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The Most Interesting Answer to "So What Do You Do For a Living?"

Updated on July 13, 2012

Fascinating New Friend

I had the great pleasure recently to meet a new acquaintance, and I believe, acquire a new friend, Randy Veitenheimer. As I picked Randy up from the airport to drive him to my employer's residence, I asked that age-old question, "So what do you do?". Never in a million years would I have expected his answer, nor would I have expected to be enthralled for the next 3 hours avidly listening to his answer.

Randy replied, "I am a Qigong Doctor." Needless to say I had no idea what that might be. Webster's Dictionary says qigong [chee-goong, -gong] noun, is a Chinese system of breathing exercises, body postures and movements, and mental concentration, intended to maintain goodhealth and control the flow of vital energy; Randy described it as oh-so-much more.

After decades of training, Randy can actually sense and feel the life energy or Chi emitted by people. He can tell if they are running low, or if they are imbalanced. Moreover, he can pinpoint where the obstruction of their energy flows are and more importantly, he can clear those obstructions and put the person back into balance. Being able to see and feel Chi, Randy can intuit far better than you or I and is utilizing far more of his own Chi than the rest of us.


So What is Chi?

Chi is defined as the vital energy believed to circulate round the body in currents. Chakras are vital energy centers feed the chi both in and out of us. There are seven primary chakras, the Root Chakra, or Base Chakra, located in the lower tailbone or pelvis which when properly balanced induces health, a grounding effect and opens us up to abundance. The Sexual Chakra located just above the pelvis amplifies emotional freedom and instinctive inside and self acceptance. The Solar Plexus Chakra, is located at the Solar Plexus controls will and intellect; it induces spontaneity, confidence and clear thinking. The Heart Chakra is located above that at the heart, it controls Love and Trust and helps keep us centered and empathetic and appreciative of others. The Throat Chakra is located at the throat and promotes creativity and communication. The Third Eye Chakra is located between the brows and amplifies perception and imagination. Finally the Crown Chakra is located at the crown of the head and amplifies Spiritual connection and inspiration.

Open and balanced Chakras nurture our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being.

Can Anyone Manage Their Chi?

Having listened to and watched Randy, I wondered "Can anyone control their Chi? Can I?". Randy has studied for a lifetime with many masters of this ancient Chinese art to get to his incredible level. Yet I can't believe that Randy could have possibly crossed my path without there being some intrinsic value to our meeting. Since meeting him over a week ago, I've pondered things I've never pondered before. There's this whole world of what I didn't know that I didn't know that I've had a tiny glimpse of. I've since decided to meditate daily, to quiet my mind and see if I can connect with or observe my Chi. While I'm not there yet, I have found my self much more energetic, even-keeled, calm, blissful even.


Randy had so very many insights to impart, but the key insight I took away from our meeting is being blissful and joyful and enjoying life comes down to several simple things. First is to be aware and in the present. We need to pay attention and spend our time in the now. So often we are reliving the past, or worrying about the future that we are never in the present. Being an observer and being aware of where we are focusing our thoughts is game one.

Next, Balance is key. By being present and aware, when something knocks us off balance, for instance our spouse is short with us, we're late for work, the kids are rambunctious, etc, by being aware of what is upsetting us, we can steady ourselves more quickly and get back to an even keel. Randy described this with a glass of water. The glass of water sitting on the table, calm, serene and at rest is us at peace. The waiter knocks the glass and it wobbles off kilter (or the children are fighting, or our spouse is terse) the faster we can right the glass, the more serene our lives will be.

Finally, be ourselves. Our imperfect selves are perfect just as they are. Love yourself, just as you are, be who you truly are. For more on finding your joy, click here.


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