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Creative gift and gift wrapping ideas for baby shower

Updated on June 29, 2014

Things you'll find in this article...

  1.  What kind of baby apparel should you be looking for
  2. Questions to ask yourself
  3. Why organic
  4. Where and how to find help with items and ideas
  5. Some very creative packaging and presentation ideas
  6. How tos, instructional videos, and more gift ideas videos
  7. Related links of online shops and blogs
  8. Comments (we love to hear from you) =D

What kind of baby clothing items should you be looking for?

All kinds. And don't limit yourself to the posibilities.

It's not necessary to get items that will only benefit a newborn. Not only do babies join the world in all shapes and sizes, but they do grow fast! Too much newborn stuff and mom may find herself in a bit of a pinch.

Sure a mom can exchange what you've gotten her, (assuming she didn't already take the tags off for use), but I guarentee she's going to be way too tired for the first six weeks. She's not going to want to stand in line waiting to exchange anything except sleep deprevity. All the more reason to spread your wings and look for stuff that's not necessarily meant for a new baby. It's more than all right to get oversized items. Don't limit yourself to newborn infant items only. Mother to be will appreciate this in the weeks to come.

If you know the sex of the baby, great. That makes your life easier since you can concentrate on a certain look. If not, you'll need to be sure you go neutral. This is easier than you think. Many baby items are thankfully gender neutral; not just styles but colors, and patterns as well. Greens, blues, yellows, whites, purples, reds, solids, stripes, polka dots,...

Pottery Barn Kids Polka Dot Nursery Wraps ~ Classic polka dots give our nursery set a cute, preppy touch. The washcloth and hooded towel are each woven of plush Turkish cotton terrycloth and feature a solid piping border. Available colors listed belo
Pottery Barn Kids Polka Dot Nursery Wraps ~ Classic polka dots give our nursery set a cute, preppy touch. The washcloth and hooded towel are each woven of plush Turkish cotton terrycloth and feature a solid piping border. Available colors listed belo

Other questions to ask yourself are what kind of things will baby be doing?

  • Bathtime - Think soft plush baby bathrobes and slippers
  • Sleep time - Think onesies, gowns, footsies, socks, wee-willy-winkie caps, undershirts
  • Cozy with mom time - Think same as sleepy time but can include baby booties, buttons and looser fits
  • Out in my stroller or ride in the car time - Includes jacet, sweater, pants, caps and sunhats
  • Feeding time - tip: baby cloth diapers make excellent, easy to wash, easy to wipe up food and spit-ups, easy to use and reuse no matter what baby's age is gifts.

Organic babywear
Organic babywear


Another thing to keep in mind when shopping for baby is material and texture. Not all babies' skins are going to react the same to generic clothing. Luckily, many "green" companies are open for business and thriving, giving you, the consumer, a great variety, especially when in comes to shopping onlline. There are plenty of soft and friendly organic materials out there that are hypoalergenic, extra safe for baby's skin, and won't cost you a fortune.

Need help?

Do some online window shopping. You can find types of products that can give you unique buying ideas, online.

Search "baby gifts" or "baby clothing"

  • in blogs (many are dedicated to just that)
  • in Etsy shop
  • in other online stores and shops
  • search online photos
  • check out YouTube

Play around with your exact search terms and you'll find that inspiration is just a click away.

onesie cupcakes from
onesie cupcakes from
gift buckets from
gift buckets from

Gathering creative ideas for presentation

So now you've got your baby items. You've drooled, oooed and ahhhhed over them. Now what. Gift box with ribbon? Gift bag with tissue paper?

How about something that will make a splash. Something that will make mom to be feel super special?

Creative presentation can make simple items like baby diapers, onesies, hats, socks, and bibs, super special. There are a lot of places you can go to get inspiration. The same places you went to get ideas for what to get often inspire creative ideas. From give basket set ups, to keepsake boxes, to how to's on how to make things like bouques, and cakes (two of the most popular ideas you'll find).   You can also get great ideas from displays.

Use a beautiful hat box, decorate it with ribbon, place some neatly placed items under the ribbon.  Use plant pots.  Use beautifully woven baskets mom can use for anything.

The sky's the limit. Don't be afraid to take an idea and put your own twist to it or go off on a tangent. Be a kid again. Let yourself get inspired. Chances are more than likely you're stuff will look at least as good if not better than a professionally put together package.

It will come from the heart.

It'll have a bit of you in it.

It'll be more personal.

And yes, it'll give mother to be a big smile. She just may even forget the pain in her back and the throbbing in her feet for a few precious moments.

The Baby Bunch
The Baby Bunch

The Baby Bunch

In this video, Martha and the inventor of "The Baby Bunch" show step by step insructions on how you can make a special bouquet of onsies, bibs, and other necessary newborn items for an expectant mom. The Baby Bunch makes the perfect Baby Shower gift.

I found a shop that sells these most beautiful bouquets that you can purchase. Be sure to check the Baby Bunch link in the Online Shops section provided for you towards the end of this article.

Gorgeous bouquet!

diaper cake from beaucoup ~ Fine Favors.  Stylish giving.
diaper cake from beaucoup ~ Fine Favors. Stylish giving.

The famous Diaper Cake

 You'll find many "how to"s on the internet on making diaper cakes.  They're simple, recyclable, and provide the maker with a lot of room for creativity.  I came across this example that I thought was so colorful and lovely that I had to share.  While it's not a how to video, she does explain what she put together and offers an inside look at her many wonderful layers.  Hope this inspires.

New twist on the "diaper cake"


Baby Shower Savvy - Parents TV -- Baby Shower info and gift ideas

Be sure to check out the links of online shops and related blogs. More blogs will be added as really great ones are found, so be sure to come back for a check every now and again.


If you've got any ideas or places to look for inspiration, let us know in the comments section. We'd love to hear from you.


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