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Why Yoga Can't Be Christian

Updated on September 23, 2014

Yoga is Hinduism & Hinduism is Yoga

Yoga is United with Hindu Spirits

Yoga is a Hindu (Sanskrit) word which literally means yoked or united. This union is between the practitioner and Brahman, the gods of Hinduism. Hinduism is expressed in Yoga practice that combines the physical and the spiritual. You cannot practice the physical without being influenced spiritually. The poses are positions of worship to false gods like Kali, pictured here. The Hindu poses, mantra's and chants invite serpent energy to indwell in the practitioner and take control as the victim detaches from reality in preparation for death which is the real reason behind this religious practice.

Don't be deceived, find out how most Christian practitioners of Yoga are seduced into performing poses of worship to Hindu gods not knowing they are slowly being manipulated by the spirits they entertain. Spirits that are hell bent on destroying your faith and stealing your salvation.

Christians Practicing Hindu Yoga

If Yoga is part of the Hindu religion do you think Christians should practice it?

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Swami Param

Swami Param, Yoga is Exclusively Hinduism

Dharma Yoga Ashram, Classical Yoga Hindu Academy

“One of the most glaring examples of New-Age distortion is the usage of the word “yoga” to simply mean a form of physical exercise. Completely contrary to the facts of the Hindu/Yoga connection, equating yoga with just an exercise would be like saying Baptism and Communion are merely and underwater exercise and wine tasting, respectively. To see how ludicrous is the Yoga as exercise notion, imagine a non-Christian offering classes (and “certification”) in Baptism (as an underwater, holding one’s breath exercise for a fee)! There is a form of Yoga that deals with physical postures. This (actually most minor) form of Yoga is called Hatha Yoga and are actually worshipful postures and an integral link in the Hindu religion.” Swami Param of the Dharma Yoga Ashram, Classical Yoga Hindu Academy

According to the Hindu American Foundation

Hindu American Foundation: "Although the Western Yoga community fully acknowledges Yoga's Indian roots, and even requires study of Hindu philosophy and scripture in most of its teacher certification programs, much of it openly disassociates Yoga's Hindu roots. While HAF affirms that one does not have to profess faith in Hinduism in order to practice Yoga or asana, it firmly holds that Yoga is an essential part of Hindu philosophy and the two cannot be delinked, despite efforts to do so."

What does the Bible say?

2 Corinthians 6:14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

Unequally yoked means that you are more influenced by unbelievers or another religion.

Watch Yoga Uncoiled

Caryl Matrisciana

Wide is the Gate: The Emerging New Christianity DVD

Wide is the Gate: The Emerging New Christianity
Wide is the Gate: The Emerging New Christianity
Once there were two Church choices, Roman Catholicism and Protestantism, but in recent decades, Christianity has been redefined giving rise to unprecedented quasi-Christian spiritual philosophies and practices. Claiming to be "revivals," are they the counterfeits Jesus warned would occur before His return? (Luke 18:8) Many so-called Christian leaders are introducing innovative teachings based on new Bible translations and paraphrases that alter the timeless truths of Holy Scripture. A more progressive spirituality, with roots in eastern mysticism, is replacing faith in God's Word. This "New Christian Spirituality" poses as a more relevant "New Gospel" for today's Postmodern culture that prefers subjective and emotional feelings, rather than absolute truths. Biblical Truth is the foundation for knowing God, His promises and prophecies. At Pentecost, the Church was given the Holy Spirit of Truth to be guided into all Truth. Jesus Christ, Who is Truth Incarnate, taught that after His death, resurrection and ascension to Heaven, He would bring His Church to His Father's house before returning with them to govern the world for a 1,000 year Kingdom period. Biblical faith trusts God's promise to fulfill these prophecies. However, many within the Emerging, Seeker-friendly, Purpose Driven, New Apostolic, Roman Catholic, Protestant, Reformed, neo-Evangelical, Charismatic and Pentecostal Churches deny many teachings and prophesies in God's Word as literal Truth. Many promote the false gospel of transforming the world for the common good, encouraging a "working together," and bringing about social justice on planet earth. Through modern marketing techniques and business management skills a global agenda of faith, commerce and government is being orchestrated for churches to partner with other faiths for world peace and unity. This man-made utopia will usher in the reign of Antichrist and his kingdom, preceding the coming of the Jesus and His Kingdom on earth.

Hinduism Today, Palani Sivasiva

In 1991 Hinduism Today writer Palani, Sivasiva when discussing Hindu evangelism in the west said, "You will see..a small army of yoga missionaries - hatha, raja, siddha and kundalini - beautifully trained in the last 10 years, is about to set upon the western world. They may not call themselves Hindu, but Hindus know where yoga came from and where it goes."

1 John 4:1

Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

Out of India: A True Story about the New Age Movement

Out of India
Out of India
Gods of the New Age is the biography of Caryl Matrisciana. Matrisciana was born in and raised in India and saw first hand the effects that Hinduism had on the people of that nation. After leaving India as a young adult, she became involved in the counter culture New Age movement, only to find that the elements of Hinduism and the New Age were very much the same. This fascinating and compelling apologetic biography shows the spirituality that lies behind the New Age movement, its dangers, and its deception. It also shows how much of the New Age philosophy has entered the Christian church through various avenues, such as yoga and meditation.

Prashant Iyengar

Yoga is Spiritual

"There is no physical yoga and spiritual yoga. If it is exclusively physical, it won't be yoga. Yoga is dealing with the entirety; it is a union." - Prashant Iyengar, son of B.K.S Iyengar

Ephesians 5:11

And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove [them].

Yoga|Hinduism Teaches Panentheism Learn What a Panentheistic World View Can Do To You

Kundalini Yoga Serpent Power Hinduisms Chakra Symbols

But I Just Wanted to Exercise! Here are some videos to help you stretch without risking your faith

Symbols of Hinduism

Symbols of Hinduism Notice Aum is the Same Symbol Used for the Yoga Chakras

These are some of the symbols of Hinduism. The main symbol is the Om. Om or Aum, as it is also spelled and pronounced, contains three syllables. The three syllables are significant because they represent the three gods of Hinduism, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Brahma is the god of creation and created the universe, Vishnu is the god of preserving the universe, and Shiva is the god of destruction.

Delavier's Stretching Anatomy

Delavier's Stretching Anatomy
Delavier's Stretching Anatomy
Get an inside view of the muscles in action during every stretch you perform! Delavier’s Stretching Anatomy is your guide for increasing flexibility, improving range of motion, toning muscles, and relieving pain and discomfort. The very best stretches for shoulders, chest, arms, torso, back, hips, and legs are all here, and all in the stunning detail that only Frédéric Delavier can provide. With over 550 full-color photos and illustrations, you’ll go inside more than 130 exercises to see how muscles interact with surrounding joints and skeletal structures and learn how variations, progressions, and sequencing can affect muscle recruitment, the underlying structures, and ultimately the results. Delavier’s Stretching Anatomy includes 13 proven programs for increasing muscle tone, releasing tension and stress, and optimizing training and performance in 13 sports, including running, cycling, basketball, soccer, golf, and track and field.

15 Minute Stretching Workout + DVD

15 Minute Stretching Workout + DVD
15 Minute Stretching Workout + DVD
No time to exercise? No problem! With fold-out exercise charts and an exercise DVD, the 15-Minute Fitness Series gives readers everything they need to squeeze regular exercise sessions into even the most hectic day. Stretching is one of the most important-and most neglected-components of every workout. With the 15 Minute Stretching Workout you can learn to stretch like a pro!

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