Animal Farm: Napoleon vs. Stalin
I am a huge Animal Farm fan. Maybe my favorite book. I don't read much... Haha! Anyway this is a journal I wrote for my english class. This is before the paper was graded.
Stalin, the Russian leader during the Russian Revolution, and Napoleon, the head pig and ruler of Animal Farm, share more similarities than another characters and political figures in Animal Farm. Napoleon, in the novel Animal Farm, is modeled almost perfectly off of Joseph Stalin. Napoleon was developed to share character traits with Stalin such as intelligence, leadership, and devotion towards ones country. Just like Stalin was considered a great leader of the Russians, Napoleon was also considered a fantastic leader for Animal Farm. Stalin had tons of followers in his beliefs, the same way Napoleon had a bunch of followers. Many Russians agreed with Joseph Stalin on everything he did, and just about every animal on Animal Farm had a great devotion to and admired Napoleon because he was an extremely fast, smart thinker. However, with all of these followers backing up Stalin and Napoleon, it is impossible to make everybody happy, and both Stalin and Napoleon ran across several enemies. Joseph Stalin both encountered huge enemies during their reins. The enemy that Stalin had to deal with was Leon Trotsky, who greatly disapproved what Stalin was doing with Russia. Napoleon’s “Trotsky” was Snowball, who was actually modeled after Trotsky himself, and Napoleon cleverly negotiates with Snowball after Snowball knocks over the windmill the animals had worked so hard on for a long time. All of these similarities, and no two human beings, or animals, can have the exact same character traits and personality. Joseph, Stalin, was probably the largest supporter of communism in history. While Napoleon had similar beliefs that were considered communist ideas, communism in never once mentioned in Animal Farm; Napoleon, with help of the previous leader, Major, basically created the laws that were adhered to on Animal Farm, and the laws were what they thought was the best for the future of the farm. Amidst all of the amazingly vivid similarities, no two beings are exactly alike, but when George Orwell created Napoleon, he created him in Stalin’s image.