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I Healed Fast

Updated on March 12, 2024
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I share my experiences, my emotions and believe in myself. I am positive, confident and love life.

Heal from within

Healing requires time from pain and to heal in time is what you need to understand.

Do not think you are ready when you are not even close to healed?

I recovered fast from my greater changes over nearly twelve years and believed in myself and in how I planned to make my life unique.

Mentally I had control over my emotions and focused on happy moments. While the not-so-happy moments passed I remained positive.

I had to stay focused on adapting, on my relationship with my family and maintaining sanity with my peaceful mind. I enjoyed learning from new challenges and the more I learned the more I knew about myself.

How often have you forgotten to breathe and just went into a frenzy?

Breathing helped and still does and has made me stronger to cope with other issues. I needed my strength and learning to relax was the key for me.

I managed my daily activities with calmness and happy moments. I found myself deep inside and did not feel afraid when I faced up to my situation. I understood my feelings and with ease, I created my life in a foreign country.

I did not want to be wrapped up in my world and forget about my loved ones.

My responses were spontaneous. I did not hide my feelings with any substance or alcohol; I faced up to my challenges and loved it too.

I honoured my feelings and expressed my feelings freely. At times I felt I knew myself about there was often that surprise and that showed me how I have improved over the years.

Judgment is normal and sometimes you can become involved with judgment about others.

How do you see yourself?

What do you tell yourself about your image?

You are your judge but fail to see it in many ways.

When you see yourself in the mirror do you not comment on yourself?

You can be your enemy when it comes to emotions, especially when you bring up feelings of sadness, anger, or loneliness.

This life can save you from lots of pain if you stop being your inner critic. Think about it, the best for you would be to remove that judgment.

I did that when I knew it was time to move on and in time you too will find happiness from within.

Joy makes you a better person include that in your life, do not mope and think negatively about life Sometimes you become very into the sadness about life and you do not think of the better part of life.

If you have experienced such a life your major suffering can go on for a longer period. You are doing this in this way denying yourself of the reality of the good life.

You do not give yourself happiness because all you know is heartache.

It reminds me of some of the local people. The major cause of their sadness has remained within their souls.

Their focus is now mostly on materialism the main part of simple happiness is no longer in most of their lives. Certain incidents can leave you with a miserable life over time.

Life is such that with all experiences from all sides how you choose to cope with situations presented to you is totally up to you. The way you treat others is how you should be treated.

If you treat others in a nasty way surely you deserve the same treatment. Respect each other in the same you should earn respect and be respected.

If you are comfortable with the feelings of others and of your feelings that shows honour.

Do not mix up the issues of the feelings of others and your feelings. At some point you must have been hurt in your life and pain is an obvious part of life.

The interesting part of my life, I listened and learned carefully. I surprised myself in many ways in coping with a different culture.

I did not know I would learn another language, especially one of the most difficult languages in the world.

I did not know I would live in another country and had no idea I would be able to cope with the many obstacles. Life showed me more than I had expected in the last few years.

I did not know my confidence would hold me thus far so gave myself time and let it everything pass by as each day passed, I saw the differences in my life.

My hard work experiences showed me I can do more. I communicated and observed the way of life in the small village I live in.

I understood and opened to another culture and life in my way.

I connected to people I did not know existed such greatness from them showed more greatness in me, I had battled with proper communication and over time that had improved too.

I was determined to make it work and still am determined to make my life successful and learned to stay focused when in communication.

In that way, I knew how to connect with the individual sharing their stories. I listened to my feelings and made it all possible for me. I do not interrupt someone when in a disrespectful conversation.

I respect that people have their own lives their lives are different.

Also, I expect others to respect my way of life. Pain is often the issue you just must make time to resolve issues, only if the issues concern you.

Do not jump to the wrong conclusions that can ruin many friendships. Nobody can stop a change in their life it is inevitable. Think realistically change is what makes you alive with all experiences.

Be appreciative and be the better example!

Encourage downfalls to reach the top. You cannot reach the top without battle no smooth rolling in life just struggle before all gets calm and better.

Do what you know will change you for the better try enlightening your life with literature.

Reading can open new thoughts for you and can bring out a new character in you. Do not bury your thoughts speak up and live and let be.

A balanced lifestyle is always a healthy one. I learned to do whatever I feel is right for me and what makes me feel the happiest. To not ignore my true feelings and to pay attention to those who love and care for me.

Just once try not to be horrible to others be nice and always smile. To be you and show love to others. Nothing in life can be true then you open up and show love to others in the simplest of ways.

A meaningful way of life comes straight from the heart. I love my life and I am blessed with a loving family. What matters to the heart will forever make you happy and can also make you sad.

Cope with such feelings strongly and with faith. Do not regret instead forgive and embrace each day with a greater image.

Your character shows others that the important part of you should be presented with pride and joy.

All moments come from within cherish what you have and love freely. You are never alone in this world and do not even think you are alone.

Life is Beautiful


Life is what you make of it

How would heal from great challenges?

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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2014 Devika Primić


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