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Three Weight Loss Killers That May Be Sabotaging Your Weight Loss Success.

Updated on March 20, 2013
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courtesy of public domain

According to a report by Datamonitor- a global strategic market analysis group which focuses on and tracks developments in industry; healthcare and consumer goods being one of the fields they track - it was estimated that out of the 231 million people in the EU whom attempted a diet in 2002, fewer than 4 million would succeed in keeping the weight off for more than a year.

Just to add to those sobering statistics, it was discovered that in Europe, less than one dieter in 50 actually achieves and experiences permanent weight loss. These sobering statistics are based on just one part of the world.

According to a more recent Datamonitor report, “The global weight management market continues to grow despite the current downturn in the global economy and is estimated to reach US$586 billion in 2014 from about US$363 billion in 2009.“

What is the driving force behind this continual growth? : “The dramatic increase in the obese population. Sedentary but fast paced lifestyle and consumption of high calorie and under-nutritious food has contributed to the rising number of obese and overweight people. These are the main target segment of the weight management market”, so continued the report.

So what’s the message here? Though diets and diet products may help to some extent, these alone are not a long-term solution to keeping the weight off.

While there are several common sense weight loss methods such as adopting a healthier lifestyle by eating well-balanced meals, and leading a less sedentary lifestyle for starters, believe it or not there are at least three secret weight loss killers that you may not be aware of.

Eating Out WIth Friends? - Keep A Close Eye On How Much You Eat.

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Drink Up - Water Is A Great Weight Loss Tool.

Eating and Snacking In Front Of The Television Is Not Such A Good Idea.

* Three Weight-loss Killers That Just May Be Sabatoging All Your Hard Work.

1. Social Factors - Researchers at Georgia State University (GSU), U.S.A., discovered in the early 90’s that social factors may provide powerful eating cues for those trying to lose weight and keep it off.

It was discovered that the larger the group of people eating a meal was, the more each individual tended to eat. With that in mind, people who are striving to lose weight should be extra careful when they join others for a meal.

2. Not Drinking Enough Water - in 2003, Dr. Donald S. Robertson of the Southwest Bariatric Nutrition Center in Scottsdale, Arizona, U.S.A., stated, “Proper water intake is a key to weight loss. If people who are trying to lose weight (and maintain their weight-loss) don’t drink enough water, the body can’t metabolize the fat adequately. “

What's the science behind it all?

Essentially, when the kidneys do not get enough water they are not able to function properly. Once this occurs, the liver steps in as a backup hindering its ability to effectively metabolize and break down fat in the body.

It is for these very reasons that doctors recommend drinking at least eight full glasses of water a day which includes consuming a large glass of water before each meal.

Since water is free of calories, fat, and cholesterol-free, low in sodium, helps effectively metabolize stored fat, and is an appetite suppressant, then what a great way to aid in weight loss as well as a great tool for effectively keeping it off.

3. Eating While Watching Television - Dr. Seymour Isenberg, author of The Nine Day Wonder Diet, wrote: “If you are busy watching TV…., you [can] begin eating like a machine.”

Therefore, if you’re trying to lose weight and keep it off, don’t eat and watch television at the same time.

Often times, the incessant snacking can easily last for hours and if the snacks consist of greasy chips, greasy French fries, or sweets loaded with empty calories - it can become increasingly hard to stop since it's common knowledge that sugar loaded snacks, as well as the fats and salt added to flavor certain foods make them very hard to avoid.

If you're trying to achieve weight loss success, then keep these three weight loss killers foremost in mind.

They just might be the very things that are sabotaging your success in getting and keeping the weight off.

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