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Don't let headaches and migraines ruin your day: try natural headache treatments

Updated on June 29, 2015
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What drive LoryRich's desire to share health-related hubs with the readers would be her own discoveries / learning with real health issues.

Migraine Statistics

According to migraine. com - " In the U.S., more than 37 million people suffer from migraines. Some migraine studies estimate that 13 percent of adults in the U.S. population have migraines, and 2-3 million migraine suffers are chronic. Almost 5 million in the U.S. experience at least one migraine attack per month, while more than 11 million people blame migraines for causing moderate to severe disability."

That statistics is a lot. Are you one of them? What if natural means can help you out of your migraine or headache?

You have a choice not to be a part of this migraine statistics. You can assist in the healing of your headache and migraines. Be in control.

Headaches or migraines can ruin your day Natural healing offers safe and complimentary headache treatments.
Headaches or migraines can ruin your day Natural healing offers safe and complimentary headache treatments.

How a migraine attack can ruin your day?

In general, here are some of the consequences (if you are a sufferer, you may know this better so you are free to add your own experience):

  • No one suffering from migraine can render a peak performance at work or in his studies, or even in relating with other people. How many work days have you missed out because of head ache attacks?
  • Going to emergency room because of migraine can be time consuming and stressful to say the least. Thus, one's productivity is adversely affected.
  • You have to cancel you dates, business or personal, upon the onset of migraine.

Surely, painkillers like pills can provide immediate yet temporary relief. Paradoxically, though, do you know that over indulgence in analgesic can and may trigger even more severe headache attacks? Ask your doctor.

Thus, if instead you prefer long-term remedy, you can certainly help yourself and/or ask for help. What if you can lessen or even entirely do away with the attacks through practical and natural treatment? Would you at least give it a try?

Natural headache treatments

Successful treatment of any sickness like migraine is, in most part, attitudinal. Do you have the right attitude to get well?

What are the most natural migraine headache treatments? Here are some tips using natural means (methods that are natural to your body's flow and which can awaken its innate healing potential.)

For good health, drinking 8 glasses of water a day is the normal advice. If you have specific condition or if in doubt, consult your doctor.
For good health, drinking 8 glasses of water a day is the normal advice. If you have specific condition or if in doubt, consult your doctor. | Source
Water is life. Quality drinking water equals quality life or good health.
Water is life. Quality drinking water equals quality life or good health. | Source

(1) Hydrate yourself. Drinking lots of water everyday will help your overall health condition as it will help your body detoxify. The health authorities commonly recommend eight 8-ounce glasses, which equals about 2 liters, or half a gallon. This is called the 8×8 rule and is very easy to remember.

(2) Do Tapping or Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT. I have just published a hubpage to serve as a general introduction to this technique and to relate my personal experiences using EFT.. Please check this out for details. Also, watch the video below for EFT demonstration.

Another way is thru acupuncture therapy. A Chinese origin alternative therapy that involves pricking the skin or tissues with needles to alleviate pain and to treat various physical, mental, and emotional conditions.

In acupuncture and acupressure, needles or pressures are applied with the meridian which is a belief about a path through which the life-energy known as "qi" flows.
In acupuncture and acupressure, needles or pressures are applied with the meridian which is a belief about a path through which the life-energy known as "qi" flows. | Source

(3) Be observant. Watch out for triggers. It is best if you can observe and identify the usual causes of your headache attacks and to avoid such triggers as much as possible. For example, don't skip meal if what triggers your headache is not taking meal on time. Avoid tension, loud surroundings, too much fatty or salty food, etc.. One should rest if the cause of the headache is fatigue. Headache is usually a signal of the body that some area of our system requires attention. As in any other dis-ease conditions, knowing the cause is halfway towards conquering the problem and providing for the remedy.

Certain foods can be a trigger like eggs, chocolate, cow's milk, wheat products, nuts and many more, including coffee . . .

