Communication Between Men and Women
Ladies, do you ever feel like when talking to your boyfriend or husband that he thinks you are speaking a different language? It is frustrating for both when this happens! Some men feel that all women want to do is talk! Well, women do like to talk things out, that is very true!
Men talk mostly to share immediate info, nothing more nothing less. Conversations with men can seem like they are not interested in you or care, but really they just don't feel the need to say more than needed for that moment. They want to get to the point and they are done. In reality thats just the way mens brains are wired.
Not all men are like this, there are alot of men out there that love a good conversation. But in general men speak half as many words in a day as women.
And men need to be heard about their opinions and feelings (yes in their own way they share their feelings)
Men process information differently than women in that they do not 'multi task' their thoughts. They prefer them one or two at a time, process them and move on to the next. Women's brains however are wired to handle many conversations and thoughts. We just have that ability!
The best way to keep a man's attention during a conversation is to be more direct. Men lose interest when you take a wordy route to the point of your story.
Remember, men are wired to be the provider and solvers. They may take the things a woman is sharing as needing help when all she needs is someone to listen. So she may be offended when he tries to fix things when she doesn't feel she needs fixed!
Women tend to work through problems by verbalizing them because by verbalizing them we 'see' them and can solve them usually ourselves.
Men need to realize that not every question from a woman is a problem begging for a solution. A woman will ask for your help or a solution if she needs one, most of the time she is venting or verbalizing just to verbalize!
Advice for a the guys? Listen, listen, listen. And its okay to mirror back to her what she said to clarify her meanings if you don't know. You can't read her mind any more than she can read yours.
Advice for a woman? Talk to your girlfriends more! ;-) Kidding aside, women need to engage her man in conversations that interest him more, be less wordy in your side of the conversations and be more to the point. And remember, he cannot read your mind any more than you can read his!