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LDS Bloggers

Updated on April 10, 2012

What actually is a Blogger?

Did you know that the word blog is actually derived from two words put together and then abbreviated?  Yes, the word Blog comes from the combination of web and log.  The Blog is commonly produced by an individual but can also be a group effort.  It consists of regular entries on various topics either by the written word or the use of other materials such as pictures or videos.  I like to think of the definition of the word Blogger with the same combination of letters but two different words.  These two words are We Blog.  Yes, Bloggers are people who Blog. 

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Day Saints

The LDS Temple in Salt Lake City, Utah.
The LDS Temple in Salt Lake City, Utah.

What is LDS?

LDS is an abbreviation commonly used to refer to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Perhaps you may be more familiar with the term Mormon. Mormon is simply a slang word applied to The LDS Church in reference to The Book of Mormon, which is additional scripture authorized by the LDS Church in combination with The Bible as core doctrine. Hence, LDS Bloggers are people who Blog, who are either members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, or they choose to Blog about LDS beliefs.

Mormon Tabernacle

This curiously shaped building sits right next to the LDS Temple in Temple Square in Salt Lake City, Utah.
This curiously shaped building sits right next to the LDS Temple in Temple Square in Salt Lake City, Utah.

LDS Blogs and The Bloggernacle

Believe it or not, there is a very large LDS Blogger community who spend time on the Internet writing about The LDS Church and their lives as members of that community. Another term that those in the Internet Blogging community lays claim to is the “Blogosphere”. In an attempt to find an amusing play on words the LDS corner of the Blogosphere was dubbed by many of the original LDS Bloggers, about five years ago, as “The Bloggernacle.” The Bloggernacle is aptly named because of its reference to the Mormon Tabernacle. The Tabernacle is located in Salt Lake City right next to the Salt LakeTemple. It has a curious shape and has probably reached its height of fame because it is the home of the world renowned Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Just as the Tabernacle sits on solid ground, the Bloggernacle is a solid force as well on the Internet.

LDS Bloggers that I choose to follow.

The Bloggernacle is a good place to find interesting information about the members of the LDS Church and what they are excited to talk about, but as for me, I have my very own special list of LDS Bloggers that I like to follow. I would like to share some of my favorite LDS Blogs with you, so I decided to publish the links to these LDS Blogs so that you could find them really easily.

LDS Nana

Kathryn Skaggs one Well Behaved Mormon Woman.
Kathryn Skaggs one Well Behaved Mormon Woman.

Kathryn Skaggs LDS Nana

I always seem to start my day looking at my dear friend LDS Nana’s Blog which is called A Well Behaved Mormon Woman. Kathryn Skaggs, or Nana, describes her blog in this way: “What is a "Well-Behaved" woman anyway? Most often, One thinks of the type of woman - that sits quietly in the background, not willing to share her opinions. Of course she has them, but it might upset "some" if she were to speak out. Therefore, she remains in silence. Is this what you think? Well, I actually have a very different idea of "how" a "Well Behaved Women" conducts herself... so just watch me!

You can also find Kathryn as the writer of The LDS Grandparent Place. I am not a grandma yet, but I still visit to see what she has cooking there too! Kathryn is a regular on Hubpages too. She is simply all over the place when it comes to LDS views, trying to live by her motto, "To do more good."

Beloved Bridgreoom

Connections by Donna B. Nielsen

My next stop is a wonderful little Blog called Connections.  It is written by a woman named Donna B. Nielsen.  I guess it was by chance that I stumbled onto this gem, but now it is a regular stopping point for me daily.  Donna B. Nielsen is also the author of a book called Beloved Bridegroom.  If you want an experience in the gospel of Jesus Christ that you simply won’t forget, read her book.  

Seth Adam Smith’s Blog

Known more for his wonderful You Tube productions, Seth Adam Smith has recently started Blogging to promote his videos and express his views. He is very conservative when it comes to politics and expresses his opinions freely. I find it refreshing. He uses this Blog to introduce his new video productions, so if you want to find out what is new and upcoming, it is a good thing to follow Seth Adam Smith. Below is a sample of the wonderful quality videos he produces.

A sample video from Seth Adam Smith

Bruce Crow

His thorough attention to detail is so fascinating and well worth reading.
His thorough attention to detail is so fascinating and well worth reading.

Amateur Mormon Historian

I guess it might be because of my love for family history, or simply because of my love for LDS history, but another Blog I simply adore is called Amateur Mormon Historian. The author of the Blog is Bruce Crow who labels himself as a “Mormon history geek who eats junkfood with his teenage daughter.” Right now Bruce is doing an in depth study of the Cane Creek Massacre that occurred in Tennessee on Aug. 10, 1884. I love his penchant for details and his writing is captivating for me too.

