by you that could of be avoided. By this I mean you have to learn that you cannot turn super fast now so you have to be more careful when running around and 9 times out of 10 you shouldn't have to turn on someone you should have them down before they pass you.

Pick a Role- find what you want to do an practice this. I play the main slayer role which means im up from with a SMG pushing their spawns. Some other roles are OBJ (objective) which are people who mainly pull flags or dive on hardpoints with flak jacket. Or you could be a support which usually stands in the back with AR's and sometimes SMG's to make sure no one gets near your objectives. Now don't get me wrong, even if you are a slayer you can still pull the flag, but you need to have good judgment. Think to yourself: if I pull this flag can i at least make halfway back or would it be more beneficial to pressure their spawns and let someone else push up to pull it. You have to decided

Find what your good with- Finding the right combination of perks/attachments/nades that works best for you is key. If you use a gun that not many pros use (Chicom QBC), but it is your best SMG then by all means use it. It's nice to watch pros to see what seems to be OP, but if you are unable to finish with certain weapons then do what you can with what you know. You can always try to pubstomp/practice with new weapons and then eventually you will get better. but for now, just stick to what you know.

Routes/View Spots/nade- Learning routes, hiding spots, head glitches, and pre nades are the main thing you should learn. Having an idea of where your opponent will run in which determines the way you should run is key. You always want to anticipate your opponents move to always have the upper hand. Learning these things will guarantee you to have a better chance.

These are just a few basic tips that will get your foot in the door with competitive COD. Once you thing you have this stuff mastered then go ahead and jump into the League Play and see how you do. You may get discouraged at first if you are not where you think you should be, but keep playing! You will get to where you want to be and deserve to be.

Once you have managed to climb the ladders then go ahead and get into those tournaments and make a name for yourself! Good Luck!


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