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Poor People

Updated on December 30, 2013

“Everyday yuh get up politician yuh cursing politician yuh cursing situation worsen
But a nuh lie, if yuh nuh try, well yuh nah go get nuh bligh
All a look like yuh waan see bread drop from di sky”[1]

Here’s the truth: poor people need to mobilize! As Bounty Killer said you cannot wait for bread to drop from the sky. The lie about how wealth trickles down from the wealthy to those in the slums is just that, a gross lie!

Believe nothing the corporate media tells you! Next to politicians they are the biggest liars and I will not go into details here because I have already proven that in my essay titled “Truth is only “true” from a certain perspective”. The point being is to be sceptical of what the T.V. and/or newspapers tell you. If you do not educate yourself (do research), you will never know what is really happening with you and around you! Do you enjoy living in the Matrix?

Being poor is the twenty-first century type of slavery: financial slavery! Poverty keeps you immobilized; paralyzed without adequate finances you cannot move, you cannot eat and consequentially you cannot think because as Napoleon once said: “An army marches on its stomach”. Without proper food you will not go far. So, watch what you eat because as another saying goes: “You are what you eat!” Be free of McNasty, stay away from that poison. (I would like to make a parenthesis here and add that there is a very good documentary about the food we eat which may be found on Youtube or simply by goggling the title “Food Inc”.)

“The revolution will not be televised”! It has started and it needs You! The revolution that has begun is in the belief system we have been programmed to accept. We have been brainwashed for decades and constantly been kept in a state of fear. Some people are afraid that they will lose their job, some are afraid that they will not be able to afford the medicine they need (which they often do not actually need but they are trained to believe they need it), while others are afraid that they will not be able to put their kids through college or university. We are trained to fear strangers, fear those unlike us be they Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist or whatever else … black, white, red and yellow: we are all the same. Fear nothing because fear rarely helps and certainly it does not in our social circumstance. Once fear is shed, opportunities will be allowed to arise. Being in a state of fear though, negates your thought process. Be courageous, be yourself!

Apathy will not help! Get angry, sure Life is unfair, it is a struggle but you need to be involved in what goes on and if you feel that your voice is not heard: get louder and not for the sake of being loud but for the sake that others will hear you and they will join you. You are not alone. Poor people are all over the world and are doing just as bad whether they live in Canada, France, Pakistan or Somalia. Despair is despair. We should shed that feeling though and look at whatever possibilities exist to better our lives and the lives of those around us.

Mobilize! Get angry and get active! People do not have to be living in poverty, Life can be different. We create the reality we believe that we can forge! Believe in yourself, believe in the Great Spirit and it will guide your path! Open your eyes, “the truth’s inside you” (Diabolic, “Truth”)! I believe in you, you should as well! My message is simple: believe in yourself and act, even if you think your actions might not have the impact you wish they had, keep struggling, your voice is heard and it is important. Defeat is not an option! We have to fight for our rights and for a better world!


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