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10 Simple Things That Help You To Sleep Better.

Updated on October 9, 2015
The things that help you sleep better at night.
The things that help you sleep better at night. | Source

Things that help you sleep better at night

I have given here a list of 10 proven simple things to help you sleep better, which is probably the best answer to one of the most frequently asked questions among the sleep deprived people around the world - How to sleep better at night?

According to some reports, sleep problems affect one in four people, at least once in a while on the earth (about one in three adults report some degree of insomnia at any one time). Lack of awareness about the ways to sleep better naturally is the main cause of this alarming dimension of sleep disorder problem. The majority of Americans suffer from insomnia at least occasionally which is a direct outcome of the lifestyle they lead. It is only when you can single out the lifestyle factor that is affecting your sleep, you can try for the necessary changes in your everyday routine so that you can follow these few simple things that help you sleep better.

Research shows that not getting enough sleep can cause daytime fatigue, increased blood pressure, weight gain, irritability, depressed mood, and reduced self control. A new study conducted by a medical society found that people getting less than 6/7 hours sleep at night were more likely to increase their risk of heart diseases than those getting more. Fortunately, there are few proven things to help you sleep better at night and overcome insomnia without the help of any prescription medication or over-the-counter sleep-enhancing drugs.

Here are 10 simple things that help you sleep better at night, if you follow them with all seriousness.

Go to bed at the same time

Try to make the habit of going to bed and waking up at fixed times which will have bearing on your quality of sleep. Nevertheless, go to bed later if you are having trouble sleeping. Make sure that the time you spend in bed is sleep time.


Set a bedtime schedule to help you sleep better
Set a bedtime schedule to help you sleep better

Take a relaxing, warm bath an hour or two before bedtime

On scientific studies of the sleep deprivation facts it has been found that a warm bath raises body temperature and the gradual cooling afterwards mimics the natural drop in temperature that produces sleep. The older women in the study, all of whom were suffering from sleeping disorder, were able to sleep better at night following a warm bath, as opposed to one at body temperature;

Avoid turning to alcohol as a sleep aid

Many people with insomnia try to use alcohol to promote sleep which may work more as an "obstacle" than to help you sleep better. Alcohol taken at bedtime may initially reduce the time required to fall asleep due its stimulating effect but will interrupt your sleep later. The adverse effects of sleep deprivation like daytime fatigue and sleepiness are increased following alcohol consumption. Moreover, you'll wake up dehydrated for alcohol consumption at bedtime;

Minimize Caffeine intake

One of the most important things that help you sleep better is to minimize caffeine intake. While it is true that caffeine helps keep you awake and alert when you are trying to function, it unfortunately does the same when you are trying to sleep. It doesn't just vanish from your system at bedtime. It takes hours for your body to metabolize it all. Therefore, consume as little caffeine as possible, and do it as early in the day as possible (you may refer to my other article to know about negative effects of caffeine on the body). Although caffeine is never a primary cause but it can make insomnia worse;

Do something that helps you to relax before bed time

Watch TV, listen to soft music or read your kids a bedtime story for half an hour or so that would help you relax and in triggering sleepiness. Sometimes having snacks high in carbohydrates and low in protein about an hour before retiring may also help you to have better night sleep. Prescription or over-the-counter sleeping pills are usually not the best solution. These generally work, but they often leave a sort of hangover effect that keeps you dragging throughout the next day;

Do relaxing things before bedtime to help you sleep better
Do relaxing things before bedtime to help you sleep better

Minimize sensory stimulation in the sleep area

Make your bed as comfortable as possible. Keep the bedroom dark and quiet and ensure that it is not too warm or too cold. If you have to get up in the middle of the night, use a dim night-light rather than bright light, because the brighter the light the more aroused you’ll become;

Exercise is good for sleep

Exercise is a blessing for sleep if properly chosen and timed. Early evening exercise, if not too strenuous, will do wonders to your quality of night sleep;

Regular exercise to help you sleep better
Regular exercise to help you sleep better

Avoid excitation 2-3 hours before bedtime (other than sex)

Try to avoid worrisome works, arguments and other stressful interactions before going to sleep. It takes time for the stress hormones to subside and allow your nerves to relax which is one among the crucial things to help sleep better at night;

Try not to worry yourself

Don’t think how desperate you feel about missing sleep or worry how tired you’ll feel in the morning. Try to avoid tossing and turning or try to force yourself to fall back asleep. All these will just excite you more and make it difficult to get back to sleep. If you cannot fall asleep in 30 minutes you are probably not yet ready for the sleep and you should stay out of the bed till you start feeling sleepy;

Try to distract yourself

If it’s late and you’re wide awake, this may be a good time to watch a dull TV show or read the most boring book you can find. If you’re only half awake, stay quietly in bed in the dark and occupy your mind with some senseless mental game or activity such as trying to count backward from a thousand by seven or just count the proverbial sheep;


Increasing knowledge about common sleep deprivation symptoms can prevent many possible health complications associated with sleep disorders. Sleep is not just a form of relaxation. It has significant physiological functions, and is crucial for your intellectual development. It is, therefore, vital to know about the things that help you sleep better and overcome insomnia without the help of medication, as and when it arises.

If you are having sleep disorder, minor changes in your lifestyle to pursue the easy to follow things to help you sleep better, given in this post may be all you need to restore your normal sleep patterns for a better night sleep.


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