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Simple Inexpensive Tools (You May Already Have) to Help Weight Loss

Updated on March 30, 2015
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As a certified health and wellness coach, I love discussing food, health benefits, and how to keep weight in check.

Weight loss can be as daunting as taking on Goliath.

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Sometimes, fighting weight gain is like fighting Goliath.  Like Goliath, he stands intimidating, daring you in the face,” You’re not going to get me. I’m too set, too big, too smart, too…” You cower to think if you can ever win this battle. After all, your records may not have been exactly stellar—diet plans strewn on the sidewalks of “tried and failed,” ambitious weight loss tools pushed to the corner, collecting dust and guilt and shakes and meal plans you shudder to think if you ever have to eat them again.

You are defeated and you know it. And now Goliath is chanting his dismal refrain, aim at discouraging you from ever trying.  But before you throw in your last bit of resolve, here’s a story of hope.

Now, enter David—small dimunitive David, with no armor and no stature, so to speak. But David had a game plan. He knew a thing or two about tools or gadgets, if you will. In his sling, he carried five smooth pebbles, handpicked from the stream nearby. Amidst torrents of ridicule from the shameless giant, David swung his sling with the perfect aim of a shepherd boy. A little pebble did the job. Hit in the most vulnerable part, his forehead caved in and the giant came tumbling down.

OK, I’m not trying to Sunday-school you—this story proves a point—if you choose your tool or gadget or weapon well, the task at hand will not be so insurmountable.  And contrary to thinking, you may not need expensive tools to slay the giant of weight accumulation.

If you look around you, you can actually find some weight loss tools you already have. Since you already have them, you have zero starting cost to get on your own weight loss programe  (no need to pay for special meals or join a special weight loss programs).

Weight loss tools could be lying around in your house.

Here are some surprising weight loss tools you may already have, just waiting for you:

Your Cell Phone

A picture says a thousand words—we’ve all heard that and it’s become a worn cliché. But if you apply that concept to weight loss, you may be amazed at the results. Instead of fussing over everything you eat or checking with your diet coach via iphone or dialing into a food phone service to tell you what to eat and what not to eat, why not take a picture of your meal? Most cell phones have picture-taking capability, so take a snap and review it. Do this for a couple of days and you may see your food cravings, food favorites and food snags that can hinder your weight loss desires.

What do you mean?

Go ahead, take a picture of the meal you’re about to eat. Does it consist of a double-cheese hamburger, a side of French fries and a milk shake? Or a double-cheese stuffed pizza ?

If your pictures constantly have images of fast-foods, quick take-outs and processed snacks and sweet goodies, there is no denying—they are all there, staring at you and convicting you.

Guilty? You don’t need a diet coach to tell you that these foods are loaded with saturated fats and trans fat, simple carbohydrates and sugar. Allow the pictures to speak and if you listen, you will be making some smarter choices the next time you eat.

Guide to Buying a Pair of Good Running Shoes

How to Buy A Pair of Running Shoes

You can blame the credit crunch or gym apathy, but Britain is set to go running mad this year. Already, the signs are that we are in the throes of a jogging boom. Figures suggest that nearly four million people run regularly. Its appeal is partly its convenience - you can do it any time, almost anywhere - and minimal financial outlay is required. All you need to buy is a pair of trainers. It seems so straightforward - until you walk into a sports shop.

Running tips for beginners

Running Shoes

Most of us own a pair. If you don’t have the resources to keep up a gym membership or join a weight watcher group, your shoes can double up as your own workout gym. Just donn a pair and go—blaze the running trail, catch some fresh air, enjoy the sights as you go and make this walking/jogging thing an enjoyable adventure.

This no-cost exercise does more than encourage weight loss. Research shows that regular physical activity can reduce risks of many diseases from cardiovascular diseases, to stroke, to osteoporosis to glaucoma. Mayo clinic listed 6 other compelling reasons to exercise, in addition to maintaining weight control:

  • Improves mood

  • Combats chronic diseases

  • Boosts energy level

  • Promotes better sleep

  • Promotes better sex

  • and it’s fun to boot.

Your Dog

Own a dog? Good for you—according to Northwestern University, your dog’s leash may be your best fitness tool. How is that so? Researcher, Robert F. Kushner, M.D., has this to say,” Dogs are great partners because they never say no, never talk you into not exercising and never sabotage you.” If that describes your dog, you’re ready to go. Saddle up your feet and hit the road with your friendly pooch at your side. And because they are generally eager to go out (unless you have yourself a lazy one), their enthusiasm may be just the thing to tide you over an exercise slump.

Don’t have a dog? Offer to walk your neighbor’s. Or get one—yes?

Journal Your Way to Weight Loss!

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Free Program to help weight loss

Get your completely free program from, America's #1 weight loss and fitness website

Food Diary

Food diary may seem anal—writing down everything you eat, including calories and exercise records but the American Journal of Preventive Medicine confirms the importance of keeping a food diary. According to one of the largest weight-loss studies ever conducted, dieters who kept their food diary six or more days a week lost an average of 18 pounds in a six-month period compared to only 9 pounds (or half) for those who didn’t keep food diaries.

Now, throw in the accountability element—it can be the thing that keeps you going. Accountability to yourself is pivotal and if you want to ensure further success, show it (i.e. the food diary)to someone you trust. Victor Stevens, PhD., senior investigator at the Kaiser Permenente Center for Health Research in Portland, Oregon says, “I think the most powerful part is accountability and the next most powerful part is increasing awareness of where those extra calories are coming from.”

So what do you need to keep a food diary? If you have papers lying around, you can start right away. Notebooks, or any kind of stationary where you can write down records or if you’re high tech—record it in your personal digital assistant (PDA). There are program on the internet that helps you to track your record.

More Inspirational Quotes for Weight Loss

Post-it Notes

Surely, you have these lying around, either from school days gone by or you have them handy to scribble quick reminders. Well, these can be your tool too—to scribble little reminders to eat certain foods, or to steer away from “dangerous” food items. Or they can bear little notes of encouragement to yourself—an inspirational quote, a target weight to reach, a certain little black dress you want to get into or the figure you want to hit the beach and steal glances.

Here are some inspirational quotes I scour for you:

You have to stay in shape. My grandmother, she started walking five miles a day when she was 60. She's 97 today and we don't know where the hell she is.

--Ellen Degeneres

Take care of your body with steadfast fidelity.
-- Goethe

A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.
--Lao Tsu

To climb steep hills requires slow pace at first.
--William Shakespeare

Perseverance is failing 19 times and succeeding the 20th.
--Julie Andrews

I don’t want to sound like a motivational speaker, but you get the picture, even if there are on tiny squares of post-its.

How to Wear Belts

Belts in your closet? Put them to good use!


If this suggestion sounds like an odd ball, it probably is. What do belts have to do with weight loss? Everything! Belt can serve dual purposes. Put one on if you know you’re going to parties or places where food is abundant and tempting you to over-gaze—the belt is there to tell you when you’re full. Listen to your belt—it doesn’t lie and it’s better and cheaper than gastroplasty. A big, bold belt can also create the illusion of a smaller waist and they are very fashionable now. Either way, you can go wrong with a belt in place.


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