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The Secret of Long Life and Good Health is a Simple Elixir: Know it ?

Updated on December 22, 2017


I have been a globetrotter and obviously, a man of the world. Men travel and strike relationships and many undertake travels only to strike a relationship. Many travelers have a primary purpose and that is sleeping with a partner. This for many is a primary purpose. Let us accept one fact that men more than women are to a degree obsessed with a physical relationship, It's worthwhile to examine how this relationship, the physical aspect affects man. I keep talking and using the word man, but it also means the opposite sex i.e women.

Most travelers make it a primary purpose, not only to see new places but also have the company of women. This has been a field that a traveler indulges in and I think it’s worthwhile to write down what it is all about and how it affects man. Reading the travels of Marco Polo will elucidate my point, as Marco Polo wrote in great detail about his welcome into the bed of the women of the places he visited. One fact stands out and is that company of a woman, is a source of great pleasure and through it, the human race procreates and sustains itself. My feeling is that good interaction brings you closer to god. In terms of physical benefits, it’s more like a treadmill exercise and pumps up the heart. The flow of blood to the heart goes up and the body is toned up. It is also a great weight reducer and can burn up almost 350 calories in an hour. It increases blood rate to the heart and the entire system gets a form of immunization.

I remember one of the Swami's advocated this as one of the methods to reduce weight. The flow of blood to the heart increases and the entire body is better equipped to fight and ward off disease.

The other spillover is the spiritual effect. This is something overlooked by Westerners, but in Hindu philosophy, it is the path to god. I remember I learned a lot about this, at the ashram of swami Shraddanand. But this requires being taught by a master yogi only.

The Act of Procreation and Health

Coming to relationship per se, the benefits are many. One of them is strengthening of the body muscles. It also acts as an antidote to disease. How can this happen? Fitness is the key to this. To be fit a person must have a regular relationship, which in turn fortifies the immune system of the body.Some studies have brought out this aspect. A study has shown that a 30 percent increase in antibodies takes place for those who had to cohabit once a week. There is no hard and fast rule but generally, it can be seen that one feels much better after a good session with a partner.If indulged on a daily basis a man will vouchsafe that he feels fitter.It eases tension and stress and also helps in curing sleep disorders.

Some research scholars have brought out a hitherto unknown fact, that some consider taboo. The sperms of a man, when ejaculated in a woman, have a beneficial effect. This is because it allows a woman to accept little DNA packets within the sperm. Hence, many advise not to use condoms, at least, the Yogis of Hindustan advice against the use of anything artificial during sex.

Girls also benefit from sex as their bodies produce extra estrogen. This extra estrogen has an excellent effect on the skin and keeps it moist and supple. The cardinal principle behind this is acceptance and mutual consent with active participation.

I have a suggestion. I have experienced it myself, and a few have confided that a relationship after breakfast is a great rejuvenator. Any scientific reason for it? I read somewhere that testosterone levels are at their highest between 5 and 9 am in the morning. It means better health and also halves the rate of mortality. In fact, It delays the aging process and increases life expectancy. Dr. David Weeks and Dr. Paul Pearsall are two scientists from Hawaii have brought out that sex not only increases the body immune system but also adds years to a man’s life. Incidentally, this is what the famous writer Vatsyayana mentioned in his treatise. What is the frequency of desired intercourse for a man to benefit? This is a debatable point but studies point out a frequency of 3 times a week should suffice. Research shows that it certainly cuts the risk of a stroke by half. The more the intercourse, the better and in case you can indulge in it for 5 times a week the risk of prostate problems are obviated.

A US research showed that those who have cohabited at least once a week are 33% less prone to illness than those people who don’t. If one can mix the Hindu tantric concept with the act, a man, and a woman will gain immeasurably.

Last Word

What conclusions can we draw from the above?. It really means that good and sane acts of procreation are good for health. It's like an exercise coupled with emotional release. It also has added benefits of desire for fitness and that will mean exercise and a good and healthy diet. I think one should not attach any taboo to such acts of procreation though the aim is not to procreate.

Medical science and ancient philosophy lend credibility to this argument. So I will say that there is nothing like over indulgence in this act. It is something that will have its own physical limitations and that will act as the necessary break


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