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Homeopathic Remedies: Nature's First Aid Kit

Updated on March 21, 2011

We may not be able to predict when injury or illness will strike, but most people keep some form of a first aid kit in their home. This kit usually contains some sort of pain reliever, Band-aids and anti-septic wipes. However, there are homeopathic remedies that offer gentler, safer alternatives that are just as effective as many over-the-counter medications.

Many homeopathic practitioners are licensed physicians, but anyone can learn about the range of homeopathic medications that are safe to use for non-serious illnesses. Natural remedies often provide quick relief of common ailments such as indigestion, sprains, headaches and colds. Many parents are weary of giving their children conventional medication such as aspirin, so it is reassuring to learn that there are safe alternatives such as these.

Homeopathic medications come from minerals, animal sources and plants. There are many potential homeopathic remedies for any one ailment. The key is to determine which remedy is most effective for the symptoms you are exhibiting. Homeopathic remedies are not always the best alternative for conventional medication, but they are quite safe for minor sickness or injuries.

These homeopathic remedies are suggested for assembling your own first aid kit:

Arsenic (Arsenicum): Symptoms of food poisoning (including diarrhea); headache, allergy, flu, indigestion, restlessness and anxiety, burning inflammation.

Chamomile (Chamomilla): For irritable infants of teething or colic and hyperactivity.

Comfrey (Symphytum): Eye injuries, fractures; cysts and boils to draw out infection.

Deadly Nightshade (Belladonna): Conditions of inflammation including sore throat, sinusitis, flu, earache and cough. Also high fever, restless sleep, throbbing pains (from teething or headaches).

Eyebright (Euphrasia): Bland, watery nasal drainage and burning tears from allergies.

Honey Bee (Apis): Inflammatory conditions accompanied by stinging and burning pains or swelling such as arthritis, conjunctivitis, sore throat. Also insect bites and hives.

Ipecac Root (Ipecacuanha): Vomiting and nausea, salivating profusely. Also cough or headache as secondary symptom.

Leopard's Bane (Arnica): For muscle injuries, strains, sprains, bruises. For relief of bruising and pain from surgery, take before and after any operations or dentist's visits.

Magnesium Phosphate (Magnesia Phophorica): PMS, cramps and colic, those relieved by heat.

Marigold (Calendula): Burns, cuts and diaper rash.

Marsh Tea (Ledum): Stings, bites and puncture wounds; sprained ankle, black eye or any injury relieved by cold application.

Mercury (Mercurius): End stage of earache (accompanied by discharge or mucus) or sore throat, salivating excessively with frequent drooling or swallowing.

Monkshood (Aconitum): Beginning stages of infections, including flus, ear problems and common colds. Also runny noses, sore throats and coughs. (Sometimes referred to as the homeopathic vitamin C.)

Onion (Allium cepa): Allergies, hay fever (especially burning, watery nasal discharge), colds.

Oscillococcinum (Anas barbariae hepatis et cordis): Useful when taken in the first 48 hours of flu.

Phosphate of Iron (Ferrum Phos): Beginning stage of infection of cold, mild sore throat, cough, and flu.

Poison Ivy (Rhus Tox): Muscle injuries, strains and sprains; arthritis, influenza or any condition accompanied by aches made worse by movement.

Poison Nut (Nux Vomica): Digestive disruption; gas, constipation, caused by overeating or excessive alcohol consumption; illness caused by drug use; very irritable.

Potassium Bichromate (Kali Bichromicum): Allergy and cold with stringy mucus, sinus ache or/and headache; possibly alternating.

Rue (Ruta): Any injury to a joint or bone; elbow, knee and wrist.

Spanish Fly (Cantharis): Bladder infection accompanied by pain and burning, frequent need to urinate. Also severe burns.

St. John's Wort (Hypericum): Injuries affecting nerves. Apply externally to infected or deep cuts.

Stinging Nettle (Urtica Urens): Hives and burns.

Sulfide of Calcium (Hepar Sulphur): Late stage of infection of cough, earache, sinusitis, cold, sore throat; emotionally sensitive, overly irritable and sensitivity to noise or touch.

Wild Hops (Bryonia): Cough, migraine, arthritis, flu, irritablitiy and aggravation.

Windflower (Pulsatilla): Allergies or cold with thick green or yellow nasal mucus; vaginitis, PMS, colic, teething; digestive disruption from rich or fatty foods.

Yellow Jessamine (Gelsemium): Physical and mental fatigue from flu; apathy, lack of thirst and listlessness.

You'll find most of these products in easy to take liquid or capsule form at many health food stores.

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