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Apple Juice Advantages and Health Benefits

Updated on October 6, 2015

Apples happen to be one of the most consumed fruits in several countries around the world. The Apple juice an extract derived from commercially processed apples can tasty as well as nutritious. In fact most children prefer apple juice to other fruit juices, perhaps second only to orange juice.

Asides been the fruit we’ve grown to love, apples possess rich natural fibers, vitamins, antioxidants and nutrients, most of which can be preserved during the juice extraction stage and are found in over-the-counter apple juice products. Only a few nutrients from the apple fruit such as fiber get lost in commercial apple juice manufacture. Still, the best way to have the entire nutritional value from an apple is to consume the fruit itself or make some homegrown Apple juice.

Nutritional Value of Apple Juice

Apple juice is rich in Vitamins A, B, C, and minerals such as Carotene, Biotin, Folic Acid, Iron, Potassium, Riboflavin, and Thiamine. These vitamins and minerals, alongside the antioxidants found in Apple juice help bring about a number of advantages and health benefits when we consume apple juice regularly.

Health Benefits of Apple Juice

Benefit 1: Natural apple juice presents a number of health benefits to children and adults alike. Apple juice can help reduce the level of cholesterol in the body, enhancing cardiovascular health and preventing the likelihood of heart disease.

Benefit 2: It is also helpful for weight loss. Though it contains high levels of carbohydrate and sugars, apple juice consumed moderately helps bodybuilders or those on weight loss exercise programs gain strength after intensive workouts during which much of the body’s short-term energy supply is lost. Apple juice can also reduce symptoms of frequent fatigue in people that exercise regularly.

Benefit 3: Apple juice is rich in Potassium, an important nutrient for children, and in older people, Apple juice helps ease suffering from arthritis and rheumatism. Boron is another important nutrient that helps promote healthy bones.

Benefit 4: Apple juice helps aid digestion and prevents constipation. Natural apple juice with the skin included is rich in fiber which improves digestion in the body.

Benefit 5: Apples contain lots of antioxidants, which is good thing for your overall health. Research shows that apple juice leads to increased memory performance by increasing the levels of acetylcholine in the brain. The more antioxidants you can take in to counter oxidants and harmful toxins in your body, the better. Apple juice provides a good source of antioxidants.

Apple Juice and Aging

Drinking apple juice in considerate proportions may also help reduce the effects of aging. Pure apple juice contains a chemical known as Quercetin, a well-known anti-oxidant popular for its anti-aging properties. It boosts the body’s defenses against cell damage and inflammation, as well as helping the body manufacture collagen, which is essential for keeping the skin healthy and maintaining its elasticity.

Antioxidants reduce the likeliness of developing cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.

Benefits of Apple Juice in Children

Apple juice and fruit juices generally are more consumed by Children below the age of 15 than any other age group. Apple juice like many other types of fruit juice presents health benefits that can otherwise be gained directly by consuming the fruit itself. What makes apple juice so special is the rich apple flavor itself which is hardly noticeable when consuming the fruit, and that most children prefer a glass of juice to taking an apple or an orange.

The health benefits of apple juice in children are numerous. Various studies show that in children with asthma, the daily intake of apple juice - according to recommended daily intake proportions helps - reduce the frequency of asthma outbreaks as against asthmatic children who don’t consume apple juice at all. It should also be noted that Apple juice like most other fruit juice can be helpful for children suffering from constipation. It’s also a great way to ensure a child with loss of appetite gets the needed nutrients for growth and quick recovery.

As apple juice is known to have several health advantages, it is worthy to note that apple juice may differ in quality and nutritional value. While some apple juice brands use of pure juice extract or apple concentrate derived from apple fruits, a number of apple drinks brands are mainly chemical combinations with minor apple flavoring included.


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