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How to Practice Meal Substitution in Paleo Diets

Updated on January 29, 2018

The List of Do's and Dont's

Growing up and getting used to set habits and life patterns make it a bit of a challenge adjusting to something new. To make a transition to a new feeding regimen requires a systematic pattern and blueprint. If there are foods that are should not be eaten, then there must be close replacements or substitutes for them.

The following are the foods that must be avoided and their substitutes


Common grains include the likes of flour, bagel, tortillas, cake and other fluffy bakes that are so easily loved and addictive. Foods like corn, rice (including chips, corn flour, etc), wild rice, sorghum, rye, oats, and even amaranth. All grains are on the list of foods to be avoided. The prevailing thought is that, grains are difficult to digest and inflammatory. A number of persons are able to experience weight reduction when these food items are cut off their diet.


The list of dairies includes, cheese, ghee, yoghurt, cottage cheese, Kefir and whey cream. It is important all purchases are checked for ingredients with these names so as to know the items to be avoided don't end up in the bowels.


Soy foods like lentils, red beans, peanuts, black beans, peanuts, white beans and pinto beans are foods that must be substituted in accordance with the Paleo diet. On the other hand, Snap peas and green beans are good fits for healthy living.

Vegetable Oils Rich In Omega-6

Vegetable oils are made from sources like soy, sesame, sunflower and corn. They are not really sourced from vegetables, and it is a tryst how the name stuck to this class of oils. Omega 6 fatty acids are produced from vegetable oils which promotes inflammation. Omega 6 fatty acids have been proven to be one of the culprits of heart ailments. The fact that vegetable oils come from non-vegetable sources and are all hydrogenated. They are inflammatory and unhealthy.

Salt (Iodized Or Refined)

Iodized or refined salt is classified as unhealthy. Unrefined sea salt is a better option and is listed on the Paleo diet.

Sweeteners-Artificial And Refined

Sugar, in the sort of fructose, corn sugar, dextrose or malt syrup all fall into this class. Man-made sweeteners are mostly chemical ; Splenda, aspartame, and Equals are unhealthy for inclusion in Paleo recommended menu. Juice sold in stores is no different from processed sugars, and like soda, are unhealthy. Too much consumption of sugar makes you lethargic, fat and grumpy.

Seafood, Eggs And Mass Produced Meat

Animals that are raised naturally are healthier for consumption than any other sort. Fatty acids, vitamins and the nutritional value of grass-fed or pasture-fed animals are best for everyone. Some consider that a bulk-buy of cow or sheep raised in pasture is always the cheaper and healthier option.

Meat List For Paleo Diet

Below is an extended list of meats that fit the bill for recommended diet list. Although all meats by definition are Paleo except that highly processed meats and high fat content meats should be avoided.

  • Veal
  • Poultry
  • Pork Tenderloin
  • Chicken Breast
  • Bacon
  • Pork Chops
  • Steak
  • Turkey
  • Ground Beef
  • Chicken Thigh
  • Grass Fed Beef
  • Pork
  • Lamb rack
  • Chicken Leg
  • Shrimp
  • Chicken Wings
  • Clams
  • Lobster
  • Buffalo
  • Salmon
  • Bison
  • New York Steak
  • Venison Steals
  • Bison Steaks
  • Bison Jerky
  • Bison Ribeye
  • Lamb Chops
  • Bison Sirloin
  • Goat
  • Elk
  • Goat
  • Rabbit
  • Goose
  • Emu
  • Kangaroo
  • Beef Jerky
  • Bear
  • Wild Boar
  • Eggs
  • Turtle
  • Reindeer
  • Quail
  • Ostrich
  • Lean Veal
  • Quail
  • Rattlesnake
  • Chuck Steak

Recommended Paleo Practices

Apart from the guidelines on what not to eat, there are no other guidelines on eating what is on the acceptable foods list;

1.Everyone is at liberty to eat what is listed on the Paleo diet. People should eat to measure that their that their body allows. What is necessary is for your body to get all the nutrients that it requires to make it possible for your brain signals to be accurately alert. As a general rule, it is better to eat till hunger abates and not necessarily for the stomach to be full.

2. Evenly spread out meals during the course of the day is recommended. There is no rule for the number of meals or an optimal serve quantity.

3.What fits for breakfast,lunch or dinner doesn't have to be routine. A mix of fish, eggs/fruit or even, bacon can be eaten at any of the meal times. Traditional practice of limiting cereals as breakfast is not of any dietary advantage. Fish can be consumed for breakfast or any other time.

4.Combination of foods at meal times doesn't have to be practiced. Too many combinations are unnecessary except for personal preferences. The caveman had no routine for meals as he had to eat what he could fetch at a particular time. He might have woken up to find out he trapped a fish and that will serve as his breakfast. After then, he could be at a nut field at noon and make a feast of nuts. At Dinner, having trapped a rabbit, he feasted on this saucy meat.

A practice of Paleo diet will adjust your body mechanism after a few weeks, and you will get accustomed to eating the right things. Healthy meals will gradually wean your body from relying on carbohydrates and rely on body fat as a source of energy. This is also preferable as glucose gets depleted easily unlike fat that is of high reserve in the body.

It is not suggested that the caveman had his required nutrients in one day, rather it is safe to say that over a four day period, he got all he required. It is good to eat meat for a whole day, fish the next, and vegetables by the third day. No rules need to be overarching for anyone.

5.The practice of eating with hands is far more instinctive and efficient. It is okay to do this at home and indulge your caveman instinct. For social etiquette, the fork and knife are still expected.


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