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Why A Person Drinks Alcohol

Updated on June 25, 2016
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Author of (Love Is Our Law) poetry book, songwriter, firefighter, real estate broker, College Instructor of Fire Sciences.

It Can Make You Double minded


A Weak Will Power and Determination

Think about it. A person will drink alcohol to get away from their reality to engage in having fun and enjoyment instead. A person wants to leave reality or his or her own reality. The mind becomes influenced by the wiles of a devilish nature whether we believe that or not.

If a man gets angry with someone about something he is likely to say, “I need a drink” to relieve himself of the situation. A woman may go out to party alone or with her girlfriends because she’s upset at her boyfriend. The people in both of these scenarios, instead of consuming alcohol needed to deal with the situation soberly for the better decision to be made whether immediately or eventually.

Non-Belief and Disobedience to God's Word

Too many times, we lose the sanity of loved ones due to over consumption of alcohol. Most people do not limit their consumption to one drink or the legal limit. Thousands of lives are lost or injured due to the consumption of it. We need to get to the root of why people turn to it and furthermore, over drink when they do. A person drinks because of taking a wonderfully and naturally made life for granted.

Kidneys Say "No Excessive Drinking of Alcoholic Beverages"


To Escape Reality

There is no real escaping reality through having a drink or drinks because when the effect of drinking wears off the reality is still there and perhaps, worse to the drinker than it was before the drinking. He or she may have a problem accepting self as good or as bad and have a tendency to drink in order to hide or play the reality down around others. However, it is because of a weakness. A change of accepting the good or making a change from the bad needs to be dealt with..

It Allows For Wrongful Desire Thought To Be Normal

To consume alcohol is a devastating thing. It causes family break ups. It causes disparity between doing well and doing evil in many instances. At a get together, after consuming alcohol, a woman suddenly likes the way her friend’s husband or boyfriend looked at her as they socialized during the cocktail hour at the home of a mutual friend. This was perhaps, a situation of lust on the part of the man and the woman after each one having a few drinks.

They Think That They Have Nothing Better To Do

Some people drink because others are drinking. To drink because plenty of alcohol is present and it is free. Others drink because they have a gripe with someone or people. These are not reasons to consume alcohol because; matters may have a tendency to get worse.

It Is Thought To Be a Relaxer

It is also thought to get people in another mood and or to get them outside of self to open up the mind to socializing, dancing or to engage sexual desires. Drinking Alcohol is not the ultimate purpose to relax or relax and enjoy yourself. Have you ever drank the night before then wake up in the morning, regretting what you did or what you said?'

A Person Is Not Happy Within Thyself

A person may not be happy with decisions made in the past and therefore, wants to drink to forget the thought of those things. Drinking will not erase or affect the decisions made. The only thing to excuse those decisions made is to believe that those decisions were to have been best at the time and for the better of oneself today. It is all a matter of looking in the mirror and saying, “I thank God that I am alive. I am blessed. I may not be what I want to be but I am not what I used to be.”

May Not Be An Atheist But Some Believers Share the Same Philosophy

An Atheist does not believe there is a God, does not believe in God or believes there is a God but despises of God. Let me say now that I know of a preacher that used to be an Atheist and there are many former Atheists that transformed into believers of God, preachers and Christians. There are so-called Christians that live like Atheists. They do not keep faith and believe, as they should and they think pessimistically and sometimes act as if God has no purpose for them. They drink, talk and act as if God is not watching over them and as if Jesus Christ did not die to sin for them.

Could Be Hypocritical

I conclude, that one moment he or she is in church tithing and serving. Later, is at a bar or at the casino. Playing roles and having promiscuous relationships.


Lastly But Not Least

A person can drink one oz, one glass of wine or one shot of liquor and call it quits. The point is to have discipline when indulging to drink. For instance, a person may not have any issue but desires to drink to be sociable. That's considered, "drinking sociably." That is how to do it. Drink with oneness because if a person is not used to drinking then one oz, one glass of wine or one shot of hard liquor should be enough for anyone to maintain sanity and feel tipsy good. Don't damage a wonderfully made mind and body system put together by our Supreme Being.


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