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Hubpages: I Just Wanted To Say A big Thank You!

Updated on May 16, 2013

I have been a writer since I was ten years old. I am not saying I was a good writer, I suspect that my first sojourn into the world of writing was a bit, well, basic to say the least. But I can remember one of my first stories, it was about a wall with a secret tunnel leading into another dimension. I was really proud of that, but of course somewhere in the annals of time it seems to have disappeared. But in my mind it is as clear as day. As I grew older, I scribbled madly on bits of paper, scattering them all over the house until my mother said 'For goodness sake, put them in a folder or something, you never know, one day you might be a great writer and be on the front cover of magazines, don't treat them like doodles, treat them with respect and you never know where they might lead'. Well I haven't got to that stage just yet! but I have managed a few published stories over the years in a couple of magazines and I jumped through the roof when I got my first bit of poetry published in an anthology of poems a few years ago, I jumped to such an extent I ended up banging on my friends front door at all hours of the day, and before they could ask me what I wanted, I leaped in, head first and yelled, I GOT PUBLISHED! Of course their reaction was one of, Oh, well done. Along with a look as if to say 'What the hell am I supposed to say to that? I know nothing about writing, and it doesn't really interest me'! But they politely smiled and said congratulations, and off I went with a smile as wide as a butchers dog, with the wagging tail to match.

And I think that is the point. Being a writer is one of those things that, if you got the feeling, it's a feeling that only you have got! lol. Let me explain. or at least try to. So many people these days think about money. That's it. Anyway you can, you earn the pounds or the dollars to either live comfortably or make yourself rich and famous. But sometimes doing something is not about the money, or the fame. It is about personal achievement. Even if you are living off a tin of beans and a packet of stale biscuits, you can still get that sense of wonderment when something happens to you. And that is where writing comes in.

A sense of Wonderment

Those little magic moments when you suddenly realise that the words that you have written on a page, or in this case, Hubpage, actually, do get noticed by people who you wouldn't think would read your work. We have all sat here writing away, telling our stories about life in general or a particular subject that is fascinating. Whether it be about something in History, or a new book on the market, or even Presidents and Kings, we never really think about  the other people who are out there. Oh, of course we think of our followers on here. They are, as far as I am concerned, the most important critics, and I love getting comments so I can eagerly go and write a comment back, and of course go and read their interesting and more than often fascinating hubs knowing nothing about the subject, but coming away with a smug expression, aware that I am going to impress someone with my newly learned knowledge!

But sometimes, just sometimes, something amazing happens. You suddenly realise that the Hub that you have written, with the words that come out of your mind and go through your fingers to hit the keys of the computer, reach the person you have written about. Or you have managed to get your Hub published on a well known celebrities site, or a popular magazine. And that is my point. It is not about the money, as there is none at all involved. It is the fact that someone who works for or is indeed themselves top of their profession has noticed you. This has happened to me recently. First of all I have submitted a couple off Articles to Derren Brown, who is famous in Britain as a magician and illusionist on TV, and I was delighted to find that they accepted it, and also I have been lucky enough to have a couple on Fortean Times magazine online too. The feeling that you get when you know that you are 'getting there' is fantastic.

But my delight knew no bounds when earlier today I opened my Windows Mail and found an e-mail from Matthew Manning! Matthew is probably one of the most famous and genuine Psychic Healers alive today, he has been on numerous TV shows and more importantly has healed so many people with his gift. He is a genuine nice guy. I first read his book back in the seventies and have occasionally wondered what he is doing now, and where has his life has lead him. My curiosity suddenly got me, well, curious!, and I decided to write a Hub about him. And to my delight I recieved an e-mail from him saying how much he appreciated it, and made a funny joke about one of the pictures!

So Thank you Hubpages!

My grin was so wide you could have parked a bike in it! lol I was chuffed to say the least. The hub that I had written, about a guy who has intrigued me for years, had written to little me! Wow! And that is my point. If I hadn't discovered Hubpages, this would not have happened. I know there are loads of sites out there for writers, I checked loads before joining Hubpages. But they were just wrong for me. When I got here my first thought was, and still is in fact, 'This is the one'. Why? Because of the Hubpage Community, because of the layout of the page, and of course because of the amount you can write. It doesn't have to be a piddly little couple of paragraphs like some sites, and we have got the capsules, and well, just about everything.

So There you have it. I can write. I may not be famous, I may not be rich, but because of you, Hubpages, I can tell my stories, learn a bit of everything, meet fantastic people, and last but not least, get wonderful moments of the magical kind.


If you like mysteries, psychic phenomena, true stories, or just a good laugh, please feel free to click on my Profile page, the link is below, it would be great to see you.


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