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How Can You Burn More Calories? - Weight Loss Solutions

Updated on February 22, 2014

If you’re looking for weight loss solutions then you need to figure out simple ways you can burn more calories.

When you make slight changes in your level of activity, your diet and implement a better workout method then you’ll easily burn more calories.

By the end of this article you’ll be ready to start stripping off the pounds.

Simple Ways to Burn More Calories

You need to take the path that’s less traveled; the “harder” route. Fat people live an easy life and nothing that’s easy is ever worth it. When you need to go to a different floor, don’t choose the elevator or escalator; choose the stairs if you can. When you’re looking for a parking spot, don’t try your best to park next to the entrance; pick a spot that makes you walk a little. Little changes like this will add up to a lot of extra calories burned each day.

And if you want to amp your efforts up even more then you can walk faster, jog or even run up the stairs; this saves time and burns more calories.

If you want to boost your mood and your calorie burning efforts then try setting your alarm 10 minutes earlier. Use these 10 minutes to squeeze in a quick workout right when you wake up. This will help get your circulation going, warm up your muscles and keep your engine revved all day. This doesn’t have to be an intense workout either; just do a few calisthenics if you want. Set a timer and do a circuit of three exercises for a set amount of reps each, back to back until the time runs out. You can take breaks as you need to, but these 10 minutes is going to fly by.

And when you’re going through your day you need to pay attention to the moments that you are being inactive. Do you normally sit at a computer or watch TV for a long period of time each day? Well, can you do something simple to stay active during this time? If you have a treadmill or a stationary bike you can easily rack up the miles while you watch TV. Or you could even do a few exercises during a commercial break or whenever you get up from the computer for a bathroom break. You could even replace your computer chair with an exercise ball to help you work on your core while you compute. These simple changes will help you tally up extra calories burned but you can also make changes in your diet.

Do You Need to Cut Carbs?

If you eat a lot of sugar, then the answer is yes. Sugar is what’s called a simple carbohydrate, which is fast acting. Their energy (calories) is used up quickly and causes you to crave more food. I’m sure you’ve all experienced the “crash” after you’ve consumed a bunch of sugar. You know what I mean; when you’re about ready to take a nap, but yet you just ate.

But not all carbs are simple; there are complex carbs too and you want them! When you consume calories in terms of carbohydrates you want to be sure that you’re getting a lot more complex carbs than simple carbs. You want high quality nutrients whose calories last a long time. The longer you feel full, the easier it is for you to avoid going back for more food. This will help you cut out some of the calories you normally get in your daily diet.

So what kind of food should you avoid? First off, you’ll obviously want to avoid anything that contains a lot of sugar or syrups (especially high fructose). You’ll also want to avoid bleached flour (white bread), candy and sodas. But don’t be afraid to consume fruit; the absorption of its natural sugar is slowed down by the fiber that’s also in the fruit.

What kind of food should you opt for instead? Aim to eat more things that contain whole wheat and grains and you’ll feel full a lot longer. There are whole wheat breads, pastas and brown rice is also a good option. You can also get some complex carbs from eating more vegetables. Some cereals and oatmeals may tempt you by adding in oats and grains but you need to be sure that they don’t also add in a lot of sugar. Now that you’ve made your diet a little more efficient let’s work on your metabolism.

Amp Up Your Metabolism

If you want to burn more calories then you need to boost your metabolism. Your metabolism is the process your body goes through in order to sustain your life. During this process the food you eat, and hopefully the fat on your body, is broken down for energy to get you through the day. If you can increase the rate your body draws energy then you can burn more calories in a day. So how do you do that?

Well, you’re going to want to do this while you’re in the gym. Most people go into the gym with the mentality that the longer they’re in there the better off they’ll be. They assume that they’ll burn more calories because they’re being active for longer but there’s a way better method! You can save a lot of time in the gym by having a more efficient workout that will rev up your metabolism. The average workout is poorly constructed because they train themselves to be an endurance athlete by working out for long periods of time. An endurance athlete’s body can’t have a speedy metabolism; otherwise they’d run out of energy too fast and not be able to keep going. That’s not what you want! Don’t train yourself to stretch out your calories as long as possible just so you can jog on a treadmill for 2 hours while watching sports.

What you want to do is increase the intensity of your workouts and change that intensity throughout the duration. This will be a lot harder on your body and require that you use up energy a lot quicker. Sure, your workout will be shorter BUT you will continue you burn calories even after your workout is done! So not only will you save time in the gym, you’ll also burn more calories than someone doing a workout twice as long as you. So if you really want to amp up your metabolism then turn up the intensity and start practicing interval training whether it’s cardio, weightlifting or body weight workouts. I’ve just handed you some of the simplest weight loss solutions.

Not only are these methods simple but they’re also proven to help you burn a lot more calories each and every day. So be a little more active, cut down on your sugar intake and raise the intensity of your workouts to kick your calorie burning efforts into overdrive. You can now drop the pounds at ease.


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