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Five Reasons To Date A Man Who Wears Panties

Updated on October 12, 2009

Good news ladies! There is a whole untapped wellspring of male talent hiding under your very noses. Men who wear lingerie. Not quite cross dressers, not quite the traditional male, these men walk a fine line; embracing their masculine side, but also honoring the feminine. I know there has been a swing in popularity away from the SNAG (sensitive new age guys) and back towards caveman Og and his club, but ladies, you may not want to let your personal pendulums swing you right past a subset of male society made up of men who have the ability to make the women they love very happy indeed.

So what do men who wear lingerie have going for them?

  • I moderate all comments, and I very rarely have to moderate a nonsense ridden travesty to grammar as has become native to the Internet. What does this tell you? It tells you that men who wear lingerie are educated, eloquent and willing to take five seconds to proof a comment before they send it. They pay attention to detail. In a realm where 99% of comments run along the lines of 'OMG ha LOL f4g', these men really do stand out.
  • Normally, men who wear lingerie concoct some amazing lingerie outfits that a woman just wouldn't think of. They will mix and match styles, cuts and brands to create cute outfits that put most women's lingerie ensembles to shame. You shouldn't be put off by this though, it is just one way that men who wear lingerie showcase how inventive and creative they are, not to mention how much effort they are willing to put into things they care about.
  • If you find a man who wears lingerie and embrace it along with the rest of him, he will appreciate it greatly. Although wearing lingerie isn't inherently a bad thing, many men who wear lingerie themselves actually regard it as a handicap in the love game. Because their taste for lingerie generally begins early in life, they've often been rejected by one or two high school or college Barbies and therefore learned that a woman who can open her mind just a smidgin, just a touch, just enough to allow a skerrick of satin and nylon to pass through, is a woman worth holding on to.
  • The great thing about dating a man who you know wears lingerie is that you're actually cutting out automatically what I would call the less desirable portion of the male lingerie wearing group, ie, those who do so and don't tell their partners. A man who wears lingerie and tells you about it is a man who is more likely to be honest in your relationship on the whole.
  • Of course, one cannot draw too many conclusions about a man simply because he wears lingerie. Men who wear lingerie come from all walks of life and come in all shapes and sizes. From 'macho' military men to mild mannered librarians, there are men who wear lingerie just waiting for you to discover them. This also means that there's a man who wears lingerie to suit the tastes of every lady.

I understand the temptation to be close minded and simply dismiss all men who wear lingerie from your dating pool, but when you consider that many men keep little secrets like this hidden away from their partners simply because they fear that the women in their lives will judge them, you might find it more useful to just consider embracing the alternatives from the get go. In other words, if you laugh at this sort of thing and think that your guy, your rough tough guy would never wear lingerie - you could be very, very wrong about that.


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