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Cracking the healthy egg question.

Updated on September 20, 2012

Are eggs losing the health food battle?

In recent years eggs have enjoyed a reputation as a health food, as research discovered that they not only helped weight reduction, bur were also good for the heart. However Canadian researchers have recently published some findings that could this reputation.

These findings suggest that a build-up of a waxy substance, carotid plaque, is linked to cardiovascular disease and clogged blood vessels, and this has become prevalent among those who consume a t least two or more eggs a week. A study was taken from 1200 people with an average age of 61, and specifically targeted the egg yolk as the main culprit for this build-up of carotid plaque. As millions of eggs are eaten daily, should we be taking a closer look at our egg inclusive diet?

Are eggs bad for cholesterol?

An analysis was taken of thirty egg studies carried out over thirty years by a professor of nutritional metabolism at the University of Surrey. Professor Bruce Griffin, found eggs had no clinically significant impact on cholesterol levels. Helen Bond of, the British Dietetic Association, claims that the latest Canadian research” goes against the current grain of scientific thinking”. Helen Bond also goes on to say that a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found eggs helped maintain healthy blood pressure levels.

Are eggs nutritious?

Scientist at the University of Alberta have discovered that two vital amino acids, tryptophan and tyrosine are found in the yolk of eggs and that almost twice the amount of antioxidants are contained in two raw egg yolks, than are contained in an apple. These antioxidants levels are reduced by half if the eggs are boiled are fried. Eggs today carry more than double the amount of selenium and seventy per cent more vitamin D as they carried thirty years ago thanks to changes in feed. Low levels of vitamin D and selenium are linked to an increase of cancer, infertility and cardiovascular diseas.Thirteen essential nutrients are provided in each egg yolk.

Can you eat too many eggs?

Unless you suffer from inherited high level cholesterol, there is no upper limit to how many eggs you can eat. says Helen Bond. The department of health confirms this as long they form part of a balanced healthy diet. Regarding the Canadian studies, Bond goes on to say that carotid plaque rises with age after forty: and the Canadian study failed to take life style factors such as diet and exercise in to account.

Are eggs fattening?

An analysis by the department of health found that there was around twenty per cent less fat, ten per cent less cholesterol and thirteen per cent less calories in eggs as there was some thirty years ago. In a study on some overweight women, some were given an egg for breakfast and others a bagel. It was found that in the next twenty four hours the egg eaters consumed fewer calories than the bagel eaters. The final word goes to Helen Bond of the British Dietetic Association, she tell us that “the scientist put the positive effects down to the satiating effects of the egg protein”.


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