Why I Love Starbucks
My favourite coffee is the medium blend I purchase from Tesco when in the UK. As a second best I would go for the Marks & Spencer equivalent and, occasionally I can find that abroad. Both should be drunk with non dairy creamer and just a touch of sugar. Perfect, absolutely delicious. Wakes one up and ready to attack the day.
In the world of coffee houses I am an expert but I have given up trying to find the equivalent but have learnt a lot about them along the way. Starbucks is best! I don't particularly like Starbucks coffee but it is undoubtedly the best you will find in coffeeland.
I like Starbucks because it is consistent, comfortable and reliable and because the staff are always nice. I have visited Starbucks in recent years in the UK, China, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, United Arab Emirates and others.
Starbucks Logo
I am a 'homeless' person. I sold my house and all my possessions to get together enough money to travel. 'Home' to me today is usually a hostel or hotel room. More often than not there is not even a chair in my room. Starbucks then is my lounge. There is always a comfortable chair. The music is tasteful and the atmosphere relaxing. There are always current newspapers and there is always a clean toilet either in the building or very close by.
I feel happy in my Starbucks. I do most of my writing, sitting there in comfort.There is conversation there if I need it and companionship too. I have picked up and been picked up in Starbucks.
The staff are wonderful. I have never met a grumpy Starbucks employee. Their memories are outstanding.
Once on entering a brand new Starbucks in the south of Thailand I was greeted with "Hello Peter, nice to see you again...double shot latté?". I had not been to South Thailand for six months! The girl working here had moved across from another branch.
I have had two similar experiences in Manila in the Philippines as well as countless friendly and familiar greetings at branches I visit frequently.
I do visit frequently too and for the other reliable Starbuck essential...a good WiFi connection. I have only come across one where there was no WiFi and whereas most make a small charge some are actually free.
Another little point of interest is the differences in Starbucks coffee houses from the simple to the opulent.
People knock this coffee chain because they have nothing better to do. I reckon a good cup of coffee does more good than harm. There will always be room in my world for Starbucks