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Professional Tarot Reading

Updated on September 25, 2009

The Question Verses the Answer

I shuffle the cards and lay them down using a Celtic Spread.

Her defining card, which I lay down in the center of the circle is the Queen of Swords, inverted. Wow. I’m getting her as a rather prudish person with a narrow mind. Someone who basically only sees what she wants.

The Influencing card is the Seven of Coins, also inverted, which I explain to her is a sign that impatience and anxiety effect her strongly.

Jennifer listens intently, but seems confused. What does this have to do with that raise? She wonders.

Her Destiny/Goal card is the Two of Swords. Could there be dishonesty in her future? Is she planning to bend facts, maybe lie on her time card or go to some other drastic measure to ensure that the evaluation goes her way? Or, is there someone lurking in the shadows. A coworker who may be watching her every move and building a case of her mistakes that will snowball her soon. I present these possiblities to her and ask her to be very mindful of her actions over the next few weeks.

The next card represents energies from Jennifer’s distant past. The distant past can be several years ago or it could be a few months ago. It can be as far back as your childhood or even further back into your family’s history. But what I see right now is the Knight of Coins, also inverted and telling me of a time in Jennifer’s past when she was careless. It also points out to the narrowmindedness, tying this card in with The Queen of Swords which is telling her that this is basically her current mindset.

Now, ideally, Jennifer might begint to wonder if she may wind up being accountable for something she’s done in the past. She seems to recall a minor squabble with a coworker who didn’t agree with how she was performing a particular function. Ah, the plot thickens. But she doesn’t let me in on this, which is fine with me as I prefer not to be fed information that might taint the reading.

A look into her recent past reveals the Ten of Wands. In the image on the card a man is carrying a hatchet and chopping down what looks like ten long rods. This image conjures to mind a person who is working very hard and making every effort to complete a task. Jennifer knows that evaluations mean a possible raise in pay and maybe even consideration for employment. It’s a drastic change from the way things were before, when she didn’t feel she could do this. I relate my own experiences with finding a job, working hard and finally getting the promotion I deserved which help to illustrate what the reading is trying to tell her.

The Six of Swords tells her to expect difficulties but that she will face them with determination and strength. There is a small sign of succsess. I tell her that the future is not set in stone, however and to be wary of the choices she makes along the path she will be traveling on.

I see Strength, a Major Arcana telling me that she is full of energy and conviction, pure fervor.

However, I have now drawn the card that tells me of other people and their effect on her. It’s the Queen of Cups in reverse and she is warning Jennifer. Watch out for unreliable people, people who may bend the truth for their own gain even if it means hurting you.

Here it becomes clearer to Jennifer that the raise is not what’s important right now. It’s how she deals with her coworkers and in deed anyone she has encountered and in someway wronged. The Page of Swords tells me of a strong desire within her to percieve the unknown. And the King of Swords ends the reading by telling her to be wary of conflict and struggle in the coming months. There will be bloodshed that she might not be able to avoid, because of her actions in the past.

As with many readings Jennifer’s question of getting a raise was not answered directly. Instead, the question was presented to her of did she deserve the raise at this point? Had she performed her actions prudently, taking advice when she should have and not allowing people to get to her? In many ways, the reading has actually raised questions, but they were questions that needed to be asked and only she can answer them.



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