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Less-Hygienic People

Updated on March 12, 2024
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I share my experiences, my emotions and believe in myself. I am positive, confident and love life.

How important is hygiene to you?

What makes people avoid personal hygiene?

I met many types of people from many cultures. Along the way, I noticed some of the most unhygienic people.

Do you think someone who does not take a shower daily is a less hygienic person?

Such an individual is less hygienic.

In some situations, access to water is a problem.

These individuals need to make amends to practice proper hygiene and show their self-esteem positively.

I understand not all people in the world have access to clean water.

The basic needs of keeping up to date with the brushing of your teeth do require the use of clean water.

The flossing is like most people would do and have in their lives.

Less hygienic means not bathing daily, or not washing hands thoroughly.

I know a few people who will not take a daily shower, especially in the winter.

Strangely enough, they find it weird that I take my daily showers and do not mind the cold weather.

Brushing my teeth, flossing, and washing of hands with warm water and soap are common tips for proper hygiene.

I keep short and clean fingernails and maintain my clean habits.

I observe other people's behaviours like if they stick their fingers up their noses and decide to shake my hands afterwards.

The less hygienic do not use much water in their daily chores and this is so not my kind of life.

What about self-esteem in the less-hygienic individual?

Clean people feel good about themselves.

Communication is better and appearances are positive.

Their positive minds show more confidence.

For example:

Assuming you were out and about while seated on a bench and an older person came by and took the empty seat next to you.

He stank horribly and you could tell from his appearance he was less hygienic.

If you were in that position how you would have addressed the situation?

Sometimes people just have weird beliefs about daily bathing, and that puts them off from being more hygienic.

Others are either homeless or live in poor conditions.

Life is such that not everyone can be as clean as the others some may prefer to bathe once a week or a few times weekly.

It is hard to stand by and make irrational comments about those individuals.

The less hygienic should not be picked on if they choose to be that way who are you to comment harshly?

Would you shout at that person and tell him to take a shower or get a life?

It is, however, very important to be clean and neat with yourself.

Imagine walking past someone with a bad odour from their armpits.

Another part of you that is related to hygiene and still, you would the less hygienic in that way.

Do you know of a less-hygienic person?

Socially, you can lose your friends not being able to practice proper hygiene can make your social life a bore.

Dirty hair and dandruff show a poor appearance to anyone.

The smell of someone can make you walk away from your seat if seated on the next seat.

How would you be accepted into society with that kind of attitude?

Hygiene starts at home and this comes from parents.

You should be taught at a young age to be clean and bathe always.

You eventually become that person, the uneventful-looking one, or the untidy person.

If you are taught to be clean from a young age you make hygiene part of your daily routine.

Do you think hygiene is important?

Hygiene is very important.

Always wash hands before and after eating, after the use of the toilet, or after a handshake.

It is crucial to wash your hands after a long day.

Whether outdoors or not, germs are so easily picked up from a simple handshake, and to the use of the keyboard.

From touching railings, and when commuting.

This can be on the bus, or train and others won't be impressed with an odour from you.

You are constantly in contact with others with your hands.

When in an elevator or on an escalator your hands are used everywhere so do not ignore the washing of your hands.

It may not be as important when you get home, but if you spread the germ to everyone else in the family the best would be is wash your hands right away.

I make sure that is practised in my home.

Hygiene is most important and should always be practised.

The less-hygienic person should be taught, and it is never too late to learn about anything in life.

If you have good personal hygiene you are free of many diseases.

The body requires proper cleaning daily to get rid of dead skin, and some people fail to see the point of being hygienic.

It is as if they have given up on life itself.

You have a higher risk of catching an infection if you are not keeping yourself clean.

Certain cultures do not approve of daily showers in my eyes they become less hygienic.

I know of people, who use deodorants to stop their smells, but I do not approve of that way of life.

Get real, you sweat daily no matter what kind of weather, and you interact with people daily surely clean living must be part of your life.

Wearing cleaning clothing like underwear and socks must be practised daily.

Most women have problems with bacterial infections, and if they do not maintain proper hygiene the infections can creep up.

Bladder infections and vaginal issues can be taken care of if you wash your hands after touching sanitary pads.

Keep down there clean, though the vagina keeps itself clean.

Do your best to avoid infections by keeping bacteria from getting into the bladder.

Practice going to wee after intercourse that keeps bacteria from creeping up to the bladder.

Personal hygiene allows for fewer infections and better health.

What do men need to do to practice personal hygiene?

Men should take a shower daily to have a clean body.

Bad breath does affect both men and women which is caused by poorly brushed teeth or hygiene of the gums.

It is easy to keep your mouth clean with a mouthwash.

If you feel you are still affected by bad breath pay a visit to your dentist.

It is not the same for everyone and most people see hygiene as a different approach in their lives.

We stayed in a hotel the next day that sorted out my hygiene problem.

Gastroenteritis is caused in the less-hygienic person.

The washing of hands can avoid such an illness and the washing of foods to avoid such diseases.

You can be affected by many poor conditions if you avoid proper hygiene habits.

The body, the genital parts, and the hair require your full attention to cleanliness.

The mouth and feet also need to be clean.

It is difficult to speak up for everyone only you can make that difference to yourself.

A subject that always needs attention to be clean and neat.

Do not neglect hygiene as it is most important and should be a ritual in your lifestyle. If water is a problem, try to keep it clean in public toilets.

Ask a friend to help you with water, do not ignore hygiene tips. It is easy to become lazy and ignore your clean habits.

Personal Hygiene



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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2014 Devika Primić


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