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Five Important Supplements

Updated on June 1, 2015


Nothing beats regular exercise and healthy food. But nowadays it can be quite tricky to get all the nutrition your body needs, especially since the nourishment in our soil has gotten worse over the years. Here I will present five good supplements to add into your day.

Fish Oil, Omega 3 Fatty Acids

If you want to maximize your muscle growth, rapidly increase your fat loss or just looking to get healthier - fish oil is a supplement I strongly recommend you to buy.

There are few supplements today that provide so many benefits as the fish oil. No matter who you are - you will benefit from using this supplement.

I usually do not take one at breakfast, one at lunch and one to dinner. I take them all on an empty stomach in the morning. That is working best for me, but hey - we are all different!

MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane)

Sulphur could possibly be the most important nutrient our body needs. You can find this in aminoacids, which indirectly, is the essential building block to protein. Sulphur also has numerous of healing and preemptive attribute for the human body. MSM happens to be the best form of sulphur that you can consume.

Shortly MSM has these benefits on our body:

- Improves the flexibility in your joints
- Reduces pain and swelling (wanna get ripped bro?)
- Reduces inflexibility
- Improves your blood flow
- Enhances vitality in your cells

Another good thing about this little supplement is that it is extremely cheap, and obviously highly effective. I mix it with a shaker of regular water in the morning.


Magnesium is an important mineral that your body needs to maintain normal muscle and nerve function, a good immune system, normal heart rhythm, build strong muscles and bones.

Magnesium also happens to be involved with 300 biochemical reactions in the body, among other things, ATP-production (which leads to energy) and protein synthesis (Heads up athletes!).

If your body lacks intake of magnesium it can lead to spasms of the muscle, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, high blood pressure, anxiety among many other things.

Lack of this supplement can also cause migraine and more brutal pre-menstrual syndromes. To you my good women of the world: eat your magnesium!

A good combination for you who train regularly - try out ZMA. It is a mix of Zinc, Magnesium and B-vitamins. I take it before I go to sleep every night, especially on my training days.


Scientists begin to find more connections between severe diseases, infections and winter-depressions, obesity, cancer, fragility of the bones etc etc etc... The list is long.

Many studies are still to be made, but one thing is certain: this supplement is very cheap and effective.

Since many people do not get the regular sun that they need, this would be a very smart move. This could prevent a lot of problems in the future.

I live in Sweden and I take this during the cold half-year. August to April usually. The biggest impact I get from it is that I feel way more energized throughout the days.

Protein Powder

Daily struggle for active people is to get the required protein your body needs in order to enhance your training goals. Therefore adding protein powder into your diet is something almost everyone does benefit from. Protein powder is the easiest way to increase your protein intake. Another thing is that the body easily absorbs the protein when it is combined with fluids (milk or water for example) compared to some food.

Many protein powders also combine the powder with chained amino-acids, good carbs after your workout or even creatine which enhances muscle growth and the way the body takes in the protein source.

Also this is a cheap method of getting your macros right during your everyday, not many people can get enough protein from only food since that would require us to eat veeeeery much protein.


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