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Helpful Motivators I Use

Updated on August 31, 2014

Tearing Away the Days!

Countdown Calendar
Countdown Calendar
For anyone who prefers something more tangible, this product has garnered some great reviews from those who have used it for weight loss or as a study tool and guide for upcoming exams.

Before The Date Creeps Up On You

Keeping Track of the Date…. When you set goals, inevitably you determine an ideal date when you’d like to reach that goal. Searching online I found this site called time and date dot com where I made a countdown calendar for a big out-of-state family gathering planned in December. After I customized my free calendar I shared it on Facebook with several of those same family members who will be attending.

Having this countdown calendar serves as a motivational reminder that time is ticking. If I wanted to every day I could perhaps do something towards preparing for this event, mentally or otherwise. It keeps me aware this upcoming trip means extra expenditures, wardrobe planning for a cold winter environment and if nothing else it serves as daily inspiration NOT to eat that extra slice of chocolate cake cause I remember how time has a way of creeping up on me.

If I wanted to I could also get a free widget to post on my blog or website. Every time I see this calendar I remember my goals and exactly how much time is remaining to the big date. It has been very helpful to me!

A Great Motivator for Saving Money

Unless your last name is Rockefeller, Gates or Zuckerberg you may have a goal to save some money to purchase something you need or want to have. What do you do if you don't have that classic piggy bank stashed somewhere?

Through the magic of Pinterest, I found this wonderful post and helpful template from the blog, Life As You Live It, and printed my own motivational savings chart to help me save money for something special. (Perhaps this will be extra spending money for my upcoming Christmas trip?) It’s a simple idea but brilliant all the same: Week 1 you put $1 in the jar. Each week you put in the same number of dollars that correspond to the current week in the year. So, if it’s week 9 you would put $9 more in the jar.

At this link above the author also has templates for saving quarters, single dollars, etc. In addition there is a chart that goes backwards in case there are folks out there who like to bite off the tough part of a challenge first.

Some people might find it helpful to also print out a picture of a coveted item and paste that onto the jar also. Do whatever works for you!

First Thing I Do Each Day


A Motivational To-Do List Is Easy

It’s helpful to me when I get up in the morning to quickly jot down a list of things I intend to do that day. What is even more satisfying is crossing those things off as they are finished. I always make sure to start the list off with “make the bed”. I do this particular daily personal motivator for two reasons:

  1. A nicely made up bed just looks more inviting.
  2. It’s fast and easy to do and I get to cross something quickly off my list.

Do you make daily lists of things you need to do?

Have You Heard About The Secret?

The Secret (Extended Edition)
The Secret (Extended Edition)
This is the one I'm talking about! :)

The Secret Motivator I Use

Well, it's not exactly a secret....

I watch this DVD at least once a month and it never once has failed to inspire me. If you’ve never watched it or read the book, please take the time to do that. Subscribers to Netflix and Amazon Prime will find it available to view with their subscriptions.

Or you can purchase the DVD if you prefer. Kindle readers will be happy to know The Secret is also available in e-reader format too.

What Motivates You?

What Motivational Tool Do You Use Most Often?

See results

Music to Help You Get It Done!

We all have things we prefer doing but, of course, I'm not referring to those subjects here. I'm talking about finding the motivation to do those things which we prefer NOT to do. Here's what I do that really helps me get those uninspiring chores done:

I listen to several motivational classical music CDs at home. One that is particularly useful to me is called, Music for Productivity. I always choose to play this disc when I’m doing housework or sewing or working on any of my various DIY projects.

The music really does make the time fly by and nearly always results in my chores completed flawlessly and I find myself getting less distracted so I can focus on the task at hand. Somehow it has the ability to light a match under my behind and transport me into a sort of “Productive Pam”. Perhaps I should think about getting myself a cape?

After My Chores Are Done!

My reward to me! :)
My reward to me! :) | Source

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