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How to Attract Abundance in 3 Steps

Updated on June 19, 2013
Attract abundance into your life!
Attract abundance into your life!

Attracting Abundance

Abundance! Each and every one of us is deserving, whether it’s more wealth, love, joy, creativity or success. But if we're all created equally, then why don't we all have equal amounts of abundance? The truth is, there’s plenty available. The true task is uncovering how to get it. But, don't you worry, there's a way to attract abundance into your life. While it won't be easy at first, but it will work. It begins by changing our thinking from scarcity, to abundance. Next, we must understand the laws of Yin and Yang, and finally, be grateful for what we have. These three rules will teach you how to not just get your piece of the pie, but how to bake the pie yourself so that you can share it with loved ones. If you want to attract the abundance in your life you so deserve - keep exploring.

3 Steps to Abundance

1. Change your Thinking

It’s all mental! Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich reminds us that “an intangible impulse of thought can be transmuted into material rewards by the application of known principals.” What are these known principals, in summation, they relate to using the power of thought to create what you want. How can we know this is true? Here's one example:

Guglielmo Marconi, Italian inventor and Noble Prize winner. Most notably credited for the invention of the radio and his ability to harness the power of thought in order to create abundance. In 1890, Marconi had the idea of transmitting sound waves through the air, pass them through wires, and have them come out a small metal box. At the time (and even now) this idea was insane! So much so that Marconi’s closest friends and family had him admitted to a mental institution. Eventually, Marconi was released and with much determination and positive thinking, was able to create what we know today as the radio. If you want more abundance in your life, start by thinking abundantly. Whether it’s true or not makes no difference. It’s the thought itself that makes it true.

Recommended Reading

2. Strive for Balance

Abundance or scarcity, ebb and flow, give and take, in and out, and what goes up, must come down. The world is an intricate web of the balance of opposites. This is a universal law. The same law applies to attracting abundance. How does it apply? Eckart Tolle, author of A New Earth offers a two week challenge to his reader. It reads “whatever you think people are withholding from you - praise, appreciation, assistance, loving care, and so on - give it to them. You cannot receive what you don’t give. Outflow determines inflow.”

If you want to receive wealth, joy, love, or creativity - start giving it. This law might be hard to adopt. "How can giving away money when I have no money be the right thing to do?" Universal laws aren't easy to explain, but they're always true. This case is no different - the amount you receive, is equal to the amount you give.

3. Practice Gratitude

Nobody is immune to wants. Oddly enough, it's easy to look at the things in life we don’t have, even in the land of plenty. But in order to attract abundance into your life, you must begin to focus on the things you have! No matter how bad you perceive things to be, or how much you lack, remember that you're blessed with the breath of life. What else besides the breath of life? If you’re reading this article, I can give you ten things!

1. You’re breathing

2. You have a heartbeat

3. You are using a highly advanced piece of machinery ie. computer

4. You have the internet! (How does this thing even work?)

5. You have hands (with I'm assuming, fully functioning fingers)

6. You have eyelids (to moisten your eyeballs as you read this screen)

7. Mad reading skills!

8. A Mother who birthed you

9. A Father who supported your birth

10. The ability to attract abundance!

The more you realize you have, the more you will have! One way that helps me practice gratitude is with a gratitude journal. Try it!

Choosing Abundance

Everything in life comes down to choice. Here, you have two: You can ignore this advice and continue seeking for abundance down dark alleys and dense, decaying logs on the forest floor. Or you can pay attention and trust this advice. We are all unique snowflakes, and we all deserve to have abundant lives full of love, happiness, wealth and humor. Believe in thinking abundantly, striving for balance, and practicing gratitude. Do these three things, and watch abundance come into your life.

Peter Diamandis: Abundance is our Future


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