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5 Types Of Headaches

Updated on August 18, 2013

A headache, one of the body's most powerful alarm signals, is often a sign of physical or psychological overload. There are several types of headaches, and they differ according to how and where the pain occurs. These include tension, cluster, simple and combination headaches and migraines-an especially intense form that is often accompanied by nausea and impaired vision. The pain can be triggered by many things. A common cause of headache is tense muscles in the head or neck. Headaches may also be a symptom of stress, caffeine withdrawal, allergies, certain infectious diseases of the result of too much alcohol. Constricted or expanded blood vessels, as well as altered pressure in the head (which may occur when the weather changes), can also produce headaches. Natural methods-including relaxations exercises, massage and homeopathic remedies-can often be as effective as standard medications in preventing or relieving the pain caused by the different forms of headache.

Types Of Headaches

  1. Simple headache - Hammering, buzzing, pulsing in the head. Causes:stress, sensitivity to weather or changes in atmospheric pressure, high blood pressure, fever or lack of oxygen.
  2. Tension headache - Dull, oppressive pain occurring in the temples. Begins at the back of the head and neck or in the forehead and spreads throughout the head. Causes:muscular tension or bad posture.
  3. Cluster headache - Piercing, burning pain, which occurs on one side of the head and always in the same place. Cause:unknown.
  4. Migraine - Pains is usually on one side of the head only. Often accompanied by nausea, vomiting and vision problems. Causes:hereditary factors or circulatory disturbances in the brain.
  5. Combination headache - Dull oppressive pain that usually begins in the morning and reoccurs between migraine attacks. Cause:unknown.

Some cases of migraines are preceded by the presence of certain warning signs, including sensations of flashing lights or zigzag lines. The appearance of these ominous warning signs, called an aura, foreshadows the occurrence of a migraine. The actual headache usually occurs within 20 minutes of the warning signs on the opposite side of the head. Although the aura is usually characterized by visul stimuli, sometimes it can take the form of other sensations, such as the detection of odor, lingual difficulties, disorientation, tingling, or numbness.

A Helpful Headache Remedy

Run yourself this warm bath to alleviate tension and relax blood vessels. Combine the following essentials oils with an emulsifier (cream or honey): 3 drops of chamomile, 3 drops of lavender and 3 drops of rosemary. Add the mixture to the bathwater.

What You Can Do: Headaches can be alleviated by cold compresses, bath, acupressure and relaxation techniques. You should minimize your exposure to external stimuli, exercise in fresh air and abstain from smoking and alcohol.

Relaxation and avoidance of stimuli Create a soothing environment, free of such external stimuli as light and noise. Ventilate the room; a fan will help circulate the air (but don't let it blow directly on you). Close the windows and draw the blinds. Turn off the radio and TV and unplug the phone. If the area still noisy, put cotton balls or ear plugs in your ears. Consciously try to relax, preferably with the aid of a relaxation technique, such as yoga.

Help from acupressure Use your thumb and index finger to press against the bridge of your nose at the corners of your eyes. Or, rub the center of the fleshy webbing between your index and thumb.

Herbal remedies Speak with a nutritionist or doctor about taking herbal supplements to prevent headaches. It is thought that kava kava can relieve tension headaches, and feverfew and gingo biloba are often recommended to prevent migraines.

Extra Tip

This time-tested home remedy can provide quick headache relief. Put a few drops of fresh lemon juice into a cup of black coffee and drink it in small sips. Warning:This is not for people with sensitive stomachs!

Poultices for Pain

  • Cold compress moisten a cloth with cold water, put 2 drops of peppermint oil on it and apply it to the painful area for about 15 min.
  • Potato poultice Cut 2 large, unpeeled potatoes into quarters and boil until tender. Mash them and press out the excess moisture. Wrap the warm mixture in a cloth; place it on the back of the neck for about 15 min.
  • Horseradish poultice Add a small amount of water to finely grated horseradish. Wrap it in a cloth; apply it to the neck for not more than 5 min. This will stimulate the skin, which helps extinguish headache pain. If your skin is sensitive, spread cream over your neck before applying the poultice.


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