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7 Things to Remember Before Going on a Job Interview

Updated on February 22, 2018
Kristine Manley profile image

Kris Manley is a blogger, author, and speaker. She's a guest on radio in the U.S., Canada, and overseas, as well as a guest on network TV.

Going on a job interview? Remember these things.

"Job Interview" - these words are like music to the ears of a lot of people these days. Once you land a job interview you don't want to blow it. There are some things that people should keep in mind when preparing for that all important job interview. Yes, there is laying out that suit, shirt, tie, jewelry, and shoes as well as making sure you have extra copies of your resume; oh, and don't forget to get the right directions to the location and arriving early for the interview.

There are some small details that need to be taken into consideration before anyone goes on a job interview. These small details are very important and they are the following:

Sick Person
Sick Person | Source

1. Going to a job interview not feeling well or being outright, sick. Now I know there are times when a job interview is scheduled and being sick at that time is unavoidable. If you find yourself sick at the time of the interview and you can still make it, let the interviewer know instead of them finding out from your coughs and/or sneezes. If you find that you are flat on your back and just can't get out for the job interview call way ahead of time to reschedule - I had a friend who offered a doctor's excuse (maybe going a little too far).

Smoker | Source

2. If you are a smoker, try not to smoke before the job interview so you won't go into the interview smelling like cigarette or cigar smoke. The smell might fill the room and "speed up" your interview because the interviewer might be a non-smoker and can't wait to get you out of the room. Leave your cigarettes and snuff container in the car. If you have these items in your pocket or purse and while taking something out of your pocket or purse these items can fall out. This leads me to my next point.

Perfume or Bodywash
Perfume or Bodywash | Source

3. Excessive perfume, aftershave, lotion, or bodywash should not be worn to a job interview - notice I said, excessive. You don't want your interviewer to begin sneezing, and your potential co-workers could be affected by the excessive smell, too. Excessive perfume, aftershave, lotion, or bodywash is not good if you are interviewing for a position in a food manufacturing facility or other food establishment where food can be affected by the overwhelming smell of such items as well as absorb the scent of such items.

Trimmed fingernails with Clear Polish
Trimmed fingernails with Clear Polish | Source

4. Trim your fingernails, especially if the job you are going for requires any typing. You don't want to appear to the interviewer that you may not be able to handle a keyboard. Also, if you have to meet with clients appearance means a lot. If you like long fingernails please make sure they are not so long that they are curving - they can be long, pretty, and elegant without being a stumbling block to getting your work done. If you are going for a position in a food manufacturing facility, restaurant, sandwich shop, etc., long fingernails are a no no because dirt and bacteria can live underneath your fingernails and even break or chip into the food product.

5. If you like nail color wait until you get the job to wear the colors you want - interview with clear fingernail polish and leave the funky colors at home. Again, if you will meet with clients, appearance means a lot.

Slip-resistant Shoes
Slip-resistant Shoes | Source

6. Going back to food establishments - if you are going for a job interview within the food industry be sure to wear comfortable and slip-resistant shoes because these places may have surfaces that are slippery. Days before your interview ask if you'll be taking a tour in any place that may require slip-resistant footwear - asking will make you look real good because you took careful thought about your possible work environment.

Clear or Pink Lip Gloss
Clear or Pink Lip Gloss | Source

7. For the ladies, please be mindful about how much make-up you put or slather on your face. Make sure your make-up is modest and does not look like you're wearing a mask. Be mindful of your lip color to keep it toned down. If you wear false eye lashes please make sure they are not unusually long.

When I went on my job interviews I always kept in mind that I want to be friendly to myself and "user" friendly to my interviewers. That may sound a little odd, but you want the job interview to be pleasant for the interviewer, for your possible co-workers, and for you.

Other things to remember before you go on a job interview.

  • Ladies, please be mindful of your skirt length. Please make sure it's at or below your knee. Make sure your blouse buttons up not to show any cleavage, yes I had to say this. Make sure the night before that your pantie hose, and you should wear pantie hose, do not have runs in them.
  • Men, please be mindful to wear a tie, even if you don't have a suit.
  • Men, if you have a moustache or beard please be mindful that they are nicely trimmed. Make sure your beard is well sculpted. Gentlemen your moustache should not extend beyond your upper lip, and your sideburns should not extend below the earlobe.
  • Leave the "Bling" at home when it comes to jewelry. Please wear modest jewelry. No huge hoop earrings, a small ring on each hand is sufficient, a watch, a braclette is just fine. Men, remove the earrings out of your ears.


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