Are you buying potassium iodine pills? Do you think the danger downplayed by go

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  1. ptosis profile image67
    ptosisposted 13 years ago

    Are you buying potassium iodine pills? Do you think the danger  downplayed by government

    Some Doc on TV said that the increased cancer deaths will be 'statistical invisible'.

  2. DonDWest profile image70
    DonDWestposted 13 years ago

    Honestly, my faith in the scientific community, which was already thining by the day, is now completely lost after the handling of the nuclear reactor disaster in Japan. Scientists are now no different than the religious fundamentalists they rivaled in the past. Scientists now sell corporations, propaganda, and false hopes/dreams. I wouldn't trust anything coming from a person with a PHD in science, let alone a government official in this matter. You'll have to think for yourself. Suggestion: Try using your vacation time this coming week to visit a relative further in land if you're living by the west coast. That way you won't look completely paranoid if nothing happens because you can just say you wanted to see such a relative.

  3. R L M profile image60
    R L Mposted 13 years ago

    just give you an idea of "radioactivity":
    i was a kid when Chernobyl exposure has happened and it was as far from me as San Francisco from Los Angeles. I grow up in the same place and we never took any extra precautions and look at me i turned out just right. sure they say children who was born in 1986 are going to reach 30 y/o only.
    sure over years places around Chernobyl has anomalies like mushrooms the size of the car, animals born with 5 legs or 3 heads and the list can go and on.

    on the other hand, we know the amount of humans in the world is reaching its peak so the nature probably stepped in to level it. with all what is happening in the world of catastrophes it must be a very productive years.
    I think the danger downplayed by government 100%.

  4. stefancando profile image67
    stefancandoposted 13 years ago

    I was born in Romania in 1986. The place where I grew up was not that far away from Chernobyl, much much closer than the west coast is to Japan. My mother was actually pregnant with me at the time of the explosion.

    At the time people panicked. Going outside was not advised. There was a definite increase in the number of thyroid cancer cases in the region where I grew up, but only for a few years after the explosion. Afterwards things returned to normal. People are still doing well around here. I'm doing fine.

    You can take precautions if you like, but do try not to live in fear. The sheer distance between Japan and America will probably keep you safe. Also consider that taking iodine tablets can actually induce other thyroid problems.

    Hope everything will be ok! I am really worried about the people in Japan though.

  5. Vitamin Monkey profile image60
    Vitamin Monkeyposted 13 years ago

    I'm planning to NOT get pregnant. And I'm advising my relatives to do likewise. I once met a girl who was born in the area of Chernobyl.  Her parents died so she was an orphan and then was adopted and moved with her parents to the USA.  She was wonderful, but her left leg didn't form so she had a problem with walking.  She also had a kind of blockage in her brain. She was smart but couldn't "process" the facts she knew and put them out.  Her parents spent lots of money and time on therapies to help her.  Her path was VERY difficult.  At this point in history with the economy I'm not going to take any chances.

  6. profile image49
    TatyanaAlisonposted 11 years ago

    Whilst the majority of of the potassium inside our body is in the cells, smaller volume, about 2 - 3 % of the whole potassium material found in the entire body, of this mineral can be found outside of the cells. Potassium is needed by our system to get smooth muscle together with cell operation, cardiovascular system running, muscles contraction, neurological transmission, regarding the conversions of glucose right into glycogen as well as muscle tissue building, and many more.
    Source: … e-effects/


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