League of Legends - Kayle Guide and Build (Jungle, Top and Support)
League of Legends - Season 3 Kayle Guide and Build (Top, Jungle and Support)
Are you looking for a Season 3 Kayle guide or a Kayle build ? This page covers the basics of playing Kayle (Top, Jungle and Support) effectively including skills, runes, masteries, tips and includes custom skins.
Kayle is a very versatile champion that can be played in many lanes (Top, Jungle and Support), she also has many build options available to her (AD, Attack Speed, AP and Hybrid).
She is capable of dishing out strong damage while also supporting her team through healing and her ultimate (grants immunity to damage). Kayle is also an incredible lane pusher and is a great asset to any team regardless of the lane you play her in.
This Kayle guide and build aims to be a basic and simple introduction on basic strategy that should be adopted when playing Kayle, it is recommended for people just starting to use Kayle.
Don't own Kayle? Or want to buy a Kayle skin from the Riot store? Learn how to get free Riot Points for League of Legends.
Guide current as of Season 3: Release Notes v3.02 (February, 2013).
This Kayle guide is also available in quick summary format (thanks to LeagueCraft.com).
Images on this page are sourced from the official League of Legends website and the game client. They are used for review, commentary and educational purposes.
Is Kayle Over Powered?
Do You Think Kayle Is Over Powered?
Kayle Skills
Holy Fervor (Passive) This helps Kayle and her team but some hurt on the enemy, quite strong because it shreds % of both armor and magic resistance. This makes attacking targets that your team is attacking a high priority on Kayle.
Reckoning (Q) A decent slow which allows jungle Kayle to gank, it also works as powerful harassment for players playing Kayle in the top or bottom lane.. The % of increased damage also is nice throughout the game, against your squishy targets this skill can cause a surprising amount of burst damage.
Divine Blessing (W) This skill allows Kayle to sustain herself in the jungle or top but also lets her fulfill a support role if needed. The movement speed is great to gank from the jungle (as jungle Kayle) or top save yourself or an ally (Top/Support Kayle).
Righteous Fury (E) This is one of Kayle's signature spells that gives her great range and also splash damage which can quickly add up in a team fight or be used to help farm/push lanes. For jungle Kayle this skill gives her strong clear times.
Intervention (Ultimate) This skill is the reason people want you on the team, Kayle's ultimate can turn team fights by giving an ally free run for 3 seconds at max level (using this on a carry can be devastating). It can be used to tower dive enemies, win mid game fights or save allies to turn fights around for your team.
It should be noted that this skill only blocks damage, timing this skill correctly separates the good Kayle players from the great.
Kayle Skill Order
As Top Kayle level your skills (shown in picture):
Ult > Reckoning > Righteous Fury > Divine Blessing
As Jungle Kayle level your skills:
Ult > Righteous Fury > Reckoning > Divine Blessing
As Support Kayle level your skills:
Ult > Divine Blessing > Reckoning > Righteous Fury
As you can see Kayle is very versatile when it comes to leveling up her abilities. As Top Kayle you want to focus on maximising your damage output with Reckoning (through direct damage and the % bonus damage it provides). While on Jungle Kayle you want to speed up your jungle speeds by maxing out Righteous Fury first for the extra splash damage.
Finally, Support Kayle wants to max her heal first for the sustain it offers to her lane opponent (I recommend taking one point in Reckoning at level 1 for the powerful slow it offers instead of Righteous Fury at level one (Jungle/Top)).
Unmasked Kayle
Kayle Runes - Rune Build For Kayle
Red (Marks) - Attack Speed // Attack Damage
Yellow (Seals) - Armor // Mana Regeneration Per Level
Blue (Glyphs) - Magic Resistance Per Level
Purple (Quintessences) - Attack Speed // Attack Damage// Health // Gold/10 Sec
Running Attack Speed Marks and Attack Damage Quintessences gives Kayle strong early game attack speed and damage (penetration is covered by your passive). This also gives her good last-hitting up top and great clear times if you are playing Jungle Kayle. There are a few other options though depending on your available runes.