KooLDSGirlz is cool.

Yes, I do follow KooLDSGirlz an LDS Blog for LDS young women. Maybe it is my attempt to stay young, or on top of the current events regarding the youth of the LDS Church, but I simply love to see what is happening at this youthful LDS Blog. These LDS Bloggers even have a group started over on Facebook if you want to check that out too.


Women in the Scriptures

To satisfy my “grown-up” side I simply love an LDS Blog called Women in the Scriptures. This LDS Blog author simply goes by Heatherlady. She is a church going, home birthing, book loving, chicken raising, fast swimming, doula training, toast eating, baby snuggling, modern dancing, muffin loving, mother, wife, sister, and daughter. Her research into the lives of the women who are mentioned in all four of the Standard Works of the LDS Church is really something to be admired. Make sure to read some of the past Blog posts to really get to know these marvelous women of God.

Tim Malone

Latter-day Commentary

Tim Malone of Latter-Day Commentary keeps me connected to the whole LDS Blogger scene. Tim is a computer geek by profession and his LDS Blog really shows it. He has the largest list of LDS Bloggers to be found in one place I think. Tim shares his insights and opinions about the LDS Church and actively tries to correct doctrine that is incorrectly taught in other places on the Internet. You can find him online every day on various internet communities and blogs, especially in the tech area.

Bryce Haymond

Author of Temple Study a great LDS Blog that teaches about the LDS Temples.
Author of Temple Study a great LDS Blog that teaches about the LDS Temples.

Temple Study

Another one of my absolute favorite places to visit is TempleStudy an LDS Blog dedicated to sustaining and defending the LDS Temple. The author of this LDS Blog is Bryce Haymond who claims as his credentials “a strong, abiding, and ever-intensifying testimony of the truth of the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ through the instrumentation and work of the chosen Prophet Joseph Smith in this last dispensation of the world.” Bryce Haymond has dedicated this LDS Blog to the Mormon scholar Dr. Hugh Nibley, whose “landmark temple studies have strengthen the faith of many.” At TempleStudy you will not come away without gaining some insight or inspiration for the day.

Mormon Soprano an LDS Musical Blog

Added to my list of LDS Blog favorites is a Blog called Mormon Soprano. It is written by a talented woman who calls herself MoSop, and describes her Blog as “personal reflections of a musical missionary.” MoSop is a Mormon, soprano, Mom, who is also a teacher, Christian, and a missionary. She has a passion for words and loves to write her personal observations about life. MoSop has also tried her hand at video production and does a really great job, most of them featuring the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.

LDS Women of God Blog

One LDS Blog I simply can't forget  to mention is one written by Jan Tolman. She has written the Blog LDS Women of God. Although Jan has a wonderful flair for writing, I have decided to quote the words of her husband Stephen Tolman as he endorses his wife in her endeavors to bring light to the world.

“My name is Stephen Tolman, I am Jan’s husband. My wonderful wife is truly a Woman of God. Her great passion is to teach the truths of the gospel and especially realize how great the restored gospel message is for all of us. She is a great mother and grandmother and wants all sisters in the gospel to understand their divine role in the great plan of salvation. There is so much mis-information and griping, especially in the LDS blog community, that the sole purpose of this blog is to teach and share the truth.”

I love how Jan does just that, she is an excellent teacher and always seeks to lift.

From the Desk of Denver Snuffer

My number one choice, or absolute favorite blog is called, From the Desk of Denver Snuffer. You simply must check it out for yourself.

In The Doghouse

Ok, call it self promotion if you like, but I have to list my very own LDS Blog called In The Doghouse. I guess being In The Doghouse is my very favorite place to be. Come and check it out for yourself. I really love to think of myself as another LDS Blogger floating around in this great big Blogosphere!

My List of Favorite LDS Blogs

Well, now you have my list of favorite LDS Blogs, that I pay a visit to each day. Really though there are a lot of wonderful LDS Blogs out in the Blogosphere that I just didn’t get a chance to mention. If you know of another great LDS Blog that I missed, leave a link in the comments and I will check it out! I love to read LDS Blogs and get that extra lift from knowing there are great LDS Bloggers out there!

Now go and visit some of the links that I have shared with you and see what great things these LDS Bloggers have to say!

Don't forget, every Blogger loves comments, so don't forget to leave one and let them know what you think!


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