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Using Different Techiques to Aid Your Workout Progress!!

Updated on August 7, 2018

Just Dance!

Move Your Body!!!
Move Your Body!!! | Source

Music, Exercise and Your Metabolism!

Since the Late 1980's there have been all kinds of Diets, Try-its and Buy-its! Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with a new diet, as long as it is balanced and wholesome. Plus there has to be plenty of exercise included with any diet. Honestly, if someone were to exercise for 30 min. to 1 hour daily (which is about the recommended amount), it would not matter what this person ate throughout the day! Their body would simply metabolize the food that is consumed, much like a furnace or fireplace burning wood.

This is the point which everyone would like to have their bodies become, it takes work, time, effort, training and most of all practice. Really it takes your willpower and desire also working alongside your goal to succeed in this area. Exercise itself is not fun, but our bodies were created to be maintained and be able to do what it takes just to survive.

So how do we take a necessary, and sometimes boring part of our existence and make it not so boring? Before I can answer this question, you Must first know yourself; everyone is Going to Be Different! Some people have a High level of energy, others have strong desire and some aren't sure where to start. There are So many different personalities, desires, and Driving reasons for just one Individual to say: "This or That Will Work for Everyone." Not to mention that not everyone has the same type of metabolism either, some people have very High metabolisms and others do not. This is why it is important for you to know yourself before you begin any type of Lifestyle Adjustments!

Once you have establish your metabolism rate, your desire, willpower and of course a realistic goal for yourself. Now it is time to establish what type of regimen that is needed or may be needed, whether is just toning or tightening a certain areas of the body or maybe realigning the metabolism to speed it up. Whichever the case maybe, exercise itself has become boring and the old way of doing things is not as functional anymore.

What works for me is simply by adding some fast-paced music to coincide with my daily regimen! This helps keep me motivated throughout my workout and helps keep me going from start to finish! So what is the purpose of music and how does this help? Well music aids the soul and think about this, when you are trying to relax putting on some slow music will always help. Or Smooth Jazz to calm yourself after a Long Hard day of work. There are many types of musical genres to coincide with moods and feelings, so why wouldn't work this for and with exercise?

Here is an experiment anyone can try, when you are calm and relaxed check your pulse for 20 seconds time. Now do the same thing, but this time just listen to some fast paced music while checking your pulse and I will bet you it increased didn't it? I use Techno Music, Electronica or sometimes Dance or Trance Genres to aid my workouts. Back in the 80's this type of music was hard to come by and if you found any in this time period. Today fast paced, upbeat music is "In" and everywhere, plus it is an awesome mix with any exercise program. Whether it is just Jogging, Sit-ups and Push-up or an enormous program ranging from Zumba to running up and down Stadium Stairs! For me adding Music which fits any type of workout helps me not think of my workout as just being exercise, rather as enjoyment instead. This helps keep me going even when I hit the "wall" and may not feel like a workout or finishing what I started.

Since everyone is different, some can exercise very well with other's and some like myself are disciplined enough to workout by ourselves to keep going. Whichever the case, exercise is the key to increasing your metabolism and staying in great shape longer, even in your golden years! Every "Body" needs Exercise, start when you are young so you can still enjoy your Body in your later years!

DJ Tony Foxx - TBG - 04 Seventh Day

Workouts are Never Easy, but They Can be Fun!!

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Move Your Body | Source
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Fitness Zumba Style
Fitness Zumba Style | Source

Dancing, Move Your Body!

When I was a kid I hated dancing, I just didn't care for it. My sister could dance very well and it was one of her favorite things to do growing up! I eventually caught-on and could dance better then my sister, I had to learn about body control and muscle movements. Which allowed me to do things with my body that my sister had not learned about or could do! I don't fight the music anymore, I let my mind and body just flow with the beat; its like my mind, body and the music are one entity! My family and friends are in awe, because they remember from when I was a kid and hated dancing with a passion. Now as an Adult, it feels good to be "Free" in everything I do. Especially dancing and exercise, to me they go hand in hand!

Confidence and Dancing are like a Peanut Butter and Jelly, they just belong together! Besides, when you participate in any activity, your moods, feelings and emotions are displayed within your actions, and movements. So if you are confident within yourself, it will show while you are dancing or anything that you might be doing! I can only speak for myself, I am by no means speaking for everyone here.

Now Zumba is the New Dancing and Exercise craze right now, it uses fast paced music and dancing together. Not only does this work the entire body but builds strength and endurance in time through the daily practice of Zumba. As with any exercise, Zumba also increases the heart rate; it also aids in flexibility and body control. Add confidence to this mix and you will have an explosive workout while doing Zumba, it may look and feel strange but it is working on your body! Zumba even helps those that don't have much rhythm, as a beginner Zumba starts off slow teaching the basic moves. As they begin to progress, there are some variations added to the Basic move from the Beginner's Stage. With this, Zumba is not so hard and anyone can learn how to move their body to the music!

Now back to dancing, most of the body's movements are through your core or Abs and lower back. If you are just moving you legs, your core is engaged in your movements; the same goes for moving your arms and head while dancing! So if someone were to just dance for 30 min. to 1 hour a day, they will still exercise their entire body! It is not just for fun but Isn't Dancing Awesome!!

Techno Music DJ BT

Dancing is a Great way to Exercise, It Works the Whole Body!

Feel the Music
Feel the Music | Source
Let's Dance, You and Me
Let's Dance, You and Me | Source
Dancing works in Nature Also!
Dancing works in Nature Also! | Source
Still Move the Body
Still Move the Body | Source
See Mom, I can Dance
See Mom, I can Dance | Source
Dance to Fitness
Dance to Fitness | Source

What Moves You?

How Do You Move Your Body?

See results

Dance Just Because!


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