Choosing the Best Drugstore Over-the-Counter Reading Glasses Correctly
How to choose reading glasses off the shelf?
Selecting the proper reading glasses can be a daunting task. What power will I need? Will I harm my eyes by wearing OTC readers? When should I wear the glasses? These are some of the questions you face when sorting through the rack at your local drugstore. With the proper knowledge and the proper guidance, this hub will direct you to the correct prescription for your reading and computer needs.
My Arms Are Too short!
Are you experiencing blur in your upclose vision recently? Do you find small print difficult to read? You are not alone! As we all hit the age 40, our eyes lack the ability to accommodate small print. The muscles within the eye are unable to focus upclose with age and unfortunately, it gets worse over time.
Holding reading material furthur away from your eyes will help. Proper lighting also helps.
However, when your arms get too short, it's time to pick up some drug store readers!
Do You Have Astigmatism?
If you have astigmatism, drug store reading glasses will not work for you. It is best to get a prescription-made pair of glasses from your eye doctor to properly correct the astigmatism.
OTC readers do not correct for astigmatism.
What Strength Do I Need?
If you do not have astigmatism, the power needed for reading depends on your current distance vision correction.
If you do not wear any glasses for distance than follow this age chart:
| +1.25
| +1.50
| +1.75
| +2.00
| +2.25
>55 yrs
| +2.50
When Do I Need Bifocals?
When do I need bifocals? If you find that the above chart is not providing the proper vision, then that probably means you need bifocals. Bifocals are designed to provide your best optimum distance vision on the top half of the lens and your reading prescription on the bottom half of the lens. There are two types of bifocals: lined and no-line (also called progressives). Progressives are blended bifocals that transition from distance to computer to reading. They also keep you looking younger -- without a line, nobody needs to know you are wearing a bifocal!
What Power Computer Glasses Do I Need?
What power computer glasses do I need? Is it the same power as my reading glasses?
This question depends on where your computer monitor sits. In a typical setting, our computer monitor sits another 10-12 inches further from where we hold a book to read. Because the monitor sits further from our eyes, you will need glasses that are HALF the strength for reading. So using the above chart, select half the power listed for computer use.
Trial And Error
The above chart serves as a guideline for selecting OTC drugstore readers. Of course you can certainly select several pairs off the rack and see which power works best for you. Keep in mind that a different power may be needed for different upclose activities (reading vs. computer)-- it all depends on your working distance.
Will OTC Reading Glasses Harm My Eyes?
OTC readers will not permanently harm your eyes in any way. If you select a power that is too weak or too strong, all you may do is cause some temporary eyestrain- which can then lead to headaches.
If you select OTC readers that do not correct for your astigmatism, this may also lead to eyestrain and eventually headaches.
My Reading Glasses Are Giving Me Headaches!
If the reading glasses you selected are giving you eyestrain or headaches than please see your local eye doctor. Optometrists specialize in refractions and providing the best prescription eyeglasses for your eyes and your lifestyle.
- Age related vision loss, presbyopia. How to use eyeg...
Can't your arms get any longer? Have you started to guess what it says on the labels in the shop? If so, you already know that you begin to lose your sight and that you need help! But before you do, read this and you will be better prepared for your