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Death of the Honey Bees and the Rise in Autism: Super-Pesticides are Damaging Our Children

Updated on May 17, 2011

Colony Collapse Disorder


When I heard that the Honey Bees were dying out, I was sort of concerned. After all, bees are not usually considered man's best friend. We are brainwashed from day one into staying away from the pesky critters. They have those painful stingers and all. I know that their honey is amazing...ever try a peanut butter and honey sandwich? And they are pretty,colorful,helpful little insects who pollinate our world.

I only became concerned when nobody could figure out why they were dying. Ah! A mystery. Many theories are out there about this. Some believe that it is a virus. The theory that cell phones were the culprits has recently been thrown out. Others believe that this is just a part of a hundred year old decline in the bee's population. Or that certain bee strains were weaker than others.

Still others believe that there is a more ominous reason which will have far-reaching implications. The theory goes like this:

We started using highly-potent pesticides back in the 90s for our crops.

These pesticides killed the insects in a new way.

They cause disorientation and loss of memory, stomach and small-intestine fungi, and most frightening...destruction of the immune system.Interesting that the rate of autism has skyrocketed during this time.

What are some of the symptoms of autism spectrum disorder? Let's see..lowered immune system which may be the reason that some children are susceptible to the onslaught of vaccinations in their infant stage; yeast problems in the stomach and intestinal tract; disorientation and bizarre behavior (flapping); and loss of memory (perhaps...rates of Alzheimer's have also increased).

Now, you may say that we are simply diagnosing these disorders and previous generations may have either ignored, accepted, or categorized the severely afflicted as "mentally retarded". But, I propose that we take a look at the possible connection.

What exactly is Autism?

Autism is a complex neurological and biological disorder that usually lasts a lifetime. 1 in 150 individuals are currently diagnosed with autism. It is more common than pediatric cancer, diabetes, and AIDS combined. It crosses all racial, ethnic, and socio-economic groups. It is four times more prevalent in boys than girls. Autism impairs a person's ability to communicate and relate to others. It is also associated with rigid routines and repetitive behaviors, such as obsessively arranging objects or following very specific routines. Symptoms can range from very mild to quite severe.

One of the possible causes which has been debated in the media, the autism community, and in the pediatrician's offices with parents today is the possibility that vaccinations are causing autism. One theory is that the infants who have weakened immune systems are the ones who are adversely affected by the vaccinations. However, today there is no test to determine which infant or toddler should be vaccinated or not. Pediatricians are bound by law to administer the vaccines. The responsibility for the repercussions, ie. disease, that the child may get if the parents decide not to immunize, is placed solely on them, not the medical community.

We all know children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. How could we not, with those odds? This is an epidemic of biblical proportions.

How important are the bees to our food-supply? 70% of our food supply depends on the honey bees. 70%. Should we be concerned? Absolutely. The New York Times and Network News have both covered this story over the past few years. But, the surprising lack of "connect-the-dots" thinking is worrisome. If the symptoms are the same, then maybe, just maybe, we should take another look.

A California study found that women who lived close to farms who used pesticides on their crops had a higher rate of births to children with autism. (Link attached) Another larger California study found that mothers who used certain flea and tick shampoos on their pets during their pregnancies had a higher incidence of autism in their children. (Link attached)

My son has verbal apraxia of speech, a neurological disorder. The cause is unknown. I think that we are dealing with far too many unknowns in 2008.

Burt's Bees Campaigns for Answers


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