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Oh My God, Double Chin! How to Lose Double Chin

Updated on February 18, 2013
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How to avoid double chin? Double chin, triple chin how to remove them? Get rid of double chin before it's too late. It's easy and simple, it's free and no surgery required.

Bye bye double chin!

How to avoid Double chin

Having a beautiful body inside and out is really great. You love how blessed you are for looking gorgeous. Smiling at your face in the mirror everyday and looking at your perfect physique. But sooner or later, there might come that day when you’ll notice something new that you don’t like at all. Like staring at your face when suddenly you see another chin below your main chin and it gets so obvious everyday. Confirmed, oh my God I have double chin! You freaked to get rid off double chin?

Worry no more before it gets worse. You can get rid of having double chin without surgery. Yes, without having to spend thousand of dollars for the latest cosmetic surgery. Say goodbye to your double chin by practicing natural ways to get rid of it. But before you get direct to any action, it’s important you understand what is double chin and what causes double chin.

What is Double Chin?

When fat accumulates under the jaw a fatty fold is formed under the chin. This condition is called a double chin.

What Causes Double Chin?

  • Heredity – it could be inherited from your mother or father or someone genetically related to you.
  • Aging – as you age, your skin, especially around your chin and neck loses elasticity thus cause it to sag down.
  • Force and gravity – if you’re used to wrong posture, the skin under the jaw may develop double chin. Gravity too has a little effect on this.
  • Overweight – double chins are quite common with obese or overweight people. This is self explanatory.
  • Bone structure – you may also be prone to a double-chin because of the shape of your neck and jaw. Rounded frame of the face are inclined to double chin.

Get Rid of Double Chin without Surgery

These tips are like free treats of necklift and facelift because they are free and best of all, painless. Unless of course you prefer double chin cosmetic surgery or a liposuction double chin.

  • Have a platysma exercise. This is the most recommended way to avoid double chins. To do this, open your mouth wide, pull your bottom lip over your bottom teeth, and then work your jaw up and down as if you were trying to scoop something up with your lower jaw. This may seem silly weird but has an impressive result after doing it in daily routine.
  • Regulate your calorie intake. High calories in foods will fasten aging. You have to watch what you eat. More fats equal to more sags. Anyway, if you really eat a lot and feel so weak without satisfying your eating habits, be sure you exercise regularly to stay in good shape and healthy. Running, biking, stair climbing, and shopping are good ways to sweat. Who says you need fitness instructors to stay fit.
  • Practice good posture. Sit up straight or stand up straight and keep your jaw slightly jutted can keep the skin tight and avoid sagging. It is so important too to have a nice posture when you sleep. And remember sleep at least for 8 hours.
  • Chewing gum helps. The muscles in your face responsible for keeping your jaw line tight are the same muscles that you use to chew and make facial expressions—chewing gum and making facial expressions will help retain that jaw line.

Necklift Surgery

Get Rid of Double Chin with Surgery

The procedure is called mentoplasty and it aims at either reshaping the chin either by enhancement with an implant or by reduction of the bone. It is also often termed as necklift. To have complete and precise information about the procedure, go to

Goodbye Double Chin: What to Maintain, What to Avoid

Maintain a good shape of body, exercise regularly and maintain good posture day and night are the important tips to avoid double chins. Avoid fatty foods and high calories; avoid drinking carbonated drinks and alcoholic beverages because these can increase fat depositions and can affect the body’s metabolism in bad ways.

Bye bye neck sagging!


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