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A new Idea for Me

Updated on March 10, 2024
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I share my experiences, my emotions and believe in myself. I am positive, confident and love life.

Life is what you Make of it!

The change showed from within, and from the outside life. I did not give up on the hardship, instead grew stronger and relied on my thoughts.

My stay in a foreign country allowed me to write and share my experiences with faithful readers.

My new idea is to write a memoir and lots to add here for this new idea.

An autobiography is about an individual's life story and sharing everything in order about a person.

A memoir I have chosen is about a specific event that made a change for that individual.

For example:

I am writing about the change in my life since the move to a new place. My focus is on the events that changed my life.

There is no starting at the beginning when writing a memoir, so I would start from the middle, or whatever comes first to mind. I use my different senses to allow my readers to know more about my new life.

I let go of what was, and know that will not be again. My past is a memory and the present is important to me.

These lessons learned from one continent to another, are unique and handle situations differently. We do have lots in common but in the most unique way.

Everything happens to everyone for different reasons, but people tend to see their issues in their ways.

Writing about a series of events from my life, especially from the African continent to the European continent is a huge lesson for me.

How do you see it?

  • It gives me confidence and an understanding of life.
  • I view issues lightly knowing how my life changed.
  • In my writings, I find out more about myself and don't ignore the problems I face up to it.
  • I appreciate my new life, but I want to let others know how I passed the obstacles and had to go forward with my life here.

I see more value in friendships and family life, but that won't change.

Of course, life will never be the same again! I understand the reasons for all that change. I had to get up and move in my footsteps. I am far from family and have grown with that adjustment. The heart knows better and mine is no different.

When I talk to people who understand me that gives me a whole new attitude towards life. The small community have accepted me, but I know deep down that is all it is.

Getting together with the local people is a good experience but can be a bit tiring when conversations become boring. Through the changes, I discovered my new life.

Change is not for everyone, but you can't escape change in life or anything that comes to you.

I have been locked out of life, the only life I had ever known for a long time. A kind of life that I can only have back during my visit back home.

I made my own life in Croatia to be happy, and free from all troubled thoughts and learned more from this new lifestyle.

Living a less- stressed-out lifestyle has shown me more than I had expected from life.

I cherish every moment and enjoy each day. What I now have I did not have before is a good way of looking at my life and that is my freedom.

You can't always have what you want. You can change that thought by improving your lifestyle. Live the way you want to not from what others want for you.

Show character and be yourself.

I am trying to identify the pieces of my life and put them all together to write a memoir. A memoir is a great idea to allow others to learn from my lessons learned.

In telling my story I learn more from my mistakes. I inform readers of my experiences and where all that got me.

I aim to write what comes to mind and edit later. If I edit my work while writing each word that would interrupt the process.

I don't want to forget what I want to say.

For example:

The use of I, my, and me are the words used most in such cases. Also, I want to tell the truth about all my experiences from the good experiences to the not-so-good experiences.

Readers must get a clear story from all sides.

So, what is it?

Based on my memory I need to be at my best in writing my memoir. I have lots to do, and to catch up on. Research must be accurate, and I know that from within.

Me, sharing what had already happened to me, and had affected me in such ways, is why I need to get on with it.

The most important facts for all to know and to learn from are through my writing. I don't believe that everyone would want to share a memoir, it is personal.

The whole experience is great!

I like to be myself when sharing my memoir. People relate better to anyone showing their true selves.

I know to be simple in my writing and with a simple understanding. Imagine you are writing a letter to a friend, that is how you should write that memoir as I have learned during my research.

How my life changed, only I know what I had to go through during all those times. Sometimes I feel alone and wish for what I haven't had the taste of in many years from my old life.

My story has many emotions once shared I will learn more about that part of me. Words are just words, but when spoken with great meaning can change a person's life forever.

I don't like to keep it all in, it makes me feel unhappy, writing about my thoughts is my best choice.

I couldn't change the way change came to me, I had to move on and live my life, and I took each day as it came, and knew from then on, I was going in another direction.

I didn't walk away from my hardship instead, I stayed and worked it all out, and I am positive and my strengths took me forward and not everything is about love

No money in this world can bring anything back to me to what my life once was, I don't think of my life in that way anymore.

I think of my life with happiness, laughter, and good health.

Life is what you make of it!

Reflections on my personal life brought me here today. Writing taught me many lessons. What I learned about many people has opened my mind to only a few.

Learn from your mistakes!

My life!

A  view of the castle close to my home.
A view of the castle close to my home. | Source
Village views
Village views | Source
Dubrovnik Bay
Dubrovnik Bay | Source

When moving to another country

Would you move to a foreign country without research?

See results

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2015 Devika Primić


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