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Ergonomics Design and Evaluation

Updated on January 21, 2010

The ergonomic design and evaluation area is involved in the design and evaluation of equipment, systems, and work space at workplace, their contribution used as a basic attitude and anthropometric data obtained, biomechanical assessments, sociological characteristics and habits of the population that design targets. When designing or evaluating a workspace, it is important that a person may need to use more than one workstation to perform their activity, likewise, more than one person can use the same workspace in different periods of time, so it is necessary to take into account differences among users in terms of size, distance, range, strength, and visual capacity, so that most users can perform their job safely and efficiently. In considering the range and capabilities of most users in the design of workplace, safety equipment at work and work tools and devices play an important role to help reduce unnecessary effort and stress on workers, increasing safety, efficiency, and worker’s productivity.

Creation of an Ergonomic device by using ergonomic design. Compare both of these tools and you will find the difference between them, which is a normal one and which one is ergonomically modified.
Creation of an Ergonomic device by using ergonomic design. Compare both of these tools and you will find the difference between them, which is a normal one and which one is ergonomically modified.

As you know, man on its own is the most flexible system and can modify and change its styles and habits of working according to the conditions and circumstances that means if a worker is provided with poor working conditions and poor work equipments, he/she will perform that work but it will require much more time, attention, and focus thus reducing the worker’s efficiency and productivity and may develop problems such as repetitive strain injuries like deQuervain’s tenosynovitis and carpal tunnel syndrome or repetitive micro traumas or some other problems after a period of time that develop due to those deficiencies. In general, we can say that the operator's or worker’s performance is better when he/she is freed from distracting elements competing for attention with the main task since when is required to allocate part of mental or physical effort to handle the environmental distractors, there is less energy available for productive work.

Ergonomic design of a helicopter cockpit for reducing stress. This is a Korean study.  Courtesy: Korean Aerospace Industries (KAI)
Ergonomic design of a helicopter cockpit for reducing stress. This is a Korean study. Courtesy: Korean Aerospace Industries (KAI)
  • Ergonomic Helicopter cockpit design and physical workload evaluation using the anthropometric data of Korean helicopter pilots and the US army personnel.
  • This cockpit layout design was evaluated from the aspects of physical workload in a digital environment.
  • At the end, a physical prototype was used to validate the helicopter cockpit design by helicopter pilots.
  • See picture on the side for reference.

This picture and info has been taken from Ergonomic Design Technology Lab Center and has been published under their courtesy.

Special Needs Ergonomics

Special Needs Ergonomics is the area of ergonomics that focuses on specific needs to the design and development of equipment for people with physical disabilities and serves mostly to the child population and schools for the design of micro-autonomous devices that make life of people with such disabilities much more comfortable and easy. It is understood that people with special needs cannot be treated as "general" because the characteristics and conditions for each of them and us are different so it is required to build separate designs for every unique person and a specific user.

Special needs child may not respond to verbal commands.
Special needs child may not respond to verbal commands.
An ergonomic chair for special needs people.
An ergonomic chair for special needs people.

Preventive Ergonomics

Preventive Ergonomics is the area of ergonomics that works closely with the disciplines responsible for safety and hygiene in work areas. Among its main activities is the study and analysis of security conditions, health, and comfort of work. Specialists in the area of preventive ergonomics also collaborate with the other specialties of ergonomics in the analysis of tasks, such as the biomechanics and physiology for the assessment of effort and muscular fatigue, determination of working time, and rest and so on.

Prevention is better than cure and the same goes for regular computer users
Prevention is better than cure and the same goes for regular computer users
How to sit in front of a computer- Ergonomic Posture and Standards Guide
How to sit in front of a computer- Ergonomic Posture and Standards Guide

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