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Preventing Lifestyle Diseases: Diabetes Type II

Updated on September 9, 2011

Diabetes (type 2) is one of the most common lifestyle diseases affecting majority of the population in the developed world. The sad part though, is that no one seems to be bothered about preventing diabetes before it is too late to do anything about it. There are many tips that claim to cure diabetes but often these require strict discipline and self-control. If you are one of the lucky ones who has not yet been affected by diabetes, you are in a very good position to prevent it!

First we must know the cause of diabetes. Normally, when we eat foods containing sugars, an organ called the pancrease releases insulin, which regulates the amount of sugar in the blood. Now, when the pancrease is no longer able to produce sufficient insulin to regulate blood sugar, diabetes arises.

People who suffer from unregulated diabetes often suffer from numerous problems including fatigue, joint pain and higher risk to kidney disease. It is better for you to take steps to avoid diabetes now, such that you can live a wholesome healthy life;

1. Avoid Simple Carbohydrates.
This means cut out all 'white' starches. Highly refined foods have been stripped of all natural fibre and vitamin and lead to instant spike in blood sugar level. Consistent intake of refined 'white' carbs such as white pasta, white bread etc will expose your blood system to immediate hikes in your blood sugar and this tires out the pancrease. This leads to a higher susceptability to diabetes type 2. You may take refined carbs once in a while, such as in parties where the host insists, but otherwise ensure that you avoid these as much as you can!

2. Get Plenty of Exercise.
That's right, if you want to avoid diabetes and the dreaded insulin shots, you need to get up and move! Experts say that only 30 minutes of daily exercise can boost up your immune system and keep you healthier. Exercise regulates your entire body system and keeps all your organs healthy and supple. Exercise also wards of obesity, which is a condition that is found likely to increase diabetes by up to 30 times.

3. Avoid Smoking.
Smokers are twice as likely to develop diabetes than non-smokers. If you currently do not smoke, ensure that you never succumb to this addiction, as diabetes is only one of the myriad of health problems caused by smoking. If you are already a smoker, unless you want regular insulin injections for the rest of your life, you should consider quitting or at least cutting down the amount of cigarrettes you consume in a day. Join a smokers upport group and seriously consider dropping this terrible habit.

4. Control the Amount you Eat.
Ensure that you do not overeat when having meals. Not only does this lead to digestive discomfort, it also leads to higher chances of diabetes. Eating more than your stomach can handle leads to a sluggish digestive system where most of the food is not properly digested to extract the maximum nutritional benefits. Instead you get higher calories and this only leads to unnecessary weight gain. A good rule of thumb is to stop eating as soon as you doubt whether to go for a second plate or not.

5. Include plenty of fibre in your meals.
Replace high calorie junk foods with meals that contain plenty of fresh vegetables, lettuce and fruit. However, ensure you do not mix fruits with meats. Learn the proper way to eat fruits. Fibre-rich foods help curb your appetite so that you reduce the amount of calories you take. Besides they help prevent constipation and unnaturally high levels of blood sugar.

6. Stay away from Refined Sugar.
Refined sugar is overloaded with calories and yet contains absolutely no nutritional value. As it is highly refined, white sugar is a simple carbohydrate which is absorbed directly into the blood stream causing a monumental increase in blood sugar. Diabetics are told to completely cut out sugar from their lives. Why? Because it is dangerous for them. Why wait until you get diabetes? Why not cut out or atleast minimize the intake of table sugar/ white sugar now, so that you can avoid one of the most dreaded lifestyle diseases, Diabetes.

I will soon be posting savory recipes that diabetics, and people who want to avoid diabetes, can enjoy while living a healthy life. Hope these tips help! Until next time, remember, health is your greatest wealth!


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