Seals should always be Armor regardless of where you are playing Kayle, if you are having mana issues as a Support Kayle you can consider Mana Regeneration Per Level runes though. Glyphs are another defensive option which will boost your Magic Resistance throughout the mid-late game.
Quintessences are very open on Kayle, you can use Attack Speed to help you hold off on buying attack speed items, Health to boost defenses or Gold/10 if you are playing Support Kayle.
To learn more about making effective rune choices, visit the Rune Page Guide.
Kayle Summoner Spells
Best Summoner Spells:
Flash is always a strong summoner spell and gives Kayle a way to escape or initiate on an enemy (and then relying on the slow from Reckoning and the speed up from Divine Blessing). While Ignite provides a great damage boost throughout the entire game and is great at shutting down any healing during duels.
Other Good Summoner Spells:
Exhaust and Ghost are other possible summoner spells that you can consider taking on Kayle. Exhaust is great for Support Kayle as it allows her to shut down the enemy AD carry in the laning phase. It can also be run top but will cost you some early game kills and make you weaker in 1v1 fights against your opponent (especially early).
Ghost is another option and definitely helps Jungle Kayle pull off those ganks, personally I find the movement speed bonus from Divine Blessing to be more then enough.
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Kayle Masteries - Top Kayle Masteries Pictured- 21/9/0
Building Kayle for top lane focuses on boosting her damage output while reducing the income damage. Reduced minion damage is an important mastery on Kayle due to her ranged harassment playstyle, this less minion damage can quickly add up over the course of a laning phase and allows Kayle to play aggressively.
Jungle Kayle's mastery build is very similar except you want to pick up Summoner's resolve. Support Kayle should look at running 9/0/21 masteries.
To learn more about masteries and your mastery options, visit the LoL Masteries Guide.
Kayle Build (Solo Top/Jungle)
Final Item Build:
-Berserker's Greaves
-Infinity Edge
-Phantom Dancer
-Frozen Mallet
-Guardian Angel
Note: The difference between the Top Kayle build and Jungle Kayle build is Wriggle's Lantern
-Start the game with Boots & Health Potions, this is the standard opening items in League of Legends due to the mobility and sustain these items offer, without them you will be at a disadvantage.
-Your first priority item for Top Kayle is Phage along with one or two Doran's Blades, this makes Kayle very deadly in lane due to the slowing effect and increased health pool.
-On the other hands Jungle Kayle wants to build Wriggle's Lantern for sustain and jungle speed.
-From here the builds merge together, Infinity Edge, Phantom Dancer and Bloodthirster are your 3 main item choices for Top (AD) Kayle. and should generally be built in the order listed unless you need more sustain then a Bloodthirster can be built first.
-To round out your build look at finishing a Frozen Mallet and getting a Guardian Angel which offers Kayle a nice mixture of resistances and a strong passive.
-Last Whisper (Is the enemy has lots of Armor and your passive isn't enough).
-Black Cleaver (synergises well with your passive and great to help your AD carry).
-Frozen Heart (If you need to tank up this is a great way to do it and get some CDR)/
-Youmuu's Ghostblade (An amazing active for Kayle, especially after you build Infinity).
-Banshee's Veil (If you need the spell shield or magic resistance).
Kayle Build (Support)
Final Item Build:
-Boots of Lucidity
-Shurelya's Reverie
-Aegis of the Legion
-Zeke's Herald
-Frozen Heart
-Athene's Unholy Grail
-if you get stuck playing Support Kayle (not recommended because she is so powerful elsewhere) start with Faerie Charm, Health Potions and Wards. This gives mana regeneration and good vision (you should get at least 3 wards).
-Getting your basic Boots of Speed and wards are your priorities when you go back to base.
