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Cure Hemorrhoids Naturaly in 48 Hours

Updated on November 25, 2014

Hemorrhoid Issues Are Normal

Almost everyone at some point in their life has or will have an issue with hemorrhoids. The causes can be as varied as there are people. Mostly what affects hemorrhoids are diet, lifestyle (do you work-out and if you do how you work-out) and age.

People between the age of 45 and 65 seem to have the most issues concerning hemorrhoids. Of course even though we seem to think this is a taboo subject, it really isn't anything to be embarrassed about.

Because this subject seems to be so embarrassing, many people, especially men, will suffer needlessly with swollen and or painful hemorrhoid issues. Others find themselves reaching for over the counter creams and lotions far too often without getting the relief they desire.

There are ways to cure your hemorrhoid issues and make sure they never come back. And there are very effective NATURAL methods to do this. These methods have been used for centuries to give people permanent relief.

Symptoms of Hemorrhoid Issues

Internal hemorrhoids (ones that are inside the anal cavity) usually cause painless bleeding at the end of a bowel movement. Blood can be a sign of a serious problem so it's important to be evaluated by a health professional.

Other symptoms are a sensation of fullness, usually described as feeling the urge to have a bowel movement even when there is no stool. Straining worsens the discomfort.

There may be acute pain, itching, and irritation around the anus. This often occurs when the hemorrhoid has prolapsed and can be seen outside the anus or it can be caused when a blood clot develops or the hemorrhoid becomes twisted. There may be a painful lump or swelling around the anus. These may be serious and requires evaluation.

External hemorrhoids (outside the anus) can often be felt as a bulge in the anus. Although they can be itchy and painful, they sometimes don't cause typical symptoms.

Some Causes of Constipation

Theoretically, constipation can be caused by the slow passage of digesting food through any part of the intestine. More than 95% of the time, however, the slowing occurs in the colon.


A frequently over-looked cause of constipation is medications. Over the counter and prescription drugs can all lead to constipation. You should talk with your doctor or pharmacist in order to determine if any of your medications could be the cause.


Bowel movements are under voluntary control. This means that the normal urge people feel when they need to have a bowel movement can be suppressed. Although occasionally it is appropriate to suppress an urge to defecate (for example, when a bathroom is not available), doing this too frequently can lead to a disappearance of urges and result in constipation.


Fiber is important in maintaining a soft, bulky stool. Diets that are low in fiber can, therefore, cause constipation. The best natural sources of fiber are fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.


One suspected cause of severe constipation is the over-use of stimulant laxatives [for example, senna, castor oil, and certain herbs]. An association has been shown between the chronic use of stimulant laxatives and damage to the nerves and muscles of the colon, and it is believed by some that the damage is responsible for the constipation. It is not clear, however, whether the laxatives have caused the damage or whether the damage existed prior to the use of laxatives and, indeed, has caused the laxatives to be used. Nevertheless, because of the possibility that stimulant laxatives can damage the colon, most experts recommend that stimulant laxatives be used as a last resort after non-stimulant treatments have failed.

Hemorrhoids Are Often Confused With Anal Fissures

When people see spots of blood on the toilet paper and have pain with bowel movements, they often immediately think it's hemorrhoids when the problem may really be a small but painful tear called an anal fissure.

Anal fissures are often caused by constipation. If stools are dry and hard, the anal sphincter is forced open wider than normal, resulting in a tear, or anal fissure. There are often some spots of bright red blood on the toilet paper.

Anal fissures also cause a sharp, stinging, often severe pain with the passage of each bowel movement (whereas hemorrhoids often cause bleeding but no pain).

How to Prevent Hemorroids

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