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Buy Mighty Beanz Series 2

Updated on March 15, 2011

Mighty Beanz are small collectible toys originally developed in Melbourne Australia but that are now extremely popular around the world. Mighty Beanz have been released in a huge number of different series each with different characters over the years. An individual Mighty Bean is a three dimensional bean-shaped oval rather like a large plastic pill capsule and is about one inch long. The beans have a small metal ball bearing inside which is free to move about the capsule and each bean is decorated with a character's likeness either an animal, a monster or a caricatured human many being licensed images such as Star Wars or Marvel Comic heroes.

These brightly coloured beans give hours of entertainment and superhero action. You can perform amazing tricks and flips with them or race them at high speeds down any tilted surface and play a variety of Beanz related games. Or simply swap and trade your Mighty Beanz to complete the whole set and with over 100 in each series the sky is the limit.

Sets of Mighty Beanz can be bought from Amazon or Ebay at extremely reasonable prices as well as through your local superstore.

Mighty Beanz Series 2 Starter Set

Probably the best place to start is the Mighty Beanz Series 2 Starter Set which contains 10 Mighty Beanz to start your collection or just boost the collection you already have. It also includes 1 Mega Bean and a Mini Poster Collector's Guide giving information of the over 100 different Beanz in the Series for you to collect. This gives you a taste of what you have to look forward to.

All the Mighty Beanz are crazy and eccentric plastic bean characters which each belong to a specific "Bean Team". There are also ultra-rare "Mega Beanz" which are shorter and wider than regular Beanz, and apparently have a more unpredictable movement, these "Mega Beanz" are only found in 6-packs or this Starter Pack. Also there is the super-rare Mighty Moose Bean of which there are only 1000 in each country randomly mixed into other Mighty Beanz packs.

These are great for stuffing in a Christmas stocking as a stocking filler or even just as a treat throughout the year. This starter pack is easily and quickly available from Amazon by using the link below or alternatively there may be new or used versions available on Ebay which are shown on the right.

Mighty Beanz Series 2 Six Pack

The Mighty Beanz Series 2 Six Pack contains 4 common Mighty Beanz, 1 rare Mighty Bean and an ultra-rare "Mega Bean".  This is a great way to really move your collection forward. It also includes a Collectors Guide inside giving information of the over 100 different Beanz in the Series for you to collect.

All the Mighty Beanz are crazy and eccentric plastic bean characters which each belong to a specific "Bean Team", such as Egg Beanz, Pirate Beanz, Royalty Beanz, High School Beanz or many others. The ultra-rare "Mega Beanz", of which one is included in this pack, are shorter and wider than regular Beanz, and apparently have a more unpredictable movement.

These are great for stuffing in a Christmas stocking as a stocking filler or even just as a treat throughout the year. This starter pack is easily and quickly available from Amazon by using the link below or alternatively there may be new or used versions available on Ebay which are shown on the right.

Mighty Beanz Series 2 Six Pack available on Amazon

Mighty Beanz 6 Pack - Series 2
Mighty Beanz 6 Pack - Series 2
This is the old Series 2 from 2003 that has now been retired
Car Driver Bean or is it The Stig?
Car Driver Bean or is it The Stig?

Mighty Beanz Series 2 Single Beanz

There are heaps of different Mighty Beanz to collect in the Series 2 all with different characters on them and all of which belong to different "Beanz Teamz" such as the High School Beanz, the Basketball Beanz, the Farm Beanz, the Marine Team or my favourite the Outback Beanz. There's Outback Beanz like Kangaroo Bean (number 90) or the Ultra Rare Mummy Bean (number 129), the High School Nerd Bean (number 62) or the Cheerleader Bean from the Basketball Beanz (number 75).

You can buy single Mighty Beanz, or large assortments of Series Mighty Beanz or even buy the complete set of Series 2 Mighty Beanz from Amazon, this avoids you having to take the lucky dip of buying countless packs of Mighty Beanz but does take a bit of the thrill away. However at least you can sit back in the knowledge that you have them all and your friends will be jealous. Ebay also has a huge number of standard and rare Mighty Beanz for sale.

Mighty Beanz Series 2 Collector Case

One of the most useful accessories that is available as part of the Mighty Beanz Series 2 is this fantastic Collectors Case and with over 100 Mighty Beanz to collect it is pretty much essential as it holds and displays 50 Beanz and also has a handle for easy portability. This Collector Case includes 2 exclusive Mighty Beanz that can be found nowhere else as well as a sticker sheet to customize your case.

This Collectors Case is easily and quickly available from Amazon by using the link below or alternatively there may be new or used versions available on Ebay which are shown on the right.

Mighty Beanz Series 2 Collector Case available on Amazon

Mighty Beanz Collectors Guide

The Mighty Beanz Collectors Guide Series 2 is a great addition to anyones collection. You will learn some top-secret information about the Mighty Beanz in this full-color Ulimate Collector's Guide which also includes a cut-out Series 2 checklist.

This Mighty Beanz Collectors Guide is available from Ebay.

Mighty Beanz Series 2 Poster

Another of the cool sidelines to the Mighty Beanz Series 2 set was this great Series 2 Poster which includes pictures of all the Beanz in the Mighty Beanz Series 2 broken up into their various teams.

This is not an official Mighty Beanz product but looks great on the wall either as it is or framed.

This Series 2 Poster is easily and quickly available from Amazon either framed or unframed by using the link below or alternatively there may be new or used versions available on Ebay which are shown on the right.

Mighty Beanz Series 2 Poster available on Amazon

The Mighty Beanz Series 2 Promotional Video


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