-You also want to consider a Philosopher's Stone and a Heart of Gold to help you generate gold throughout the game.
-A good default support item is always Aegis of the Legion as it offers your team a massive amount of benefits for the price.
-Support Kayle can also suffer from some mana issues and cooldown problems towards the later end of the game compared to other supports so your items from here focus on covering this weakness.
These items include Athene's Unholy Grail, Zeke's Herald, Frozen Heart and Shurelya's Reverie.
-Banshee's Veil (A strong defensive item against a crowd control heavy team).
-Guinsoo's Rageblade (If you want damage as Support Kayle, this is where to get it).
-Will of the Ancients (If your team is very AP heavy, this is a good way to support them).
Related League of Legends Pages
Kayle Champion Spotlight
Kayle Tips
General Kayle Gameplay Tips
- Timing your ultimate on the correct ally can win team fights for your team. Try to target them before they take damage rather then to save their life.
- Not only can you heal your allies and protect them with your ultimate, you can speed up allies and slow down enemies, use all these skills together appropriately to maximise the support you offer (on Support Kayle).
- Don't forget that you can press ALT (by default) and the appropriate skill to automatically cast it on yourself (good for casting heal and ultimate quickly.) You can also use the "Self/Smart Cast" option in League of Legends.
- Top Kayle is best played as a ranged character, you should only attack with Righteous Fury and avoid melee range, this keeps you safe and allows you to kite with help from Reckoning.
- Always cast Reckoning first to receive the % increase in damage, the slow also ensures you get maximum attacks in (combined with your Frozen Mallet this can be deadly).
Early Game - (Level 1-6)
- Use Righteous Fury to farm and harass during the first few levels, combine it with Reckoning for some strong damage.
- Use your heal sparingly as it will quickly drain your mana early game.
- Righteous Fury can keep enemy champions away from their minions, but be careful when the minions switch their focus to you.
Mid Game - (Level 7-12)
- You will have to start deciding about build options and which items you need to perform your best.
- Your 1v1 damage picks up greatly around this stage once you build up some attack speed, combined with your ultimate (and good timing) Kayle makes for a deadly duel opponent.
- As Support Kayle your priority in team fights should be based around slowing enemies, healing/speeding up allies and using your ultimate when appropriate.
- As kayle you should look to create some action during these stages to set your team up for a good late game. Kayle is a powerful ganking champion, lead the enemy with your slow and unleash Righteous Fury on them. You can also speed yourself or an ally up to secure the kill.
Late Game - (Level 13-18)
- At max level your ultimate has extremely low cooldown, don't be afraid to use it.
- Push lanes by yourself when appropriate, Kayle is a strong lane pusher and tower destroyer and also has good escaping abilities.
- A well timed ultimate on your ally that gets initiated on can result in the enemy blowing a number of their ultimates for no damage.
- Kayle is a powerful late game champion, don't be afraid lay down some damage (especially since Righteous Fury gives you some good area of effect damage), with your strong attack speed you can quickly get off several attacks (and reduce the enemies resistances).
Other LoL Pages
- Kayle Build Guide - PentaKayle (Solomid)
This Kayle guide on Solomid covers how to play all forms of Kayle and is definitely the best resource available. - Kayle Build Guide - Blue Angel (On-Hit) (Solomid)
In this Kayle guide Shiina discusses how to play an on hit based build for Kayle. - LeagueCraft - The Saver Of Asses, Kayle Guide
In this guide you will learn how to save people's asses (literally). I am the Walrus covers the different builds for support, jungle and top all in one place. - Mobafire: Kayle Build Guide - Unstoppable AD Kayle
Another massively in depth guide on playing AD Kayle, this resource provides plenty of discussion and build options. - Mobafire: Kayle Build Guide - Hyrbid Kayle
Another Mobafire guide for Kayle, in this guide FalseoGod discusses AD, Hybrid and Support build options.