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Is America in time for a revolution.

Updated on January 30, 2011
The Bankers reply.
The Bankers reply.

A world view from America

America is finished without a revolt.

Not content to steal American money, the crooked banks and financial institutions have flattened the whole world economy. For what? Oh yeh that's right to protect their jobs and get even more power and control by using the bailout money to buy more banks.

Americans continue to suffer the atrocities of a ridiculous bailout of the rich based on the fear of a recession. That fear was planted by the Bush government to create a false premise that America would be in big doo doo if it did not hand over huge sums from the poor to the rich.

Result? A world depression, the very thing the bailout was supposed to avoid.

That's right I said the D word. Not a recession, recession is what we have had for at least 2 years already in Australia, America and most other developed economies, hidden by cheap imports and credit card debt.

The only way to fix this situation is to let the banks fall over. Everyone in the chain will take a hit. How could it do more damage than giving them trillions of dollars to buy each other out with.

A large portion of the bailout money has already been used by the larger banks for acquisition.

The banking system needs to survive, but not this banking system.

Make those who manufactured this whole sub-prime AAA bull wear the fall.

The terminology "sub-prime and AAA should be enough to send a warning to one and all.

Sub-prime, means less than prime and prime means of superior or excellent quality. OK so far. I know from this that it is Not of superior quality.

How much less than superior is it? AAA. Just one A, as in A class, or first class is sufficient to say that something is reliable and good. So sub-prime and triple A paper is an obvious contradiction in terms, that only a banker or politician could come up with. Not superior AAA makes no sense to me."Derivatives" is another financial wonder word. Like "Collateral Damage" it does not like to identify itself.

In the case of this AAA paper, it was derived from a the greedy little dream probably cooked up in not just Wall street, but also Threadneedle Street in London, Collins St. in Melbourne, Market St in Sydney, all of them jumping on board and eager to pass the paper to the local banks like the f***ing flue!

Making money out of future home value by taking the risk of over valuation to ensure the sale for their money in to the future while they all feed off it like vermin.

Will it cause millions to be un-employed and the whole world to go down the chute if we allow these crooks to sink in their own slime? Not bloody likely.

It is the enterprise of the humble worker that is the real money maker for any economy. Money is a measure of the worth and enterprise of work, not something you get for doing nothing but creating derivatives without creating anything of value at all.

Give all Americans their home back. I say home, as those who took out 30 mortgages to buy up big using this monopoly money were greedy. Sorry, do not pass go, do your community a favor and be graceful about your high risk losses. If you can;t then you deserve to go the way of the banks too.

The American dream that the poor can get rich has only ever been a marginal truth that may apply more to Australia to some degree as a relatively new country with opportunities, it does not apply to America and never has for many reasons. It is a bullshit system developed and designed to make people work from a false premise. Your rich get rich, not your poor. Wake up America, you live in a capitalist controlled society that has lost it's heart trying to find the American Dream!

A dustman or car industry worker can get rich, but at about the same rate as pigs fly. It could happen, it may have happened, but statistically it doesn't happen and when it appears often smoke and mirrors are involved.

America will not move any of the crooks out of their comfortable lives without a revolution. Have one now, it will not be as violent or far reaching as it will be in a years time when it will happen anyway due to food shortages and the new masses of poor and homeless.

When I first went to America in 1977 New York and Washington were dangerous cities to be in. The next time I visited New York it was one of the safest major cities in the world. Did the wonderful new mayor solve the problem?

Hell no. He just moved it down the road a bit and has lived off the credo from doing so ever since.That is the American way under this government and probably the next. Move it on to someone else's turf and the problems are solved.

Australia used to have a few people who used drugs. Then America started the "war on drugs" Due to enormous pressure we followed and now have a huge drug problem almost overnight.

The fear factor at work again. Australia's politicians are a self serving toadying lot and we are used to the same sort of rubbish, but we are generally cynical as hell about our pollies.

The loony in America learnt nothing from the 13 years of prohibition which allowed criminals to turn peaceful American cities in to war zones, while the politicians of the day pocketed millions from prohibition, yet America has apparently learnt nothing from the past and will allow the Hank or Henry Paulson's of this world to pull the wool over their eyes yet again.

