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The Hubpages Sucks Page

Updated on August 31, 2012


Due to changes over the last two years, and finally with the 'idle hubs' feature I can no longer support or suggest joining Hubpages platforms. I have advised against multiple changes made by Hubpages, and the final choice to de-index hubs based on arbitrary factors is quite simply the last straw.

I'm not going in to details here, but needless to say - despite my previous recommendations of Hubpages I no longer feel that I can recommend this platform without risking my reputation.

Does Hubpages Suck?

There are a couple of websites that say Hubpages Sucks, I am goibg to prove them wrong.
There are a couple of websites that say Hubpages Sucks, I am goibg to prove them wrong.

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And laugh at those who say Hubpages Sucks while you make money!

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Introduction to Hubpages Sucks

There have been a few websites run by ex hubpages users recently that have been saying that Hubpages sucks. I thought to myself, hang on a minute, I make over a grand a month on this website. How does Hubpages suck?

Now the community that say Hubpages sucks is as expected rather small, they may all say Hubpages sucks. But judging by their grammar, their overly promotional stories, and even one person who was upset and said Hubpages sucks because he copied content off of a website, and was unpublished for duplicate content, maybe they deserved it.

Of course, I saw this as leaving me with only one option, I decided that I should inform all the people searching for information on Hubpages about just how good the program is. Not only am I going to tell them about how good Hubpages is, I am going to prove it by beating all the naysayers in the Google rankings for the keyword Hubpages sucks to make sure this is the top of the best article directories!

So don't listen to those who say Hubpages Sucks. If they want to Prove Hubpages Sucks, then maybe they should try and contradict what I say below!

Why Trust Me?

Why should you believe me when I say that I am right, and those people who say Hubpages sucks are wrong?

Well if the text to the left is not enough, I am one of many Hubbers who earn my daily living with the help of Hubpages. With Hubpages alone I earn over $1000 each month, supplimented by my other websites to earn a reasonable wage. After nearly a decade working in the SEO and web management field, I feel as if I can accurately talk about online article submission sites, and I can safely say Hubpages is one of the best!

This flies in the face of those who say Hubpages sucks, becaues they didn't want to put the effort in!

So Why Do People Say Hubpages Sucks (And Why Should I Not Be Worried?)

There are several Hubpages sucks arguments you see time and time again from people who say Hubpages sucks These people tend to be speaking out of personal vendetta, saying Hubpages sucks for reasons that are more or less their own fault. Let me list some of the reasons people say Hubpages sucks, and more importantly, why they are wrong!

Complaint - Hubpages sucks because they take your money/a percentage of your money and they do nothing!

The Reason - Hubpages does take a percentage, but they make it incredibly easy to insert adverts and sales modules, not to mention how their system really does help your page get to the top of Google for your Keywords!

Complaint - Hubpages sucks because you are meant to make money on their website and I did not.

The Reason - Hubpages does not pay you money, the advertisers (Adsense, Amazon, eBay, Kontera) pay you. That means that if you are not making any money off of Hubpages with these affiliate programs, you are unlikely to make money anywhere.

Complaint - Hubpages sucks because my hub was flagged as overly promotional!

The Reason - Hubpages, like any other website has to worry about spam articles devaluing the rest of the website. Hubpages will not let you just join up, write an article about your own website or some affiliate product in sales speech, and then past a load of affiliate links. Instead try providing information, with just one link back to your own website.

Complaint - Hubpages sucks because they flagged my site for duplicate content, but why should I write unique content when they do not pay me?

Reason - Hubpages might not pay you, but the with good quality unique content the advertisers will. Try asking yourself why you think duplicating your own content, or stealing from others, will bring you any profit, since duplicated content does not work well in Google. Instead write your own unique content to give you search engine success with Hubpages!

Complaint -Hubpages sucks because the forum is full of clubs, people who band together, trolls, people who are ignorant, etc.

Reason - Yes the forum has some specific groups of friends, and like any group of friends you are not just going to walk in to any of them uninvited. But remember the Hubpages forum has thousands of users and you can find people who share your interests. Also BE WARNED, there are people who will also disagree with you, even about your deeply held beliefs if you are religious. If you feel as if you are offended by anything in the forums, no one is making you post or read the forum. You can still make a lot of money, even if you avoid the forums altogether.

However I personally find most of the forum content is enjoyable, and useful!

Complaint - My Hub has been flagged as substandard, I feel insulted, therefore Hubpages sucks!

Reason - Don't feel insulted, and definately don't think Hubpages sucks because of this,it's an automated system! Try cleaning up the grammar, increasing the word count, and picking up your SEO practices. Hubpages will flag your Hub as substandard for the exact same reasons that Google will. If your writing doesn't pass the Hubpages standard, chances are it won't rank well in Google either!

Does Hubpages Suck?

Does Hubpages suck? I think not, but feel free to accept my challenge and prove to me that Hubpages sucks.
Does Hubpages suck? I think not, but feel free to accept my challenge and prove to me that Hubpages sucks.

The Hubpages Sucks Challenge

In the weeks post publishing this Hub I will follow a few of my normal techniques to increase this Hubs position in the SERPs for the keywords Hubpages Sucks. If however you feel that I am WRONG and that Hubpages sucks, then feel free to create your own website/blog/lens/whatever to beat me to the top of the Google Rankings for Hubpages Sucks.

If you beat me through your normal marketing means, maybe Hubpages Sucks, but if you have to expend additional effort, buy a domain, spend money, all just to make a website that beats my hub about how Hubpages sucks, when I have managed to do it for the same keywords on a Hub that promotes Hubpages, well, maybe you need to rethink the Hubpages sucks argument!.

So can I make money on Hubpages?

The simple answer is 'maybe'. A lot of people who say Hubpages sucks are the exact same people who did not want to put the time or effort in to Hubpages to get the results. The truth is that with any technique to make money online, you will have to put in a lot of hard work. There will always be someone willing to work a little bit harder than you for the same keywords!

Despite those who say Hubpages sucks, I find that Hubpages is an amazing simple way to publish content online, and integrate Amazon/eBay adverts quickly and efficiently. Sorting an ad layout in Hubpages takes seconds, and with some of my ad layouts, the same thing would have taken hours on my own websites. Those who say Hubpages sucks should definitely thing about this!

There are those that say Hubpages sucks because it takes out 40% of your profits, but lets face it, for the time it saves, not to mention the exposure you get, Hubpages is one of the easiest ways to make money online, and you can sign up right here!

Can I Get Free Backlinks on Hubpages

I see this question a lot, and before I started making money with Hubpages, it was the reason I joined!

Those that say Hubpages Sucks because their backlinks were no follow, tend to be the people who tried to abuse Hubpages, thinking it was just another spam filled article directory such as eZine. However those who say Hubpages sucks do not seem to realise that in truth, Hubpages is more about quality, and that is what gives it it's high Google ranking and fast Google indexing!

The Conclusion to Hubpages Sucks

Those who say Hubpages sucks can feel free to try and prove me wrong. Infact if tehy can beat me for the Keyphrase Hubpages sucks I would like to know how they do it. As I work on promoting the keyphrase Hubpages sucks I will be doing nothing less than normal, however i am confident that it will not take long for me to get my Hubpages Sucks page to the top of Google for the words Hubpages Sucks!


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