"I used to have two double espressos a day. I gave that up, had headaches for five days but now I'm feeling great."- Hugo Weaving

Writing by itself is a good therapy. It can be a way to release tensions and can also evoke creativity.
Writing by itself is a good therapy. It can be a way to release tensions and can also evoke creativity. | Source
Writing down affirmations and re-reading them daily can be of great help to be cured of any sickness and its symptoms like migraine and headache.
Writing down affirmations and re-reading them daily can be of great help to be cured of any sickness and its symptoms like migraine and headache. | Source

4) Wear the best attitude. Never resent your headache because the more you resist it, the more it will persist.

(5) Do some positive self talk or affirmation. Just stay with your headache without complaining and it will soon go away. You may say the affirmations aloud, daily, in front of a mirror or you may just want to write them down. Do what suits you best.

Below are some of my favorite affirmations to prevent or ease headache attacks courtesy of You may use your own words. Compose any affirmative statements that'd resonate with you.

  • I am relaxed and at peace.
  • I am letting go of my headache.
  • All of my muscles are relaxed.
  • I am letting go of this migraine.
  • I am free from pain.
  • My head feels comfortable and soothed.
  • I let go of stress regularly throughout the day.
  • I eat healthy foods that support a healthy body

Call your friends now. Don't wait for them to call you. Physical workouts and socializing are sources of healing. It makes life balanced. After all, we are social species, whether you like it or not.
Call your friends now. Don't wait for them to call you. Physical workouts and socializing are sources of healing. It makes life balanced. After all, we are social species, whether you like it or not.

((6) If avoidance and/or rest does not provide the healing, engage in your favorite leisure activities by yourself or preferably with your friends. Socialize and chill out. You might just need some break and recreation. Balance not only your body but also your life.

Energy healers say that pain anywhere in the body can be caused by trapped energy. The surge of energy that is blocked causes the pain like headache. Energy has to move to alleviate the pain. So, move that body and do some work-outs.

Stuck energy may cause real physical sickness in the long-term. Acupressure (applying pressure on the painful area by fingers or hand pressure) and acupuncture (using needles on the affected area) are only two of the many natural healing modalities that have also been proven to be effective in moving this trapped energy.

Meditation works! Just be still and silence your mind. Just watch and allow headache to subside.
Meditation works! Just be still and silence your mind. Just watch and allow headache to subside. | Source
The healing or cure to any sickness starts from truly loving yourself.
The healing or cure to any sickness starts from truly loving yourself. | Source

(7) In case of the sudden onset of pain, try to relax and or pray or meditate (the best way you know how). Getting in touch of your inner self usually brings peace, wholeness and, therefore, healing.

If you think you have done everything possible and imaginable within your sole power and still the headache persists and recurs, it could be that it is time to ask for medical help . Take it on a positive note, though. Start loving yourself, truly loving yourself. Headache could just be a signal (a timely alarm) of your body for you to slow down, or a symptom of something deeper going on in your psyche or in your physiology which would require professional advice either from a psychologist or from a medical doctor. Although this is not creative, the last recourse but practical option is to ask for help. As they say, early detection is always the best. Don't be overly bugged down by your headache, yet, never take your headache for granted.

Natural healing method is integrative or holistic, thus, it can still be used to complement any medical treatment you may choose to undergo.

Why natural means work to heal migraine / headache?

(1) Natural remedy is align with our human nature. Unless, of course, we forget that we as humans beings are also part of nature like birds, animals, flowers, mountains, etc. . The only difference is that we know it and the rest of creation don't. And engaging in unnatural way of life (e.g. addiction to various things- work, drug, alcohol, computer games, bad habits, toxic thoughts, etc. ) is actually the usual reason why we get sick and suffer in the first place.

(2) Holistic. Head ache is just a symptom. Popping a pill just addresses the symptom, a temporary relief. On the other hand, natural remedy treats the whole person as one integrated system (body, mind, emotion and spirit) where parts are interconnected and therefore one part affects the other.

(3) Relatively safe since it is free from further complications as compared to the possivle negative effects of pharmaceuticals. ; and

(4) Cost less. Sleep or taking it slow is free. Clean air is free. Laughter and fun is free. Etc.

(5) It is doable. You only need "you" to be present to yourself, to be willing to make intention, provide your attention and simply do it.

(6) It works!

Have your found natural healing method to be effective for your headache attacks?

See results

Healing Through Music and Meditations


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