America has more poor people than most countries. For one thing they feel poor because of consumerism even if they are ok for the basic needs, the kids have to have brand names all over their shoes and clothes to be accepted by their peers.

America just denies this constant hurt of the workers of America and calls itself a rich it's long term peril. Some Americans are rich. Very rich, but a truly rich nation can afford to protect it's most vulnerable and America has never done so to my knowledge, but will need to this time..

Talk of America's freedom and democracy do not wash well at all with me either. What is free about America? Freedom of speech? See if you can get elected to a government or corporate position in the US without being a god-bothering narrow minded bigot. If you use marijuana or any other drug for physical or psychological pain you are drug tested and an un-employable criminal.

Decent young people are rotting away in your jails because they have had a joint. That is neither democratic nor free any way you look at it. What I eat or put in my own body is nobody else's business unless it hurts someone else. Without oppressive laws a few may endanger life, but not to one tenth of the degree that criminalization and incarceration does.

Whole families lives are destroyed. While America watches the cops round up and humiliate drug users and the super poor on national television, with shows like "bad boys". Who are you?

The theme song "Bad boys bad boys what ya gonna do, what ya gonna do when we come for you" makes me want to puke.You sick bunch of bastards. That entertains you?

From here in Australia it looks to be one of the ugliest things I have ever seen and the producers should be jailed not the poor people in their video.

The victims are often unable to feed themselves without the proceeds of crime.They are publicly humiliated and marginalized by self righteous arrogant cops in a country where the living standards promoted by consumerism that leaves their victims forever on the outside looking in until they are on the inside of a jail.

American people are not bad, but many are as ignorant as goat shit when it comes to thinking for themselves.

I give America a lot of flack I know, but that is because I have so many American friends who can think a lot better than the state of their country would indicate.

What gets to me is that voting age America doesn't seem to recognize the power they have with their vote. Their local, State and Federal representation is in their hands at all times. Americans as a people with the right to vote should be able to get the government they vote for. In other words. You get the Government you deserve.

Tell me it isn't so!!!

My American many American friends think the same way.

Who votes for these war-mongering-to-get-rich-low-life-bastards!

Or do the George Bushes, John Howard's and Tony Blair's of this world just have to hit the fear button to get thousands to vote for them and save their jobs? Shit! Flora is smarter than that! Don't accept any reason for war, there isn't one..

Sick leaders send our kids offshore to die or to see so much inhumanity that they need years of therapy When they return and they have no love left to give to their wives and girlfriends and are stressed and mentally unwell almost every last one of them. This is the horrible truth of the gulf wars, and a domestic time bomb.

Rip your Politicians a new ornamental orrifice America!!!

Do it Now.

The rest of us are well over it.

What do I propose?

Ok so what do I propose?

A revolution? You have a vote. Get rid of the crooks in congress for starters.

  • Revolt against the crooked Judiciary who have allowed personal freedom to become a joke.
  • Organize to remove all the god-bothering do gooders out of politics. They screw your country with their narrow minded religious crap, which winds up superimposed on the Government itself.
  • Ensure that fundementalist like Pailin never get a job where they have any say in what the American people can say or do.
  • Jail the crooked bankers and the politicians that supported them.
  • Get rid of congressmen and women who prop up the big chemical companies and other major players who have a vested interest in making laws to protect their own huge profits at the cost of the personal freedom of fellow Americans.Vote them out.
  • Find out about the rest of the world. Most Americans know nothing about the countries they have invaded or the countries forced to do their bidding by threats, blackmail and trade embargoes.
  • Change the dumb ass-ed constitution that encourages gun warfare, and the unbelievably stupid and vague "pursuit of happiness" that Carl Jung recognized as crud when he commented on it on visiting America.

I will not accept that America has the right to tell Australians or any other people living in free nations how to live their lives.N

Nor do I agree with Obama appointing another bunch of crooks to treasury.

Change now America, you have already got most of the world offside.

America is not the world. Nor is it the richest, strongest or best country in the world. The world is a big place, and if America continues to ignore it, they will be marginalized themselves.

Nationalistic fervor is not patriotism. It is self aggrandisement and bullshit, and the rest of the world is well over it.


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