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Wrist Pain Treatment

Updated on March 20, 2013

Wrist Pain Treatment

One of the more subtle physical ailments that many people have suffered with is wrist pain. Anyone who has ever had to deal with this condition will tell you that one of the first things on your priority list will be to find some type of wrist pain treatment, because it is one of the most uncomfortable and…well, annoying…pains that you can experience. Dealing with the dull, aching pain (or sharp, shooting pain, depending on the cause) that can be present in your wrist(s) can often remind you of how many things you use your wrist for that you may not have initially realized. There are actually quite a few “flavors” of wrist pain, and I believe that it is important for us to cover them in this hub first, because it will be hard to adequately discuss possible treatments if we have not yet pinpointed the cause of the pain; as the saying goes, “Proper diagnosis is half the cure”. One of the most common forms of wrist pain is a condition known as tendonitis, which is basically the inflammation of the tendons in the wrist; this can lead to swelling and that dull but very persistent ache that can cause quite a bit of discomfort. It often comes as a result of strain from repeated movements (such as tennis elbow and the like) and rigorous exercise involving the wrist. Tendonitis can be treated by physicians without the need for surgery, so it is a very treatable problem. Another possible cause of wrist pain is arthritis, which is more severe than tendonitis, and normally affects more than just one localized area. This can be treated as well, and it is highly recommended that you seek the help of a physician to determine the best routes for possible treatment, be it pharmaceuticals or some form of therapy. Another far less threatening condition that can cause wrist pain is Ganglion cysts. I happen to think that the word “Ganglion” is kind of funny…it seems like it would be the name of a character in the “Lord of the Rings” movies. But anyway (okay, that was random), a Ganglion cyst is basically a “lump” or a capsule filled with fluid that normally grows on the back of your wrist, and becomes more visible when you bend your wrist forward (palm down). I had one of these a while back and it freaked me out, because it just seemed to come out of nowhere. This can often be caused by repetitive motions such as typing or using a computer mouse, and is not life-threatening by any means. These cysts are not cancerous, so there’s no need to panic, and they can actually go away without treatment of any kind, but instead by simply taking an extended break from whatever those common motions you’re doing with your wrist. I actually heard from a doctor about a rather crude but (according to him) effective method of getting rid of Ganglion cysts, albeit it is definitely somewhat of an “old-school” method: Take a fairly heavy book such as a school textbook, place it over the top of your wrist while your arm is at rest on a desk or table, and have someone slam down on the book one good time. This will, in effect, “bust” or “break up” the fluid that comprises the cyst. But please, don’t tell anyone that I told you that. :)

Image courtesy of Microsoft Office Clip Art
Image courtesy of Microsoft Office Clip Art

Another common source of wrist pain is carpal tunnel syndrome, which is basically a pinched nerve (the median nerve) in the wrist. This can cause a feeling of overall weakness in the wrist, or feelings of shooting pain, numbness or a tingling sensation in the wrist and/or fingers. Many people have assumed that carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by over-use of the keyboard such as with administrative jobs and so forth, but the jury is still out on this point. Other conditions that are believed to be contributors to carpal tunnel syndrome include arthritis, diabetes, and even pregnancy. One potential treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome includes receiving cortisone injections, which is basically where a type of a steroid is injected into the area of inflammation or wrist pain. This is believed to cause temporary relief for the pain in the wrist, but it is not necessarily a “cure” for carpal tunnel syndrome. Also important to mention is the fact that a risk of infection is present when using cortisone shots. Other forms of wrist pain treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome include anti-inflammatory medications. Lastly, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention one of the more obvious forms of wrist pain, and that would be fractures. This is a “crack” in the bone due to injury or severe strain of the wrist. Fractures fall under the category of “orthopedic injuries”, and depending upon the severity of the fracture, treatment for this type of wrist pain may include having to wear a cast or even getting surgery. All in all, the different types of wrist pain treatment that are available will vary depending upon the injury or the condition, and as I stated before, it is a necessity to accurately identify the source or cause of the pain before seeking any type of treatment.


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