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Believe in You

Updated on January 15, 2024
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I share my experiences, my emotions and believe in myself. I am positive, confident and love life.

Believe in yourself

One can believe in themselves through all types of struggles in a new country, through any new expereince they have had. Sometimes you don't have options. You just need to go in your own way.

To be able to grasp the new lifestyles is a challenge in any one's world.

However, you take each step forward to know more in this new life. Having a fair understanding of communication with the local people briefs you on a new lifestyle.

It arrives to you about when you choose to take control of what matters most to you.

Proved to yourself that you can do anything you wanted to when you for instance, open a first bank account in a foreign country. Since that experience you can feel you have gained independence.

It is something one must do on their own, to be independent.

How did you accomplish such goals?

You believed in myself!

You tend to recognize skills you have and didn't think you could do it by yourself.

When you are young and not having to know much about life, you feel there isn't much you can do for yourself.

Being married made you be that housewife, also to feeling conservative as a young wife. You had to look further than just being that housewife he wants you to be.

You could lived that way for years if you didn't make the changes for yourself.

In the past, you could not think independently. You had your doubts then, but not anymore.

Also, married life restricted you from doing for yourself.

Most of what you could have tried for yourself was often attempted by other members of the family. Now, there you are free to explore For yourself. You are comfortable with the new ideas and decisions.

You are able to live independently and achieve your goals. You think about what you want to do and go for, it.

Believe in yourself and you made sure to feel that way in your adulthood and learned to be kinder to people, even if they were not your favorite people.

You often knew that you sometimes lack the belief in God, finding that belief in you will be rare, and have many thoughts on your mind, and one of which really sticks with you.

In believing in yourself with a dedicated mind, and with the pride that you have, You know quitting will never be easy for you.

You can only win at what you plan to do. Believe in yourself. The great challenges from those who could not do for themselves you took on these challenges.

Confident living

Great view from my home.
Great view from my home. | Source
A countryside view.
A countryside view. | Source
My best view!
My best view! | Source

High self-esteem

You still have faith in your abilities. When you saw the challenges, your approach had worked well. You accomplished goals and your positive mind helped you focus on the your experiences in a foreign ountry.

You have had ups and downs, but got right back on that saddle again. People believe in different things and have different challenges in their daily lives. You are not the only one who has experienced a move to a foreign country.

It does not matter who you are, or where you are from, life is a challenge. If you believe in yourself, you can do it too. No matter whom you face up to, or what you are up against, To win you got to believe in yourself. Pray and know with all your strength God will get you through those harsh times.

In the past, you had not known yourself to take on a challenges. You had to be tried and tested. Well, that is exactly what happened to you when you moved to a foreign country.

You were put to the test and had succeeded. It was difficult for you to believe you could speak a foreign language. You knew from within that not everyone can stay in such challenges. You believe in yourself with an open mind.

Most people look at you as different. They must as all people will not look at you in the same way. Rejections did not make you lose your belief in yourself.

You continued to write because you believed in yourself. You knew not to give up on your dreams. If you doubt what dreams you have, you could feel powerless. Listen to the voice inside of you, and take it from there. Do not think insecurely, think with power.

You cannot be a leader if you think without a belief. When you doubt your goals, you lose your confidence. You can become unhappy and feel everything has been taken away from you.

You will find disappointment in your choices, believe in yourself.

Do not think or be afraid of what people will say about you. Failing is part of getting up and being successful. In the present, most people fear what others will think, or say about their choices.

A wrong attitude toward life's decisions can make one feel negative. When you fear, achievements fade. Knowledge is power, use what you know best to move on in your life.

Eventually, you realize you got to believe in what you do. When you have a different perspective on life it gets better.

Make a note of what is holding you back. Lookup for yourself and do not be afraid to get on with your life. Always say, YES to what you want to do and reconsider what you are not sure of.

Some people can hold you back from what they want to do to improve their lives. Avoid listening to those people who will not let you go forward. You must love yourself and believe in yourself.

Trust is another great truth of life. Avoid being your worst enemy , rather focus on being your own good self. Always think you deserve better. You can feel self-doubt something you are not able to get rid of. In time you can clear your mind. Do not let self-doubt or swallow your plans for success.

Believe in Positivism

What makes you believe in yourself?

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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2014 Devika Primić


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