Need of sex education in schools
Start sex education which provides knowledge on using protection while perfoming sex to prevent AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases
Yes, sex eduction needs to be implemented in Indian schools quickly, as the amount of rapes happening in India is quite unbelievable. It is the worst thing to happen. Implementing sex education in Indian schools would make life more safe in India, especially nowadays teen sex is increasing and due to lack of information and shyness, teenagers are getting infected with AIDS and young girls are getting pregnant, when they just intent to have sex for passion and enjoyment and not for getting pregnant.
One of my friend asked me a couple of days back that if government will implement sex education in schools, would there be a situation like Kamasutra but I told him no, as I think sex education has more to do than Kamasutra. I am pretty sure if sex education is implemented in India, they are not going to teach Kamasutra. Sex education is about taking precautionary measures and making children aware of what it is all about and it is not about encouraging children to have sex. On the other hand, Kamasutra totally provides instructions on how to do sex in different positions and styles for pleasure of your partner.
Sex education is quite important, especially in India. Having the knowledge can stop AIDS and in some way make the society more open and rapes can be avoided to an extent.
AIDS and HIV are rampant in India. Unless and until young people know about sex and self-protection from a responsible teacher, they will listen to crap half-baked knowledge spread from peer-to-peer and get themselves in trouble. It is not like no school offers sex education. There are schools which have started offering sex education in India. In some schools, it is a part of the Health subject in CBSE and other boards of education in India. Lack of sex education can have severe consequences. I remember some days back it was in the news and media, a girl committed suicide because she believed that kissing would make her pregnant, so what this is? Now if that girl would have known that after kissing she cannot become pregnant, she would have been alive. Parents are becoming broad-minded but when it comes to educating their kids on sex, they are against it, why? I know that there is proper timing and age factor involved in this subject but that is also not being implemented in our home environment. So, the better decision is in the hands of government, to implement sex education in India or not.
I remember when I was in class 8th or 9th, there were two chapters, Reproduction System Part I and II, but when these chapters were taught to us, teachers would skip or say it in short and would teach us only about female and male anatomy and as a result, some of my friends became curious and started to watch porn movies to understand it.
So at last, I would say that sex education would help in reducing teenage pregnancies, AIDS, and various other sexually-transmitted diseases which happen due to ignorance and lack of knowledge and it should be implemented in the curriculum.
Is there really a need of sex education in schools?
Sex education should be provided after adolescence
If you compare India with the western nations, sex or sex education becomes a common thing at an earlier age than in India. There is major influence of the western nations here in India, especially in big cities. I do believe sex education and its awareness is must but only at the right time and age as discussed in my previous hubs.
One thing more to add is that providing sex education before adolescence is not good. That is why I speak of puberty, as that is the age when sexual desires are actually experienced. That is when the mind raises questions and we seek answers to certain feelings and experiences which are nature's own. If you give sex education to children at an age when they really do not understand it or cannot feel it, it leads to premature knowledge, which can lead them to wrong ideas and perceptions.
Sex education that really works
- 10 Reasons We Need Comprehensive Sex Education in Our Schools - Associated Content
Why we need comprehensive sex education in our schools. - Comprehensive Sex Education is More Effective at Stopping the Spread of HIV Infection
The APA is recommending that comprehensive sex education and HIV prevention programs become widely available in schools, according to this press release. - Sex Education that Works
Sex education is sometimes called sexuality education or sex and relationships education, and is the process of acquiring information and forming attitudes and beliefs about sex, sexual identity, relationships and intimacy. - Good Sexual Intercourse Lasts Minutes, Not Hours, Therapists Say
Satisfactory sexual intercourse for couples lasts from 3 to 13 minutes, contrary to popular fantasy about the need for hours of sexual activity, according to a survey of US and Canadian sex therapists. - Sexual Intercourse - How to Make Love Whole night!
Love making is most magnificent celestial experience. While making love, we forget about our past and feel absolutely no worries of our future; everything freezes to time and we live in very moment. But unfortunately for some people; love making do n -
- Having sex for the first time
Becoming pregnant, the law, being ready, and how you have sexual intercourse.