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Psoriasis - Home made remedies

Updated on January 11, 2011


Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease which can be frustrating to deal with. I myself suffer from psoriasis, though it has decreased considerably now from when it started. It still is quite annoying and depressing to see lesions pop up on the skin every now and then. While there are medicines for use theres nothing like using natural medicine to help improve the condition and ease the pain.

Below are some natural medicine and home made remedies for psoriasis. Though these do not get rid of the plaques or lesions completely they do improve the condition and most of the time ease the itchiness and help in faster recovery. Though the results depend on skin types and severity of psoriasis because these remedies are natural and home made, they have no side effects and cause no harm.

Remedies and Tips

Almond oil - Almond oil is known to help psoriasis by reducing inflammation. Almond oil is available in chemists, pharmacies and even some super markets. Pure almond oil can be applied to scalp and skin as a moisturizer and this will reduce the inflammation. I have been regularly using almond oil for my legs for over a year and normal moisturizers (well known product from supermarket) to the rest of the body. Surprisingly so far I have not had any lesions on my legs whereas my torso and back had a few pop ups. So i guess almond oil really does help.

Olive oil for scalp - I have been using olive oil twice in a week in my scalp. This has helped my scalp psoriasis a lot. What I do is, take 1/4 cup of pure olive oil and apply all over my scalp. Using my fingertips to massage. I leave it overnight and wash off in the morning. If you do not like to leave it overnight. You can try this during the day. I suggest leaving it on for as long as possible. This helps soaking the plaques and comes of while you wash your hair.

Sandalwood powder - This powder is available in indian stores except make sure to check the ingredients before buying to make sure you are not allergic to anything. This powder known for its Ayurvedic properties can be used as a facemask. Mix two tablespoons of sandalwood powder to 3 teaspoons of rosewater (also available in indian stores). Sandalwood is known for anti-inflammatory properties. In olden India, sandalwood powder was used for treating psoriasis and other skin conditions like acne etc.

Face Turmeric - This is another powder which is great for treating inflammations on the skin. This is also easily available in indian stores except make sure to buy face turmeric and not turmeric used for cooking. It is widely called 'kasturi manjal' in southern india. A tablespoon of this can be mixed in the bath. A good quality turmeric will not discolour. So i suggest trying it out part of the skin before using for the entire body.

These are a few solutions that I have been using for the past 1 year to treat my psoriasis. However, psoriasis is mild at the moment for me and since different people have varying degrees of the disease its best to constantly try different solutions and methods for treating it without losing hope. As they say will power is what it all boils down to. 

Hope this is helpful for viewers and feel free to ask any questions.


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